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Showing books starting with the letter L (13501-13550 of 16297):
- Local Interests
- Local Interests
- Local Invasion and Spread of Cancer, vol. 7
- Local Knowledge and Agricultural Decision Making in the Philippines
- Local Knowledge and Gender in Ghana
- Local Knowledge Matters
- Local Langlands Conjecture for GL(2), The, vol. 335
- Local Languages As a Human Right in Education : Comparative Cases from Africa
- Local Languaging, Literacy and Multilingualism in a West African Society
- Local Legitimacy and International Peacebuilding
- Local Legitimacy and International Peacebuilding
- Local Literacies : Reading and Writing in One Community
- Local Livelihoods and Protected Area Management : Biodiversity Conservation Problems in Cameroon
- Local Lyapunov Exponents, vol. 1963
- Local Magistrates of Roman Spain, The
- Local Mechanical Properties IX
- Local Mechanical Properties X
- Local Mexico
- Local Minimization, Variational Evolution and Γ-Convergence, vol. 2094
- Local Modelling of Non-Local Dependencies in Syntax
- Local Multipliers of C*-Algebras
- Local Museum in the Global Village, The
- Local Newforms for GSp(4), vol. 1918
- Local Operators and Markov Processes, vol. 816
- Local Pattern Detection, vol. 3539
- Local Plans in British Land Use Planning
- Local Policies and the European Social Fund
- Local Politics and Participation in Britain and France
- Local Politics in Jordan and Morocco
- Local Politics of Global Sustainability, The
- Local Power and Politics in Indonesia
- Local Power in the Japanese State
- Local Probe Techniques for Corrosion Research
- Local Problem-Solving : Environmental Justice Small Grants Program
- Local Provision of Public Services
- Local Quantum Physics
- Local Realities and Environmental Changes in the History of East Asia
- Local Redistribution and Local Democracy
- Local Regression and Likelihood
- Local Regression and Likelihood
- Local Religion in Sixteenth-Century Spain
- Local Science Vs Global Science
- Local Search for Planning and Scheduling, vol. 2148
- Local Search in Combinatorial Optimization
- Local Self-Governance in Antiquity and in the Global South
- Local Semi-Dynamical Systems, vol. 90
- Local Social Innovation to Combat Poverty and Exclusion
- Local States in an Imperial World
- Local Story
- Local Strain and Temperature Measurement