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ABCDEFGHIJK LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter L (9601-9650 of 16297):
- Liberty and CoercionAuthor: GerstlePublisher: Gerstle ©2020ISBN: 97806740497271 Concurrent User
- Liberty and Learning : Milton Friedman's Voucher Idea at FiftyAuthor: Enlow, Robert C.;Ealy, Lenore T.;Ealy, Lenore FPublisher: Enlow, Robert C.;Ealy, Lenore T.;Ealy, Lenore F ©2018ISBN: 9781930865860
- Liberty and necessity; in which are considered the laws of association of ideas, the meaning of the word will, and the true intent of punishmentAuthor: Carleton, HenryPublisher: Carleton, Henry ©2017ISBN: 9780415708326
- Liberty and PoliticsAuthor: StilzPublisher: Stilz ©2016ISBN: 9789401079495
- Liberty and Research and Development : Science Funding in a Free SocietyAuthor: Machan, Tibor R.Publisher: Machan, Tibor R. ©2018ISBN: 97808179294285 Concurrent Users
- Liberty and the NewsAuthor: LippmannPublisher: Lippmann ©2021ISBN: 9783110100556
- Liberty and the Search for IdentityAuthor: MaghraouiPublisher: Maghraoui ©2022ISBN: 9783598226953
- Liberty and UtilityAuthor: WelchPublisher: Welch ©2019ISBN: 97802319181451 Concurrent User
- Liberty before LiberalismAuthor: SkinnerPublisher: Skinner ©2018ISBN: 9783110255171
- Liberty Bell 7Author: BurgessPublisher: Burgess ©2016ISBN: 9783319043906
- Liberty Bell, TheAuthor: NashPublisher: Nash ©2020ISBN: 97894010896301 Concurrent User
- Liberty for AllAuthor: FoleyPublisher: Foley ©2020ISBN: 9783112305096
- Liberty Hyde BaileyAuthor: BaileyPublisher: Bailey ©2020ISBN: 9783110335262
- Liberty Hyde Bailey : Essential Agrarian and Environmental WritingsAuthor: Bailey, Liberty Hyde;Jack, Zachary MichaelPublisher: Bailey, Liberty Hyde;Jack, Zachary Michael ©2018ISBN: 97808014470991 Concurrent User
- Liberty Hyde Bailey Gardener's Companion, TheAuthor: Chamlee-Wright, EmilyPublisher: Chamlee-Wright, Emily ©2020ISBN: 9780415708326
- Liberty in the Things of GodAuthor: WilkenPublisher: Wilken ©2020ISBN: 9783319101231
- Liberty of Servants, TheAuthor: ViroliPublisher: Viroli ©2020ISBN: 9783642408991
- Liberty of the ImaginationAuthor: CahillPublisher: Cahill ©2021ISBN: 9788132209805
- Liberty on the WaterfrontAuthor: GiljePublisher: Gilje ©2021ISBN: 9788132209805
- Liberty or DeathAuthor: McPheePublisher: McPhee ©2020ISBN: 9780300189933
- Liberty PowerAuthor: BrooksPublisher: Brooks ©2020ISBN: 9783034602006
- Liberty RoadAuthor: SmithsimonPublisher: Smithsimon ©2022ISBN: 9781936235551
- Liberty to the DowntroddenAuthor: GrowPublisher: Grow ©2020ISBN: 9780521085076
- Liberty TreeAuthor: YoungPublisher: Young ©2022ISBN: 9783319101231
- Liberty TreeAuthor: YoungPublisher: Young ©2022ISBN: 9783050056876
- Liberty We Seek, TheAuthor: PotterPublisher: Potter ©2021ISBN: 9780674437098
- Liberty Worth the NameAuthor: YaffePublisher: Yaffe ©2022ISBN: 9783110247800
- Liberty Worth the NameAuthor: YaffePublisher: Yaffe ©2022ISBN: 9783860931097
- Liberty's DawnAuthor: GriffinPublisher: Griffin ©2020ISBN: 9781705007938
- Liberty's PrisonersAuthor: ManionPublisher: Manion ©2021ISBN: 9780262018449
- Liberty's RefugeAuthor: InazuPublisher: Inazu ©2020ISBN: 9783484309449
- Liberty, Equality, and the MarketAuthor: BolithoPublisher: Bolitho ©2020ISBN: 9780739170908
- Liberty, Equality, DemocracyAuthor: SchulerPublisher: Schuler ©2021ISBN: 9780262195799
- Liberty, equality, fraternityAuthor: SpickerPublisher: Spicker ©2023ISBN: 9781861348418
- Liberty, Property and Popular PoliticsAuthor: PentlandPublisher: Pentland ©2022ISBN: 97888470248301 Concurrent User
- Liberty, Property, and PrivacyAuthor: KeynesPublisher: Keynes ©2021ISBN: 9780415312356
- Liberty, Virtue, and ProgressAuthor: HessPublisher: Hess ©2022ISBN: 9783110179255
- Liberty, Virtue, and ProgressAuthor: HessPublisher: Hess ©2022ISBN: 9780823217991
- Liberty’s ChainAuthor: GellmanPublisher: Gellman ©2022ISBN: 9781852334192
- Libido and delusion., Enlarged 2nd edAuthor: London, Louis S.Publisher: London, Louis S. ©2017ISBN: 97805203331852 Concurrent Users
- Librarian As Information Consultant : Transforming Reference for the Information Age, TheAuthor: Murphy, Sarah AnnePublisher: Murphy, Sarah Anne ©2018ISBN: 9780838910863
- Librarian's Book of Lists, TheAuthor: Eberhart, George M.Publisher: Eberhart, George M. ©2018ISBN: 9780838910634
- Librarian's Guide to Academic Research in the Cloud, TheAuthor: Steven OvadiaPublisher: Steven Ovadia ©2017ISBN: 9783110262285
- Librarian's Guide to Micropublishing : Helping Patrons and Communities Use Free and Low-Cost Publishing Tools to Tell Their StoriesAuthor: Crawford, WaltPublisher: Crawford, Walt ©2018ISBN: 97815738743041 Concurrent User
- Librarian's Guide to Negotiation : Winning Strategies for the Digital AgeAuthor: Ashmore, Beth;Grogg, Jill E.;Weddle, JeffPublisher: Ashmore, Beth;Grogg, Jill E.;Weddle, Jeff ©2018ISBN: 9781573874281
- Librarian's Nitty-Gritty Guide to Social Media, TheAuthor: Solomon, Laura;Del Negro, Janice MPublisher: Solomon, Laura;Del Negro, Janice M ©2018ISBN: 9780838911600
- Librarians As Community Partners : An Outreach HandbookAuthor: Smallwood, CarolPublisher: Smallwood, Carol ©2018ISBN: 97808389100611 Concurrent User
- Librarians of BabelAuthor: Paola de CastroPublisher: Paola de Castro ©2017ISBN: 9788132209805
- Librarians of Babel : A Toolkit for Effective CommunicationAuthor: de Castro, PaolaPublisher: de Castro, Paola ©2018ISBN: 97818433437831 Concurrent User
- Librarians' Assessments of Automation Systems: Survey Results, 2007-2010 : A Library Technology ReportAuthor: Breeding, Marshall;Yelton, AndromedaPublisher: Breeding, Marshall;Yelton, Andromeda ©2018ISBN: 9780838958322