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Showing books starting with the letter L (15401-15450 of 16297):
- Low-Energy Lunar Trajectory Design
- Low-Fat Love
- Low-Fat Love : Expanded Anniversary Edition
- Low-Fat Love Stories
- Low-Fat Love, vol. 1
- Low-Fat Meats
- Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Modeling for Electrical and Biological Systems Using MATLAB
- Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Modeling for Electrical and Biological Systems Using MATLAB
- Low-Frequency Noise In Advanced Mos Devices
- Low-frequency sound and marine mammals : current knowledge and research needs
- Low-Frequency Sound and Marine Mammals : Current Knowledge and Research Needs
- Low-Frequency Vibrations of Inorganic and Coordination Compounds
- Low-Frequency Waves in Space Plasmas
- Low-Grade Metamorphism
- Low-Grade Thermal Energy Harvesting
- Low-Gravity Fluid Dynamics and Transport Phenomena
- Low-Hanging Fruit: 77 Eye-Opening Ways to Improve Productivity and Profits
- Low-Income Consumers as a Source of Innovation
- Low-Income Students and the Perpetuation of Inequality : Higher Education in America
- Low-K Nanoporous Interdielectrics: Materials, Thin Film Fabrications, Structures and Properties : Materials, Thin Film Fabrications, Structures and Properties
- Low-Level Programming: C, Assembly, and Program Execution on Intel 64 Architecture
- Low-Noise Low-Power Design for Phase-Locked Loops
- Low-Oxygen Stress in Plants, vol. 21
- Low-Power CMOS Wireless Communications
- Low-Power Crystal and MEMS Oscillators
- Low-Power Deep Sub-Micron CMOS Logic, vol. 841
- Low-Power Design of Nanometer FPGAs
- Low-Power Design Techniques and CAD Tools for Analog and RF Integrated Circuits
- Low-Power Digital VLSI Design
- Low-Power Digital VLSI Design : Circuits and Systems
- Low-Power HF Microelectronics : A Unified Approach
- Low-Power High-Level Synthesis for Nanoscale CMOS Circuits
- Low-Power High-Resolution Analog to Digital Converters
- Low-Power High-Speed ADCs for Nanometer CMOS Integration
- Low-Power Low-Voltage Sigma-Delta Modulators in Nanometer CMOS, vol. 868
- Low-Power Smart Imagers for Vision-Enabled Sensor Networks
- Low-Power Variation-Tolerant Design in Nanometer Silicon
- Low-Power VLSI Circuits and Systems
- Low-Power Wireless Sensor Networks
- Low-Pressure Phenomena
- Low-Rank and Sparse Modeling for Visual Analysis
- Low-Rank Coals for Power Generation, Fuel and Chemical Production
- Low-Rank Models in Visual Analysis
- Low-Speed Aerodynamics
- Low-tech Innovation
- Low-Temperature Behaviour of Elastomers
- Low-Temperature Combustion and Autoignition, vol. 35
- Low-Temperature Energy Systems with Applications of Renewable Energy
- Low-Temperature Physics
- Low-Temperature Processing of Food Products