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ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter I (19651-19700 of 21422):
- Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Biomedical ApplicationsAuthor: Arthur Maltby, Brian McKenna and John E. PembertonPublisher: Arthur Maltby, Brian McKenna and John E. Pemberton ©2017ISBN: 9783319053462
- Iron Oxides : Structure, Properties, Reactions, Occurrences and Uses, TheAuthor: Cornell, Rochelle M.;Schwertmann, UdoPublisher: Cornell, Rochelle M.;Schwertmann, Udo ©2018ISBN: 9783527302741
- Iron Oxides in the Laboratory : Preparation and CharacterizationAuthor: Schwertmann, Udo;Cornell, Rochelle M.Publisher: Schwertmann, Udo;Cornell, Rochelle M. ©2018ISBN: 97835272966991 Concurrent User
- Iron Phosphate Materials as Cathodes for Lithium BatteriesAuthor: ProsiniPublisher: Prosini ©2016ISBN: 9780857297440
- Iron Physiology and Pathophysiology in HumansAuthor: HopkinsonPublisher: Hopkinson ©2016ISBN: 9781603274845
- Iron Pnictide Superconductors : An Introduction and Overview, TheAuthor: Mancini, Ferdinando;Citro, RobertaPublisher: Mancini, Ferdinando;Citro, Roberta ©2018ISBN: 97833195611651 Concurrent User
- Iron Princess, TheAuthor: HelfferichPublisher: Helfferich ©2021ISBN: 9780674073395
- Iron Uptake in Bacteria with Emphasis on E. coli and PseudomonasAuthor: KennedyPublisher: Kennedy ©2016ISBN: 97894007608751 Concurrent User
- Iron Way, TheAuthor: ThomasPublisher: Thomas ©2020ISBN: 97815832101231 Concurrent User
- Iron Wedge/L'appel de la raceAuthor: GroulxPublisher: Groulx ©2023ISBN: 97894010425985 Concurrent Users
- Iron, Prehistoric and AncientAuthor: RichardsonPublisher: Richardson ©2020ISBN: 97815832101235 Concurrent Users
- Iron, Siderophores, and Plant Diseases, vol. 117Author: OchsenschlagerPublisher: Ochsenschlager ©2016ISBN: 97814615948261 Concurrent User
- Iron-Based Superconductivity, vol. 211Author: WilsonPublisher: Wilson ©2018ISBN: 9783319112534Unlimited Users
- Iron-Carbene Complexes, vol. 1Author: PetzPublisher: Petz ©2016ISBN: 9783540562580Unlimited Users
- Iron-Catalyzed Synthesis of Fused Aromatic Compounds via C–H Bond ActivationAuthor: MatsumotoPublisher: Matsumoto ©2016ISBN: 9784431549277
- Iron-Clad Java: Building Secure Web ApplicationsAuthor: Jim Manico,August DetlefsenPublisher: Jim Manico,August Detlefsen ©2019ISBN: 9780071835886
- Iron-Containing Enzymes : Versatile Catalysts of Hydroxylation Reactions in NatureAuthor: de Visser, Samuel P.;Kumar, DeveshPublisher: de Visser, Samuel P.;Kumar, Devesh ©2018ISBN: 9781849731812Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Iron-Formation Facts and Problems, vol. 6Author: McCarthyPublisher: McCarthy ©2017ISBN: 9780306463655
- Iron-Formation: Facts and ProblemsAuthor: Trendall, A. F.;Morris, R. C.Publisher: Trendall, A. F.;Morris, R. C. ©2018ISBN: 9780444421449
- Iron-making SocietiesAuthor: McLaughlinPublisher: McLaughlin ©2022ISBN: 9780306467851
- Iron-Sulfur Clusters in Chemistry and BiologyAuthor: Peacey, J. G.;Davenport, W. G.;Hopkins, D. W.Publisher: Peacey, J. G.;Davenport, W. G.;Hopkins, D. W. ©2021ISBN: 9783110308327
- Iron-Sulfur Clusters in Chemistry and BiologyAuthor: Rouault, Tracey;Andrade, Susana L. A.;Adams, Michael W. W.;Bonomi, Francesco;Booker, Squire;Boyd, Eric S.;Broderick, Joan B.;Chakrabarti, Mrinmoy;Dancis, Andy;Dean, DennisPublisher: Rouault, Tracey;Andrade, Susana L. A.;Adams, Michael W. W.;Bonomi, Francesco;Booker, Squire;Boyd, Eric S.;Broderick, Joan B.;Chakrabarti, Mrinmoy;Dancis, Andy;Dean, Dennis ©2018ISBN: 9783110308327
- Iron-Sulfur Clusters in Chemistry and Biology ; Biochemistry, Biosynthesis and Human Diseases, vol. 2Author: SmythPublisher: Smyth ©2021ISBN: 9783110479393
