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ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter I (17701-17750 of 21422):
- Introduction to Software for Chemical EngineersAuthor: Martín, Mariano MartínPublisher: Martín, Mariano Martín ©2018ISBN: 97814665993695 Concurrent Users
- Introduction to Software Process ImprovementAuthor: O'ReganPublisher: O'Regan ©2016ISBN: 9780857291714
- Introduction to Software QualityAuthor: O’ReganPublisher: O’Regan ©2016ISBN: 97833190610541 Concurrent User
- Introduction to Software Testing: A Practical Guide to Testing, Design, Automation, and ExecutionAuthor: Panagiotis LeloudasPublisher: Panagiotis Leloudas ©2023ISBN: 97814842951371 Concurrent User
- Introduction to Soil and Agricultural MicrobiologyAuthor: Prabakaran, G.Publisher: Prabakaran, G. ©2018ISBN: 9789350243107
- Introduction to Soil PhysicsAuthor: Daniel HillelPublisher: Daniel Hillel ©2016ISBN: 9781484228500
- Introduction to Solar Radio Astronomy and Radio Physics, vol. 16Author: KrügerPublisher: Krüger ©2016ISBN: 9789027709974
- Introduction to Solar Terrestrial Relations, vol. 2Author: Shearer, Peter M.Publisher: Shearer, Peter M. ©2016ISBN: 9789401035927
- Introduction to Solid Mechanics : An Integrated ApproachAuthor: Lubliner, Jacob;Papadopoulos, PanayiotisPublisher: Lubliner, Jacob;Papadopoulos, Panayiotis ©2016ISBN: 9781461467670
- Introduction to Solid State ChemistryAuthor: House, James E.Publisher: House, James E. ©2024ISBN: 97805218315051 Concurrent User
- Introduction to Solid State ChemistryAuthor: House, James E.Publisher: House, James E. ©2024ISBN: 9780521831505
- Introduction to Solid State ElectronicsAuthor: F.F.Y. WangPublisher: F.F.Y. Wang ©2016ISBN: 9781461493402
- Introduction to Solid State Ionics : Phenomenology and ApplicationsAuthor: Sunandana, C. S.Publisher: Sunandana, C. S. ©2018ISBN: 97814822297072 Concurrent Users
- Introduction to Solid State Physics and Crystalline NanostructuresAuthor: IadonisiPublisher: Iadonisi ©2016ISBN: 9788847028043
- Introduction to Solid-State Theory, vol. 2Author: MadelungPublisher: Madelung ©2016ISBN: 9783540780618
- Introduction to Soliton Theory: Applications to MechanicsAuthor: Munteanu, Ligia;Donescu, StefaniaPublisher: Munteanu, Ligia;Donescu, Stefania ©2018ISBN: 9781402025761
- Introduction to Soliton Theory: Applications to Mechanics, vol. 143Author: MunteanuPublisher: Munteanu ©2016ISBN: 97814020257611 Concurrent User
- Introduction to Space Charge Effects in Semiconductors, vol. 160Author: BöerPublisher: Böer ©2016ISBN: 9783642022357
- Introduction to Space Sciences and Spacecraft ApplicationsAuthor: Bruce A. Campbell and Samuel Walter McCandless, Jr.Publisher: Bruce A. Campbell and Samuel Walter McCandless, Jr. ©2016ISBN: 9780750323581
- Introduction to Space Systems, vol. 27Author: AguirrePublisher: Aguirre ©2016ISBN: 9781461437574
- Introduction to Sparse Stochastic ProcessesAuthor: Unser, Michael;Tafti, Pouya D.Publisher: Unser, Michael;Tafti, Pouya D. ©2018ISBN: 97811070585451 Concurrent User
- Introduction to SparxSystems Enterprise Architect: Documenting Enterprise Architecture in the Most Affordable Enterprise Architecture SuiteAuthor: Peter DoomenPublisher: Peter Doomen ©2023ISBN: 97814842931195 Concurrent Users
- Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis for Health and Social Science Research: Using COVID-19 Online SourcesAuthor: SharmaPublisher: Sharma ©2022ISBN: 9783540283805
- Introduction to Spatial Mapping of Biomolecules by Imaging Mass SpectrometryAuthor: Bindesh ShresthaPublisher: Bindesh Shrestha ©2021ISBN: 97835402838051 Concurrent User
- Introduction to Special Topics in Observational ResearchAuthor: GagnierPublisher: Gagnier ©2021ISBN: 9780125259507
