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Showing books starting with the letter J (4051-4100 of 4654):
- Judge in a Democracy, The
- Judge Thy Neighbor
- Judgement and Reasoning in the Child
- Judgement and the Epistemic Foundation of Logic, vol. 31
- Judgement of the Eye : The Metamorphoses of Geometry - One of the Sources of Visual Perception and Consciousness, The
- Judges According to the Syriac Peshitta Version with English Translation
- Judges Against Justice
- Judges and Their Audiences
- Judges in Contemporary Democracy
- Judging Addicts
- Judging Appearances, vol. 156
- Judging Bertha Wilson
- Judging Bush
- Judging Democracy
- Judging Evil
- Judging from Experience
- Judging from Experience
- Judging human character
- Judging Juveniles
- Judging Mohammed
- Judging Obscenity
- Judging Policy
- Judging Rights
- Judging School Discipline
- Judging School Discipline : The Crisis of Moral Authority
- Judging Victims
- Judging Victims
- Judgment and Decision Making as a Skill: Learning, Development and Evolution
- Judgment and Decision Making as a Skill: Learning, Development and Evolution
- Judgment and Decision Making at Work
- Judgment and Mercy
- Judgment At Istanbul
- Judgment Calls: Twelve Stories of Big Decisions and the Teams That Got Them Right
- Judgment, Decision-Making, and Embodied Choices
- Judgments Over Time
- Judgments over Time : The Interplay of Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors
- Judicial Activism, vol. 44
- Judicial Application of International Law in Southeast Europe
- Judicial Aspects of Foreign Relations
- Judicial Committee and the British North America Act, The
- Judicial Control of the Federal Trade Commission and the Interstate Commerce Commission, 1920-1930
- Judicial Decision Making, Sentencing Policy, and Numerical Guidance
- Judicial Decision Making, vol. 11
- Judicial Discretion within Adjudicative Committee Proceedings in China
- Judicial Imagination, The
- Judicial Independence and the American Constitution
- Judicial Independence in Transition, vol. 233
- Judicial Politics and Urban Revolt in Seventeenth-Century France
- Judicial Politics in New Democracies
- Judicial Politics in New Democracies