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ABCDEFGHIJK LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter L (10851-10900 of 16297):
- Limit Theorems for Markov Chains and Stochastic Properties of Dynamical Systems by Quasi-Compactness, vol. 1766Author: LemberskyPublisher: Lembersky ©2016ISBN: 9783540424154
- Limit Theorems for Multi-Indexed Sums of Random Variables, vol. 71Author: KlesovPublisher: Klesov ©2016ISBN: 97836624438735 Concurrent Users
- Limit Theorems for Random Fields with Singular Spectrum, vol. 465Author: LeonenkoPublisher: Leonenko ©2016ISBN: 97894010594731 Concurrent User
- Limit Theorems for Randomly Stopped Stochastic ProcessesAuthor: SilvestrovPublisher: Silvestrov ©2016ISBN: 9781447110514Unlimited Users
- Limit Theorems for the Riemann Zeta-FunctionAuthor: Hazewinkel, M.;Laurinčikas, AntanasPublisher: Hazewinkel, M.;Laurinčikas, Antanas ©2018ISBN: 9789048146475Unlimited Users
- Limit Theorems for Unions of Random Closed Sets, vol. 1561Author: MolchanovPublisher: Molchanov ©2016ISBN: 9783540573937Unlimited Users
- Limit Theorems in Probability, Statistics and Number Theory, vol. 42Author: HeimPublisher: Heim ©2016ISBN: 9783642360671
- Limit Theorems of Probability TheoryAuthor: Prokhorov, Yu. V.;Seckler, B.;Bentkus, V.;Statulevicius, V.;Götze, F.;Gudynas, P.;Paulauskas, V.;Petrov, V. V.;Rackauskas, A.;Saulis, L.Publisher: Prokhorov, Yu. V.;Seckler, B.;Bentkus, V.;Statulevicius, V.;Götze, F.;Gudynas, P.;Paulauskas, V.;Petrov, V. V.;Rackauskas, A.;Saulis, L. ©2018ISBN: 9783642081705Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Limit Theorems on Large Deviations for Markov Stochastic Processes, vol. 38Author: WentzellPublisher: Wentzell ©2016ISBN: 9789401073257
- Limitation of Infarct SizeAuthor: SneddonPublisher: Sneddon ©2016ISBN: 9783540191483
- Limitation of the Imperative in the Attic Orators, TheAuthor: MillerPublisher: Miller ©2020ISBN: 9781420069211Unlimited Users
- Limitations and Possibilities of Dialogue among Researchers, Policymakers, and Practitioners : International Perspectives on the Field of EducationAuthor: Ginsburg, Mark B.;Gorostiaga, JorgePublisher: Ginsburg, Mark B.;Gorostiaga, Jorge ©2018ISBN: 9780415945455
- Limitations and Potentials for Biological Nitrogen Fixation in the TropicsAuthor: Hollaender, Alexander;Döbereiner, Johanna;Burris, Robert H.Publisher: Hollaender, Alexander;Döbereiner, Johanna;Burris, Robert H. ©2018ISBN: 9781461589594
- Limitations of U.S. Statistics on AbortionAuthor: Dave Kerpen,Michelle Greenbaum,Robert BerkPublisher: Dave Kerpen,Michelle Greenbaum,Robert Berk ©2016ISBN: 9781260453287
- Limitations to Plant Root Growth, vol. 19Author: Dave KerpenPublisher: Dave Kerpen ©2016ISBN: 9781461277118
- Limited affordable low-volume manufacturing : summary of a workshopAuthor: SorensenPublisher: Sorensen ©2018ISBN: 9780387954400
- Limited Choices: The Political Struggle for Socialism in TanzaniaAuthor: McHenryPublisher: McHenry ©2022ISBN: 9783319180199
- Limited Data Rate in Control Systems with Networks, vol. 275Author: IshiiPublisher: Ishii ©2016ISBN: 97835404323711 Concurrent User
- Limited EditionAuthor: LovellPublisher: Lovell ©2021ISBN: 9783764388942
- Limited EditionAuthor: LovellPublisher: Lovell ©2021ISBN: 9783110793901
- Limited Edition : Prototypes, One-Offs and Design Art FurnitureAuthor: Lovell, SophiePublisher: Lovell, Sophie ©2018ISBN: 9783764388959