- Iron-Sulfur Clusters in Chemistry and Biology ; Characterization, Properties and Applications, vol. 1Author: Institute of Medicine;Committee on the Prevention, Detection, and Management of Iron Deficiency Anemia Among U.S. Children and Women of Childbearing Age;Woteki, Catherine E.;Earl, RobertPublisher: Institute of Medicine;Committee on the Prevention, Detection, and Management of Iron Deficiency Anemia Among U.S. Children and Women of Childbearing Age;Woteki, Catherine E.;Earl, Robert ©2020ISBN: 9783110478501
- Iron-Sulfur Proteins Perovskites, vol. 83Author: J. G. Peacey, W. G. Davenport and D. W. HopkinsPublisher: J. G. Peacey, W. G. Davenport and D. W. Hopkins ©2016ISBN: 9783540591054
- Ironic Hume, TheAuthor: PricePublisher: Price ©2021ISBN: 9780292732827
- Ironic State, TheAuthor: BrassettPublisher: Brassett ©2023ISBN: 9783642146695
- Ironie – Komik – SkepsisAuthor: BerendesPublisher: Berendes ©2019ISBN: 9783484151192
- Ironie, Polemik und ProvokationAuthor: BerthierPublisher: Berthier ©2021ISBN: 9783110343748
- Ironischer und sentimentaler Realismus bei ThackerayAuthor: HurstPublisher: Hurst ©2021ISBN: 97831123414381 Concurrent User
- Irony and DramaAuthor: StatesPublisher: States ©2021ISBN: 9783211825204
- Irony and SarcasmAuthor: KreuzPublisher: Kreuz ©2021ISBN: 9780262538268
- Irony and the Logic of ModernityAuthor: AvanessianPublisher: Avanessian ©2021ISBN: 9783110302202
- Irony of the Ideal, TheAuthor: EpsteinPublisher: Epstein ©2020ISBN: 9781618116321
- Irony on OccasionAuthor: NewmarkPublisher: Newmark ©2022ISBN: 97808232401355 Concurrent Users
- Irony on OccasionAuthor: NewmarkPublisher: Newmark ©2022ISBN: 9783642153334
- Irony Through PsychoanalysisAuthor: Sacerdoti, Giorgio;Ludbrook, GeraldinePublisher: Sacerdoti, Giorgio;Ludbrook, Geraldine ©2018ISBN: 9781855750104
- Irony, Deception and HumourAuthor: DynelPublisher: Dynel ©2019ISBN: 9781501516429
- Iroquois Book of Rites, TheAuthor: WickPublisher: Wick ©2020ISBN: 97832118288471 Concurrent User
- IRQ Book, TheAuthor: Kate ChasePublisher: Kate Chase ©2019ISBN: 9780071346986
- Irradiation Embrittlement And Creep In Fuel Cladding And Core ComponentsAuthor: ICEPublisher: ICE ©2018ISBN: 9783211825204
- Irradiation Embrittlement of Reactor Pressure Vessels in Nuclear Power PlantsAuthor: Soneda, NaokiPublisher: Soneda, Naoki ©2018ISBN: 9781845699673
- Irradiation Embrittlement of Reactor Pressure Vessels in Nuclear Power PlantsAuthor: RahulkarPublisher: Rahulkar ©2016ISBN: 97894010827851 Concurrent User
- Irradiation for Quality Improvement, Microbial Safety and Phytosanitation of Fresh ProduceAuthor: Rivka Barkai-Golan and Peter A FollettPublisher: Rivka Barkai-Golan and Peter A Follett ©2018ISBN: 97818454548451 Concurrent User
- Irradiation of Food CommoditiesAuthor: Ioannis S. ArvanitoyannisPublisher: Ioannis S. Arvanitoyannis ©2017ISBN: 9783540543541
- Irradiation TechnologyAuthor: WerckmeisterPublisher: Werckmeister ©2016ISBN: 9789400971172
- Irrational and Overrated: Is our Unrealistic Self-Perception connected to Educational Achievements? : Is our Unrealistic Self-Perception connected to Educational Achievements?Author: Piehlmaier, DominikPublisher: Piehlmaier, Dominik ©2018ISBN: 9783954890750
- Irrational Consumer: Applying Behavioural Economics to Your Business Strategy, TheAuthor: Enrico TrevisanPublisher: Enrico Trevisan ©2019ISBN: 9781472413444
- Irrational Economist: Making Decisions in a Dangerous World, TheAuthor: Erwann Michel-Kerjan,Paul Slovic (eds)Publisher: Erwann Michel-Kerjan,Paul Slovic (eds) ©2019ISBN: 9781586487805
- Irrational ExuberanceAuthor: ShillerPublisher: Shiller ©2021ISBN: 9780470663424