- Introduction to Spectral Theory in Hilbert Space : North-Holland Series in Applied Mathematics and MechanicsAuthor: Helmberg, Gilbert;Lauwerier, H. A.;Koiter, W. T.Publisher: Helmberg, Gilbert;Lauwerier, H. A.;Koiter, W. T. ©2018ISBN: 9780720423563Unlimited Users
- Introduction to Spectral Theory in Hilbert Space, vol. 6Author: Greuel, Gert-Martin;Lossen, Christoph;Shustin, Eugenii I.Publisher: Greuel, Gert-Martin;Lossen, Christoph;Shustin, Eugenii I. ©2016ISBN: 9783540283805Unlimited Users
- Introduction to Spectral Theory, vol. 113Author: HislopPublisher: Hislop ©2016ISBN: 9781461268888Unlimited Users
- Introduction to SpectropolarimetryAuthor: del Toro Iniesta, Jose CarlosPublisher: del Toro Iniesta, Jose Carlos ©2018ISBN: 9780521818278
- Introduction to Spine SurgeryAuthor: LeePublisher: Lee ©2017ISBN: 9781588904690Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Introduction to Sports Biomechanics : Analysing Human Movement PatternsAuthor: Bartlett, RogerPublisher: Bartlett, Roger ©2018ISBN: 9780419208402
- Introduction to SQL and PL/SQLAuthor: Sharad Maheshwari,Ruchin JainPublisher: Sharad Maheshwari,Ruchin Jain ©2020ISBN: 9781441999818
- Introduction to Stars and Planets: An activities-based explorationAuthor: Alan HirshfeldPublisher: Alan Hirshfeld ©2021ISBN: 9780750336895
- Introduction to Stateflow with ApplicationsAuthor: Karris, Steven T.Publisher: Karris, Steven T. ©2018ISBN: 9781934404072
- Introduction to Static Analysis Using SolidWorks SimulationAuthor: Petrova, Radostina V.Publisher: Petrova, Radostina V. ©2018ISBN: 9781482236187
- Introduction to Statistical Analysis of Laboratory DataAuthor: Bartolucci, Alfred;Singh, Karan P.;Bae, SejongPublisher: Bartolucci, Alfred;Singh, Karan P.;Bae, Sejong ©2018ISBN: 9781484228531
- Introduction to Statistical and Machine Learning Methods for Data ScienceAuthor: Carlos Andre Reis Pinheiro,Mike PatettaPublisher: Carlos Andre Reis Pinheiro,Mike Patetta ©2022ISBN: 9781953329608
- Introduction to Statistical InferenceAuthor: KieferPublisher: Kiefer ©2016ISBN: 9781461395805
- Introduction to Statistical InferenceAuthor: Kiefer, Jack Carl;Lorden, GaryPublisher: Kiefer, Jack Carl;Lorden, Gary ©2018ISBN: 9781461395805
- Introduction to statistical inferenceAuthor: Li, Jerome C. R.Publisher: Li, Jerome C. R. ©2017ISBN: 97804152143081 Concurrent User
- Introduction to Statistical Learning : with Applications in RAuthor: James, Gareth;Witten, Daniela;Hastie, Trevor;Witten, DanielaPublisher: James, Gareth;Witten, Daniela;Hastie, Trevor;Witten, Daniela ©2018ISBN: 9781461471370
- Introduction to Statistical Machine LearningAuthor: Masashi SugiyamaPublisher: Masashi Sugiyama ©2016ISBN: 9783319148472
- Introduction to Statistical Methods in PathologyAuthor: Momeni, Amir;Pincus, Matthew;Libien, JennyPublisher: Momeni, Amir;Pincus, Matthew;Libien, Jenny ©2018ISBN: 9783319605425
- Introduction to Statistical Pattern RecognitionAuthor: Keinosuke FukunagaPublisher: Keinosuke Fukunaga ©2016ISBN: 9780857291714
- Introduction to Statistical Pattern RecognitionAuthor: Fukunaga, KeinosukePublisher: Fukunaga, Keinosuke ©2018ISBN: 97801226985145 Concurrent Users
- Introduction to Statistical PhysicsAuthor: Casquilho, João Paulo;Teixeira, Paulo Ivo CortezPublisher: Casquilho, João Paulo;Teixeira, Paulo Ivo Cortez ©2018ISBN: 9781107053786
- Introduction to Statistical Regularization and Brain Imaging FieldAuthor: HarezlakPublisher: Harezlak ©2021ISBN: 9783319148472
- Introduction to Statistical Relational LearningAuthor: O’ReganPublisher: O’Regan ©2021ISBN: 9780262072885
- Introduction to StatisticsAuthor: O'ReganPublisher: O'Regan ©2019ISBN: 9780857291714
- Introduction to StatisticsAuthor: TokunagaPublisher: Tokunaga ©2020ISBN: 9783319061054