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ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter I (1901-1950 of 21422):
- Image Mathematics and Image Processing, vol. 84Author: GroßböltingPublisher: Großbölting ©2016ISBN: 97836420222961 Concurrent User
- Image MattersAuthor: CamptPublisher: Campt ©2021ISBN: 9780226723327
- Image ModelingAuthor: KnappikPublisher: Knappik ©2016ISBN: 9783642212260
- Image Modeling of the Human EyeAuthor: Acharya, Rajendra;Ng, Eddie Y. K.;Suri, Jasjit S.Publisher: Acharya, Rajendra;Ng, Eddie Y. K.;Suri, Jasjit S. ©2018ISBN: 97815969320815 Concurrent Users
- Image ObjectsAuthor: GabouryPublisher: Gaboury ©2021ISBN: 97802620450321 Concurrent User
- Image of Bar Kokhba in Traditional Jewish LiteratureAuthor: MarksPublisher: Marks ©2021ISBN: 97833190799745 Concurrent Users
- Image of Christ in Russian Literature, TheAuthor: GivensPublisher: Givens ©2021ISBN: 9783319336176
- Image of God and the Psychology of Religion, TheAuthor: Dayringer, Richard L.;Oler, DavidPublisher: Dayringer, Richard L.;Oler, David ©2018ISBN: 9780789027603Unlimited Users
- Image of God in the Garden of EdenAuthor: McDowellPublisher: McDowell ©2021ISBN: 9781475723601
- Image of Jews in Contemporary China, TheAuthor: HänelPublisher: Hänel ©2020ISBN: 9781618114204Unlimited Users
- Image of Law, TheAuthor: LefebvrePublisher: Lefebvre ©2022ISBN: 9780387234021
- Image of Restoration Science : The Frontispiece to Thomas Sprat's History of the Royal Society, TheAuthor: Hunter, MichaelPublisher: Hunter, Michael ©2018ISBN: 9781472478726
- Image of the Jews in Greek Literature, TheAuthor: Bar-KochvaPublisher: Bar-Kochva ©2020ISBN: 9783540406341
- Image of the Library and Information Profession : How We See Ourselves: an Investigation, TheAuthor: Prins, Hans;de Gier, Wilco;Bowden, RusselPublisher: Prins, Hans;de Gier, Wilco;Bowden, Russel ©2018ISBN: 9783598217982
- Image of the Library and Information Profession, TheAuthor: CarnesPublisher: Carnes ©2019ISBN: 9783598217982Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Image of the Prophet between Ideal and Ideology, TheAuthor: Rocke, Alan J.Publisher: Rocke, Alan J. ©2021ISBN: 9783110312386
- Image of the Turk in Europe from the Declaration of the Republic in 1923 to the 1990s, TheAuthor: Walter GoralskiPublisher: Walter Goralski ©2020ISBN: 9783540278580
- Image Pattern RecognitionAuthor: Kovalevsky, V. A.;Brown, ArthurPublisher: Kovalevsky, V. A.;Brown, Arthur ©2018ISBN: 9781461260356
- Image Pattern RecognitionAuthor: KovalevskyPublisher: Kovalevsky ©2016ISBN: 9781461260356
- Image Pattern Recognition: Synthesis And Analysis In BiometricsAuthor: Svetlana N Yanushkevich;Patrick S P Wang;Sargur N Srihari;Marina GavrilovaPublisher: Svetlana N Yanushkevich;Patrick S P Wang;Sargur N Srihari;Marina Gavrilova ©2018ISBN: 9789812569080
- Image PerformanceAuthor: Mat MarquisPublisher: Mat Marquis ©2020ISBN: 9781937557775
- Image Politics of Climate ChangeAuthor: RosaldoPublisher: Rosaldo ©2021ISBN: 9783319079974
- Image Politics of Climate ChangeAuthor: RosaldoPublisher: Rosaldo ©2021ISBN: 9783837626100
- Image Processing : Tensor Transform and Discrete Tomography with MATLAB ®Author: Grigoryan, Artyom M.Publisher: Grigoryan, Artyom M. ©2016ISBN: 9781466509948
- Image Processing and Analysis with Graphs : Theory and PracticeAuthor: JardimPublisher: Jardim ©2016ISBN: 9781439855072
- Image Processing and Communications Challenges 2, vol. 84Author: BhaskaranPublisher: Bhaskaran ©2016ISBN: 97836421629471 Concurrent User
