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- LACAME 2004Author: Brown, James RobertPublisher: Brown, James Robert ©2016ISBN: 97835402895935 Concurrent Users
- LACAME 2006Author: RodriquezPublisher: Rodriquez ©2016ISBN: 9783540855583Unlimited Users
- LACAME 2008Author: FudgePublisher: Fudge ©2016ISBN: 9783642107634Unlimited Users
- LACAME 2012Author: Jie ShenPublisher: Jie Shen ©2016ISBN: 9789400764811
- Lacame 2012 : Proceedings of the 13th Latin American Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect, Held in Medellin, Colombia, November 11 - 16 2012Author: Barrero Meneses, César Augusto;Passamani Caetano, Edson;Rodríguez Torres, Claudia E.;Pizarro, Carmen;Zamora Alfonso, Ligia EdithPublisher: Barrero Meneses, César Augusto;Passamani Caetano, Edson;Rodríguez Torres, Claudia E.;Pizarro, Carmen;Zamora Alfonso, Ligia Edith ©2018ISBN: 9789400764811Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- LacanAuthor: BadiouPublisher: Badiou ©2020ISBN: 9780195129243
- Lacan - the Unconscious Reinvented : The Unconscious ReinventedAuthor: Soler, ColettePublisher: Soler, Colette ©2018ISBN: 9781780490991
- Lacan and Addiction : An AnthologyAuthor: Goldman Baldwin, YaelPublisher: Goldman Baldwin, Yael ©2018ISBN: 9781855758513
- Lacan and DeleuzeAuthor: NedohPublisher: Nedoh ©2022ISBN: 9783110126044
- Lacan and Klein, Creation and Discovery : An Essay of ReintroductionAuthor: Rosen-Carole, AdamPublisher: Rosen-Carole, Adam ©2018ISBN: 9780739164563
- Lacan and Levi-Strauss or the Return to FreudAuthor: Zafiropoulos, Markos;Holland, JohnPublisher: Zafiropoulos, Markos;Holland, John ©2018ISBN: 9781855757264
- Lacan and ScienceAuthor: Glynos, Jason;Stavrakakis, YannisPublisher: Glynos, Jason;Stavrakakis, Yannis ©2018ISBN: 9781855759213
- Lacan and the Destiny of Literature : Desire, Jouissance and the Sinthome in Shakespeare, Donne, Joyce and AshberyAuthor: Azari, EhsanPublisher: Azari, Ehsan ©2018ISBN: 9781441149305
- Lacan and the Limits of LanguageAuthor: Shepherdson, CharlesPublisher: Shepherdson, Charles ©2018ISBN: 9780823227662
- Lacan and the Limits of LanguageAuthor: ShepherdsonPublisher: Shepherdson ©2021ISBN: 9780823227662
- Lacan and the PoliticalAuthor: Stavrakakis, YannisPublisher: Stavrakakis, Yannis ©2018ISBN: 9780415171878
- Lacan Deleuze BadiouAuthor: RoffePublisher: Roffe ©2022ISBN: 9783131441010
- Lacan on Madness : Madness, Yes You Can'tAuthor: Gherovici, Patricia;Steinkoler, ManyaPublisher: Gherovici, Patricia;Steinkoler, Manya ©2018ISBN: 97804157361521 Concurrent User
- Lacan with the PhilosophersAuthor: RonenPublisher: Ronen ©2020ISBN: 9780773525054
- Lacan's Ethics and Nietzsche's Critique of PlatonismAuthor: Themi, TimPublisher: Themi, Tim ©2018ISBN: 9781438450391
- Lacan's MedievalismAuthor: Labbie, Erin FeliciaPublisher: Labbie, Erin Felicia ©2018ISBN: 9780816645152
- Lacan, Discourse, and Social ChangeAuthor: BracherPublisher: Bracher ©2020ISBN: 9783540485001
- Lacan, Language, and PhilosophyAuthor: Grigg, RussellPublisher: Grigg, Russell ©2018ISBN: 97807914734505 Concurrent Users
