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ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter I (20151-20200 of 21422):
- Islamic Law : Social and Historical ContextsAuthor: Al-Azmeh, AzizPublisher: Al-Azmeh, Aziz ©2018ISBN: 97804158308121 Concurrent User
- Islamic Law and Civil CodeAuthor: DebsPublisher: Debs ©2021ISBN: 9780231150446
- Islamic Law and Empire in Ottoman CairoAuthor: BaldwinPublisher: Baldwin ©2022ISBN: 97836580860225 Concurrent Users
- Islamic Law and Empire in Ottoman CairoAuthor: BaldwinPublisher: Baldwin ©2022ISBN: 9781474403092
- Islamic Manuscripts of Late Medieval Rum, 1270s-1370sAuthor: JacksonPublisher: Jackson ©2022ISBN: 9783922968801
- Islamic Marriage Contract, TheAuthor: OdedPublisher: Oded ©2022ISBN: 9781555879297
- Islamic MedicineAuthor: UllmannPublisher: Ullmann ©2022ISBN: 9789401033497
- Islamic MedicineAuthor: UllmannPublisher: Ullmann ©2022ISBN: 9780748609079
- Islamic ModernAuthor: PeletzPublisher: Peletz ©2020ISBN: 97836428466561 Concurrent User
- Islamic Modernism and the Re-Enchantment of the Sacred in the Age of HistoryAuthor: RingerPublisher: Ringer ©2022ISBN: 9783662080382
- Islamic Movement in Israel, TheAuthor: RosmerPublisher: Rosmer ©2022ISBN: 97898148813571 Concurrent User
- Islamic Movement of Iraqi Shi'as, TheAuthor: WileyPublisher: Wiley ©2023ISBN: 9781555872724
- Islamic NamesAuthor: SchimmelPublisher: Schimmel ©2022ISBN: 9789400779624
- Islamic Origins, Arabian Custom, and the Documents of the ProphetAuthor: MirzaPublisher: Mirza ©2022ISBN: 9781474234375
- Islamic Perspectives on the New MillenniumAuthor: GasserPublisher: Gasser ©2020ISBN: 9783110110340
- Islamic perspectives relating to business, arts, culture and communicationAuthor: MeddebPublisher: Meddeb ©2016ISBN: 97898128742835 Concurrent Users
- Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology in Dialogue, vol. 7Author: DavisonPublisher: Davison ©2016ISBN: 9789400779013Unlimited Users
- Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology on the Perennial Issue of Microcosm and Macrocosm, vol. 2Author: MooneyPublisher: Mooney ©2016ISBN: 9781402041143
- Islamic Philosophy and TheologyAuthor: WattPublisher: Watt ©2022ISBN: 97898128736441 Concurrent User
- Islamic Philosophy A–ZAuthor: GroffPublisher: Groff ©2022ISBN: 97807486221601 Concurrent User
- Islamic Philosophy A–ZAuthor: GroffPublisher: Groff ©2022ISBN: 9789401047500Unlimited Users
- Islamic Political EthicsAuthor: MosaadPublisher: Mosaad ©2021ISBN: 9781463243807
- Islamic Political RadicalismAuthor: AbbasPublisher: Abbas ©2022ISBN: 9783110263794
- Islamic Political ThoughtAuthor: El-Nawawy, Mohammed;Khamis, SaharPublisher: El-Nawawy, Mohammed;Khamis, Sahar ©2020ISBN: 9780230600355Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Islamic Political ThoughtAuthor: WattPublisher: Watt ©2022ISBN: 9781461361145
- Islamic Political ThoughtAuthor: WattPublisher: Watt ©2022ISBN: 9780748610983
- Islamic Post-Traditionalism in IndonesiaAuthor: RumadiPublisher: Rumadi ©2020ISBN: 9781402049613
- Islamic Reform in Twentieth-Century AfricaAuthor: LoimeierPublisher: Loimeier ©2022ISBN: 9781402049613
- Islamic Revival in British IndiaAuthor: MetcalfPublisher: Metcalf ©2021ISBN: 97801953785041 Concurrent User
- Islamic Science and EngineeringAuthor: HillPublisher: Hill ©2022ISBN: 9781461361145
- Islamic Science and EngineeringAuthor: HillPublisher: Hill ©2022ISBN: 9780748604555
- Islamic Science and the Making of the European RenaissanceAuthor: Saliba, GeorgePublisher: Saliba, George ©2018ISBN: 9780262195577
- Islamic Shangri-LaAuthor: AtwillPublisher: Atwill ©2020ISBN: 97808572450381 Concurrent User
- Islamic StateAuthor: AtwanPublisher: Atwan ©2020ISBN: 9780857245038
- Islamic State in Afghanistan and Pakistan, TheAuthor: JadoonPublisher: Jadoon ©2023ISBN: 9781955055857
- Islamic Studies in European Higher EducationAuthor: UchenduPublisher: Uchendu ©2023ISBN: 9781399510851
- Islamic Studies in the Twenty-first CenturyAuthor: al-MusawiPublisher: al-Musawi ©2020ISBN: 9780230600355
- Islamic Syncretistic Tradition in Bengal, TheAuthor: RoyPublisher: Roy ©2021ISBN: 9789401047500
- Islamic Theological ThemesAuthor: WattPublisher: Watt ©2020ISBN: 9789401047500
- Islamic TheologyAuthor: AbrahamovPublisher: Abrahamov ©2022ISBN: 9783110097634
- Islamic Theology in the Turkish RepublicAuthor: DorrollPublisher: Dorroll ©2022ISBN: 9789812707352
- Islamic Theology in the Turkish RepublicAuthor: DorrollPublisher: Dorroll ©2022ISBN: 9781474474924
- Islamic Theology, Philosophy and LawAuthor: Craciun, MagdalenaPublisher: Craciun, Magdalena ©2021ISBN: 9783110285345
- Islamic Thought in AfricaAuthor: AjuraPublisher: Ajura ©2021ISBN: 9783030344191
- Islamic Thought in ChinaAuthor: LipmanPublisher: Lipman ©2022ISBN: 9783642118494
- IslamisationAuthor: PeacockPublisher: Peacock ©2022ISBN: 9780415830805
- Islamische Fernsehsender in der TürkeiAuthor: JungPublisher: Jung ©2021ISBN: 9783879973088
- Islamische Heiligenverehrung im urbanen Kontext am Beispiel von AleppoAuthor: GonnellaPublisher: Gonnella ©2021ISBN: 9783879972463
- Islamische Kultur und moderne GesellschaftAuthor: StauthPublisher: Stauth ©2021ISBN: 9780521291316
- Islamische Ökumene als Mittel der PolitikAuthor: SaidPublisher: Said ©2021ISBN: 9783879973675