- Image Processing and Communications Challenges 3, vol. 102Author: Kamel, Mohamed;Campilho, AurelioPublisher: Kamel, Mohamed;Campilho, Aurelio ©2016ISBN: 9783642231537
- Image Processing and Communications Challenges 4, vol. 184Author: LaubePublisher: Laube ©2016ISBN: 9783642323836
- Image Processing and Communications Challenges 5, vol. 233Author: BublitzPublisher: Bublitz ©2016ISBN: 9783319016214
- Image Processing and GIS for Remote Sensing : Techniques and ApplicationsAuthor: Liu, Jian Guo;Mason, Philippa J.Publisher: Liu, Jian Guo;Mason, Philippa J. ©2018ISBN: 97833192945061 Concurrent User
- Image Processing and Jump Regression AnalysisAuthor: Qiu, PeihuaPublisher: Qiu, Peihua ©2018ISBN: 97804714209961 Concurrent User
- Image Processing Based on Partial Differential EquationsAuthor: Fowler, O. S.Publisher: Fowler, O. S. ©2016ISBN: 9783540332664
- Image Processing for Automated Diagnosis of Cardiac DiseasesAuthor: HunterPublisher: Hunter ©2021ISBN: 9780674184299
- Image Processing for Broadcast and Video ProductionAuthor: GrabePublisher: Grabe ©2016ISBN: 9783540199472
- Image Processing for Computer Graphics and VisionAuthor: VelhoPublisher: Velho ©2016ISBN: 9781848001923
- Image Processing for Embedded DevicesAuthor: Battiato, Sebastiano;Bruna, Arcangelo Ranieri;Messina, GiuseppePublisher: Battiato, Sebastiano;Bruna, Arcangelo Ranieri;Messina, Giuseppe ©2018ISBN: 9781608055609
- Image Processing in Biological ScienceAuthor: TaylorPublisher: Taylor ©2021ISBN: 9783642123917
- Image Processing in Diabetic Related CausesAuthor: Kumar, Amit;Shaik, FahimuddinPublisher: Kumar, Amit;Shaik, Fahimuddin ©2018ISBN: 9789812876232
- Image Processing in RadiologyAuthor: Sutton, Michael A.;Orteu, Jean-Jose;Schreier, HubertPublisher: Sutton, Michael A.;Orteu, Jean-Jose;Schreier, Hubert ©2016ISBN: 9783540259152
- Image Processing Masterclass with Python: 50+ Solutions and Techniques Solving Complex Digital Image Processing Challenges Using Numpy, Scipy, Pytorch and KerasAuthor: Sandipan DeyPublisher: Sandipan Dey ©2022ISBN: 9789389898644
- Image Processing of Edge and Surface Defects, vol. 123Author: LoubanPublisher: Louban ©2016ISBN: 9783642006821
- Image Processing Techniques in Astronomy : Proceedings of a Conference Held in Utrecht on March 25-27, 1975Author: De Jager, C.;Nieuwenhuijzen, H.Publisher: De Jager, C.;Nieuwenhuijzen, H. ©2018ISBN: 9789401018838
- Image Processing Techniques in Astronomy, vol. 54Author: Francus, PierrePublisher: Francus, Pierre ©2016ISBN: 97894010188381 Concurrent User
- Image Processing using Pulse-Coupled Neural NetworksAuthor: Taylor, J. G.;Lindblad, Thomas;Kinser, Jason M.Publisher: Taylor, J. G.;Lindblad, Thomas;Kinser, Jason M. ©2018ISBN: 9783540762645
- Image Processing using Pulse-Coupled Neural NetworksAuthor: LindbladPublisher: Lindblad ©2016ISBN: 9783540762645
- Image Processing using Pulse-Coupled Neural NetworksAuthor: LindbladPublisher: Lindblad ©2016ISBN: 9783642368769
- Image Processing Using Pulse-Coupled Neural NetworksAuthor: LindbladPublisher: Lindblad ©2016ISBN: 9783540242185
- Image Processing Using Pulse-Coupled Neural Networks : Applications in PythonAuthor: Lindblad, Thomas;Kinser, Jason M.Publisher: Lindblad, Thomas;Kinser, Jason M. ©2018ISBN: 9783642440335
- Image Processing with ImagejAuthor: MateosPerez, Jose Maria;Pascau, JavierPublisher: MateosPerez, Jose Maria;Pascau, Javier ©2018ISBN: 9781783283958
- Image Processing with Python: A practical approachAuthor: Acharya, Rajendra;Ng, Eddie Y. K.;Suri, Jasjit S.Publisher: Acharya, Rajendra;Ng, Eddie Y. K.;Suri, Jasjit S. ©2024ISBN: 97807503592211 Concurrent User