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Showing books starting with the letter L (9251-9300 of 16297):
- Lexical Availability in English and Spanish as a Second Language, vol. 17
- Lexical Bootstrapping
- Lexical Errors and Accuracy in Foreign Language Writing
- Lexical grammar
- Lexical Inferencing in a First and Second Language
- Lexical Innovation in Dasypodius' Dictionary
- Lexical Meaning in Context: A Web of Words
- Lexical Nonmanuals in German Sign Language
- Lexical Numbers in Spanish Nouns
- Lexical Processing in Second Language Learners
- Lexical Representation
- Lexical Representation and Process
- Lexical segmentation in Slovak and German, vol. 69
- Lexical Semantics and Diachronic Morphology
- Lexical Semantics and Knowledge Representation in Multilingual Text Generation, vol. 492
- Lexical Semantics and Knowledge Representation, vol. 627
- Lexical Structure of Spanish, The
- Lexical Structures
- Lexical Structures
- Lexical Tools to the Syriac New Testament
- Lexical Typology of Semantic Shifts, The
- Lexical Typology of Semantic Shifts, The
- Lexical Variation and Attrition in the Scottish Fishing Communities
- Lexical Variation of an East Midlands Mining Community
- Lexical Variation of an East Midlands Mining Community
- Lexical-Functional Grammar
- Lexicalist Phonology of English and German
- Léxico dialectal y lexicografía en la Iberorromania
- Lexicografía de las lenguas románicas
- Lexicografía de las lenguas románicas
- Lexicografía hispano-amerindia 1550-1800
- Lexicografías iberorrománicas: problemas, propuestas y proyectos
- Lexicographi Graeci ; A - G
- Lexicographi Graeci ; D - H
- Lexicographi Graeci ; Index
- Lexicographi Graeci ; Libri I-V
- Lexicographi Graeci ; Libri VI-X
- Lexicographi Graeci ; P - Ps
- Lexicographi Graeci ; Praefationem indices dissertationem continens
- Lexicography in the Borderland between Knowledge and Non-Knowledge
- Lexicography of Coronavirus-related Neologisms
- Lexicography Then and Now
- Lexicon and Grammar
- Lexicon Athanasianum
- Lexicon Graecanicum Italiae Inferioris
- Lexicon Graeco-Latinum
- Lexicon Grammaticorum
- Lexicon in Focus
- Lexicon in Phonological Change, The
- Lexicon Linguae Aethiopicae