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Showing books starting with the letter I (2401-2450 of 21422):
- Imagining Asia in the Americas
- Imagining Asia(s)
- Imagining Babylon
- Imagining Black America
- Imagining Bosnian Muslims in Central Europe
- Imagining Bosnian Muslims in Central Europe
- Imagining Care
- Imagining Communities
- Imagining Deliberative Democracy in the Early American Republic
- Imagining Earth
- Imagining Exile in Heian Japan
- Imagining Extinction
- Imagining Futures: Using Semi-Structured Interviews to Study Long-Term Thinking
- Imagining Global Amsterdam
- Imagining Harmony
- Imagining Holiness
- Imagining Human Rights
- Imagining Identity in New Spain
- Imagining Illness
- Imagining Illness : Public Health and Visual Culture
- Imagining India in Modern China
- Imagining Interest in Political Thought
- Imagining Interest in Political Thought
- Imagining Joyce and Derrida
- Imagining Judeo-Christian America
- Imagining Justice
- Imagining Karma
- Imagining la Chica Moderna
- Imagining Landscapes : Past, Present and Future
- Imagining Language in America
- Imagining Literacy : Rhizomes of Knowledge in American Culture and Literature
- Imagining London
- Imagining Medieval English: Language Structures and Theories, 500-1500
- Imagining MIT : Designing a Campus for the Twenty-First Century
- Imagining Multilingual Schools
- Imagining Multilingual Schools : Languages in Education and Glocalization
- Imagining Nabokov
- Imagining Native America in Music
- Imagining New Legalities
- Imagining Our Americas
- Imagining Persecution
- Imagining Philadelphia
- Imagining Queer Methods
- Imagining Regulation Differently
- Imagining Religious Leadership in the Middle Ages
- Imagining Religious Toleration
- Imagining Serengeti : A History of Landscape Memory in Tanzania from Earliest Times to the Present
- Imagining Southern Spaces
- Imagining Surveillance
- Imagining the Academy : Higher Education and Popular Culture