- Lacanian Coordinates : From the Logic of the Signifier to the Paradoxes of Guilt and DesireAuthor: Wolf, BogdanPublisher: Wolf, Bogdan ©2018ISBN: 9781782202806
- Lacanian Left, TheAuthor: StavrakakisPublisher: Stavrakakis ©2022ISBN: 9781782171409
- Lacanian Psychoanalysis : Revolutions in SubjectivityAuthor: Parker, IanPublisher: Parker, Ian ©2018ISBN: 9780415455428
- Lacanian Subject : Between Language and Jouissance, TheAuthor: Fink, BrucePublisher: Fink, Bruce ©2018ISBN: 9780691015897
- Lacanian Subject, TheAuthor: FinkPublisher: Fink ©2020ISBN: 9780262161909
- Laccase and Polyphenol OxidaseAuthor: ParrPublisher: Parr ©2024ISBN: 97836422114301 Concurrent User
- Lace Expansion and its Applications, The, vol. 1879Author: SladePublisher: Slade ©2016ISBN: 97835403118981 Concurrent User
- Lacepede Mitglied des National-Institus und Professor an dem Museum der Naturgeschichte zu Paris Naturgeschichte der Fische, Band 1, Abteilung 1, vol. 1Author: La CépèdePublisher: La Cépède ©2022ISBN: 97831126663191 Concurrent User
- Lacepede, Mitglied des National-Institus und Professor an dem Museum der Naturgeschichte zu Paris, Naturgeschichte der Fische, Band 2, Abteilung 1, vol. 2Author: La CépèdePublisher: La Cépède ©2022ISBN: 9783112694718
- Lacepede, Mitglied des National-Institus und Professor an dem Museum der Naturgeschichte zu Paris, Naturgeschichte der Fische, Band 2, Abteilung 1, vol. 2Author: La CépèdePublisher: La Cépède ©2023ISBN: 9783112694718
- Lacepede, Mitglied des National-Institus und Professor an dem Museum der Naturgeschichte zu Paris, Naturgeschichte der Fische, Band 2, Abteilung 2, vol. 2Author: La CépèdePublisher: La Cépède ©2023ISBN: 9783112694831
- Lachen als anthropologisches PhänomenAuthor: LühlPublisher: Lühl ©2019ISBN: 9783110659399
- lachen lesenAuthor: RehbergPublisher: Rehberg ©2021ISBN: 9783319030401
- Lachen über das AndereAuthor: GottwaldPublisher: Gottwald ©2021ISBN: 9783319030401
- Lachen über das Andere : Eine Historische Analyse Komischer Repräsentationen Von BehinderungAuthor: Gottwald, ClaudiaPublisher: Gottwald, Claudia ©2018ISBN: 9783837612752
- Lachen und SchweigenAuthor: Iannone, EugenioPublisher: Iannone, Eugenio ©2021ISBN: 9783110253993
- LachgemeinschaftenAuthor: SchuppPublisher: Schupp ©2021ISBN: 9783110182361
- Lachman's Case Studies in AnatomyAuthor: SeidenPublisher: Seiden ©2019ISBN: 9780199846085
- LachschachAuthor: SchellenbergPublisher: Schellenberg ©2021ISBN: 9783112448250
- LachschachAuthor: SchellenbergPublisher: Schellenberg ©2021ISBN: 9783112424155
- LachschachAuthor: SchellenbergPublisher: Schellenberg ©2021ISBN: 9783112448250
- Lack für EinsteigerAuthor: NanettiPublisher: Nanetti ©2020ISBN: 9783110148305
- Lack of Informed Consent Form Reading in Online StudiesAuthor: KneppPublisher: Knepp ©2022ISBN: 9781260135275
- Lackadditive kompakt erklärtAuthor: MüllerPublisher: Müller ©2020ISBN: 97831101483051 Concurrent User
- Lackeigenschaften messen und steuernAuthor: MeichsnerPublisher: Meichsner ©2020ISBN: 97835402895931 Concurrent User
- Lackformulierung und LackrezepturAuthor: MüllerPublisher: Müller ©2020ISBN: 9783540289593
- LackrohstoffkundeAuthor: NanettiPublisher: Nanetti ©2020ISBN: 9783540855583