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Showing books starting with the letter I (18701-18750 of 21422):
- Investigating Gender and Enterprise in “Fragile” Refugee Settings: The Use of Critical Realism to Explore Institutional Dynamics and Change
- Investigating Gender and Gender-Based Violence in Jamaica
- Investigating Groundwater Systems on Regional and National Scales
- Investigating groundwater systems on regional and national scales
- Investigating Hindsight Bias: Lessons From Using a Think-Aloud Methodology in Memory Based Research
- Investigating Human Diseases with the Microbiome
- Investigating Interdisciplinary Collaboration
- Investigating Internet Crimes
- Investigating Labor Induction Using a Randomized Controlled Trial
- Investigating Learning Moments in Astronomical Observatories Using Video-Recorded Data
- Investigating Lexis : Vocabulary Teaching, ESP, Lexicography and Lexical Innovation
- Investigating Linguistic Acceptability
- Investigating Materiality and Meaning in Workspaces Through Photo-Elicitation Interviews
- Investigating Mathematics Teaching : A Constructivist Enquiry
- Investigating Medication Adherence Among Patients With Diabetes Using a Mixed-Methods Approach
- Investigating Multiple Perspectives in a School Reform Process Using a Multiple-Methods Evaluation Approach: A Discussion on the Basis of an Evaluation Project in Lower Austria
- Investigating Neurological Disease
- Investigating Participant Structures in the Context of Science Instruction : A Special Issue of Cognition and Instruction
- Investigating Patterns of Europeanization on Twitter
- Investigating Phenomenal Consciousness : New methodologies and maps
- Investigating Pragmatics in Foreign Language Learning, Teaching and Testing
- Investigating Prayer
- Investigating Problem Solving from the Perspective of Engineers: The Use of Grounded Theory in a Traditionally Quantitative Field
- Investigating Psychopathic Behavior Using the Sims 3 Video Game
- Investigating Quality of Urban Life, vol. 45
- Investigating Reproductive Tract Infections and Other Gynaecological Disorders : A Multidisciplinary Research Approach
- Investigating Reproductive Tract Infections and Other Gynaecological Disorders: A Multidisciplinary Research Approach
- Investigating Routine Behaviour Using Failure Mode and Effects Analysis: the Example of Unintentional Treatment Non-Adherence
- Investigating Seafloors and Oceans
- Investigating Second Language Acquisition
- Investigating Srebrenica
- Investigating Statistical Learning of Nonadjacent Dependencies: Running Statistical Learning Tasks in Non-WEIRD Populations
- Investigating Students’ Capacities to Develop the Cognitive Skills of Executive Function: An Action Research Study
- Investigating Tasks in Formal Language Learning
- Investigating the A-Type Stars Using Kepler Data
- Investigating the Characterization and Differentiation of Disease on CT Scan: Peritoneal Tuberculosis Versus Peritoneal Carcinomatosis
- Investigating the Development of Adolescent Leadership Potential: A Longitudinal Case Study
- Investigating the influence of standards: a framework for research in mathematics, science, and technology education
- Investigating the Influencers and Outcomes of Organizational Commitment in Sheffield City Region’s Small Business Using a Mixed-Method Approach
- Investigating the Life Sciences
- Investigating the Nucleation, Growth, and Energy Levels of Organic Semiconductors for High Performance Plastic Electronics
- Investigating the Popularity of Surabaya's Mayor Tri Rismaharini
- Investigating the President
- Investigating the Production of L2 Inflectional Morphology Using a Picture Description Paradigm
- Investigating the Psychological World
- Investigating the Psychological World : Scientific Method in the Behavioral Sciences
- Investigating the Strength and Presence of Medical Associations With Big Data Discovery Technology in a Retrospective Case-Control Study Design: An Analysis of Dry Eye Disease and Migraine Headaches
- Investigating the Universe, vol. 91
- Investigating Turkey
- Investigating Turkey