- Limited Incisions for Total Hip ArthroplastyAuthor: Dibyajyoti Haldar and Mihir PurkaitPublisher: Dibyajyoti Haldar and Mihir Purkait ©2020ISBN: 9780892034246
- Limited Incisions for Total Hip ArthroplastyAuthor: Fenton, John;Hodkinson, RonPublisher: Fenton, John;Hodkinson, Ron ©2021ISBN: 9780892034246
- limited language: rewriting designAuthor: DaviesPublisher: Davies ©2021ISBN: 9783642758812
- Limited Liability Companies for Dummies, 3rd EditionAuthor: Jennifer ReutingPublisher: Jennifer Reuting ©2020ISBN: 9781119602187
- Limited Liability Companies for Dummies: 3rd EditionAuthor: Jennifer ReutingPublisher: Jennifer Reuting ©2020ISBN: 9781630154707
- Limited Raj, TheAuthor: YangPublisher: Yang ©2020ISBN: 97803063077371 Concurrent User
- Limiting Future Collision Risk to Spacecraft : An Assessment of NASA's Meteoroid and Orbital Debris ProgramsAuthor: BaderPublisher: Bader ©2018ISBN: 97803092197471 Concurrent User
- Limiting future collision risk to spacecraft : an assessment of NASA's meteoroid and orbital debris programsAuthor: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee for the Assessment of NASA's Orbital Debris Programs.Publisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee for the Assessment of NASA's Orbital Debris Programs. ©2016ISBN: 9783110301069
- Limiting GovernmentAuthor: Wood, Matthew D.Publisher: Wood, Matthew D. ©2022ISBN: 9781611221985
- Limiting Harm in Health Care : A Nursing PerspectiveAuthor: Milligan, Frank;Robinson, KatePublisher: Milligan, Frank;Robinson, Kate ©2018ISBN: 9780632059966
- Limiting ResourcesAuthor: HaglundPublisher: Haglund ©2021ISBN: 9781538407219
- Limiting ResourcesAuthor: HaglundPublisher: Haglund ©2021ISBN: 9780271037189
- Limiting Resources : Market-Led Reform and the Transformation of Public GoodsAuthor: Haglund, LaDawnPublisher: Haglund, LaDawn ©2018ISBN: 9780271037196
- Limiting the magnitude of future climate changeAuthor: R.H. Simons and A.R. BeanPublisher: R.H. Simons and A.R. Bean ©2018ISBN: 9783540309321
- LimitsAuthor: BeardonPublisher: Beardon ©2016ISBN: 9781461268727
- LimitsAuthor: KallisPublisher: Kallis ©2021ISBN: 9781474481731
- Limits and Problems of European IntegrationAuthor: HaasPublisher: Haas ©2016ISBN: 97894011852952 Concurrent Users
- Limits of a TextAuthor: StrahanPublisher: Strahan ©2021ISBN: 9780444430427
- Limits of a TextAuthor: StrahanPublisher: Strahan ©2021ISBN: 9781575067049
- Limits of Abstraction, TheAuthor: Fine, KitPublisher: Fine, Kit ©2018ISBN: 9780199533633
- Limits of Affluence, TheAuthor: StruthersPublisher: Struthers ©2020ISBN: 9781402096334
- Limits of AI - Theoretical, Practical, EthicalAuthor: Klaus Mainzer,Reinhard KahlePublisher: Klaus Mainzer,Reinhard Kahle ©2024ISBN: 9783662682890
- Limits of American Literary Ideology in Pound and Emerson, TheAuthor: WolfePublisher: Wolfe ©2018ISBN: 9780521445559
- Limits of Attention, TheAuthor: ShapiroPublisher: Shapiro ©2017ISBN: 97801985051501 Concurrent User
- Limits of Auteurism, TheAuthor: GodfreyPublisher: Godfrey ©2020ISBN: 9789401055628
- Limits of Autobiography, TheAuthor: GilmorePublisher: Gilmore ©2020ISBN: 9783540424154
- Limits of Blame, TheAuthor: KellyPublisher: Kelly ©2020ISBN: 9783662443873
- Limits of Change, TheAuthor: Wertz, Jean-Luc;Bédué, Olivier;Bédué, OlivierPublisher: Wertz, Jean-Luc;Bédué, Olivier;Bédué, Olivier ©2021ISBN: 9780674332959
- Limits of Common Humanity, TheAuthor: JarvisPublisher: Jarvis ©2023ISBN: 9781402096334