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ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter I (3451-3500 of 21422):
- Imperial EcologyAuthor: AnkerPublisher: Anker ©2021ISBN: 9783112631232
- Imperial Ecology : Environmental Order in the British Empire, 1895-1945Author: Anker, PederPublisher: Anker, Peder ©2018ISBN: 9780674005952
- Imperial Economic Policy 1917-1939Author: DrummondPublisher: Drummond ©2020ISBN: 9783642129568
- Imperial EncoreAuthor: Lentz, DavidPublisher: Lentz, David ©2021ISBN: 9780231111577
- Imperial EncountersAuthor: van der VeerPublisher: van der Veer ©2021ISBN: 9781461371946
- Imperial EngineersAuthor: HornseyPublisher: Hornsey ©2022ISBN: 9781487506865
- Imperial EntanglementsAuthor: MacLeitchPublisher: MacLeitch ©2021ISBN: 9780812242812
- Imperial Fault LinesAuthor: CoxPublisher: Cox ©2022ISBN: 9780674427945
- Imperial from the BeginningAuthor: PrakashPublisher: Prakash ©2021ISBN: 9780300194562
- Imperial GenusAuthor: WorkmanPublisher: Workman ©2020ISBN: 9780520289598
- Imperial Germany 1871-1918Author: BerghahnPublisher: Berghahn ©2022ISBN: 9781844720415
- Imperial Germany and a World Without WarAuthor: ChickeringPublisher: Chickering ©2020ISBN: 9789048124664
- Imperial Germany RevisitedAuthor: CameronPublisher: Cameron ©2022ISBN: 9780748613144
- Imperial HeightsAuthor: JenningsPublisher: Jennings ©2020ISBN: 9783030710729
- Imperial Ideology and Provincial Loyalty in the Roman EmpireAuthor: AndoPublisher: Ando ©2021ISBN: 9781441975294
- Imperial IntoxicationAuthor: RiedelPublisher: Riedel ©2020ISBN: 9783790812473Unlimited Users
- Imperial IslandsAuthor: SiemsPublisher: Siems ©2022ISBN: 97808248892032 Concurrent Users
- Imperial Japan at Its ZenithAuthor: RuoffPublisher: Ruoff ©2021ISBN: 9780415010122
- Imperial Japan at Its ZenithAuthor: RuoffPublisher: Ruoff ©2021ISBN: 9780801448669
- Imperial Japan's Higher Civil Service ExaminationsAuthor: SpauldingPublisher: Spaulding ©2021ISBN: 9783642549182
- Imperial Laboratory : Experimental Physiology and Clinical Medicine in Post-Crimean Russia, TheAuthor: Kichigina, GalinaPublisher: Kichigina, Galina ©2018ISBN: 9789042026582
- Imperial LyricAuthor: MiddlebrookPublisher: Middlebrook ©2021ISBN: 9784431555360
- Imperial MasochismAuthor: KucichPublisher: Kucich ©2020ISBN: 9784431555360
- Imperial Meanderings and Republican By-WaysAuthor: OlsonPublisher: Olson ©2020ISBN: 9784431555360
- Imperial MeccaAuthor: LowPublisher: Low ©2021ISBN: 9783540642091
- Imperial MedicineAuthor: HaynesPublisher: Haynes ©2021ISBN: 97831106984661 Concurrent User
- Imperial Medicine : Patrick Manson and the Conquest of Tropical DiseaseAuthor: Haynes, Douglas M.Publisher: Haynes, Douglas M. ©2018ISBN: 9780812235982
- Imperial MuslimsAuthor: ReesePublisher: Reese ©2022ISBN: 97818447204151 Concurrent User
- Imperial Nation, TheAuthor: FraderaPublisher: Fradera ©2020ISBN: 9783540241812
- Imperial NatureAuthor: EndersbyPublisher: Endersby ©2021ISBN: 9780415010122
- Imperial NatureAuthor: GoldmanPublisher: Goldman ©2020ISBN: 9783598115158
- Imperial Order, TheAuthor: WessonPublisher: Wesson ©2020ISBN: 9780471647492
- Imperial ParadoxesAuthor: MerrettPublisher: Merrett ©2023ISBN: 97831112740961 Concurrent User
- Imperial Politics and Symbolics in Ancient JapanAuthor: OomsPublisher: Ooms ©2020ISBN: 9783319091822
- Imperial ProjectionsAuthor: FuhrmannPublisher: Fuhrmann ©2022ISBN: 9780231936125
- Imperial Quest and Modern Memory from Conrad to Greene, TheAuthor: Rawa, JuliaPublisher: Rawa, Julia ©2018ISBN: 9780415975520
- Imperial RepublicsAuthor: AndrewPublisher: Andrew ©2020ISBN: 9781442643314
- Imperial ResilienceAuthor: KayaliPublisher: Kayali ©2021ISBN: 9780520343696
- Imperial Restoration in Medieval JapanAuthor: VarleyPublisher: Varley ©2019ISBN: 9780231915243
- Imperial RomanceAuthor: KimPublisher: Kim ©2021ISBN: 9783112433751
- Imperial Rome AD 193 to 284Author: AndoPublisher: Ando ©2022ISBN: 97807486205001 Concurrent User
- Imperial Rome AD 193 to 284Author: AndoPublisher: Ando ©2022ISBN: 9780803979352
- Imperial Rome AD 284 to 363Author: HarriesPublisher: Harries ©2022ISBN: 97831112740961 Concurrent User
- Imperial RuleAuthor: Lupton, DeborahPublisher: Lupton, Deborah ©2022ISBN: 9780803979352
- Imperial RuleAuthor: Willems, Patrick;Olsson, Jonas;Arnbjerg-Nielsen, KarstenPublisher: Willems, Patrick;Olsson, Jonas;Arnbjerg-Nielsen, Karsten ©2022ISBN: 9789401058063
- Imperial Russia and the Struggle for Latin American Independence, 1808–1828Author: BartleyPublisher: Bartley ©2021ISBN: 97802927381191 Concurrent User
- Imperial Russia and the Struggle for Latin American Independence, 1808–1828Author: BartleyPublisher: Bartley ©2021ISBN: 9780387243436
- Imperial Russian Project, TheAuthor: RieberPublisher: Rieber ©2020ISBN: 9781607414247
- Imperial San Francisco, With a New PrefaceAuthor: BrechinPublisher: Brechin ©2020ISBN: 97816074142472 Concurrent Users
- Imperial SubjectsAuthor: National Academy of Engineering;Committee on the Impact of Academic Research on Industrial PerformancePublisher: National Academy of Engineering;Committee on the Impact of Academic Research on Industrial Performance ©2021ISBN: 9783112433751