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Showing books starting with the letter L (16151-16200 of 16297):
- Lymphomas, The
- Lymphomas, The
- Lymphoproliferative Diseases of the Skin
- Lymphoproliferative Diseases, vol. 15
- Lymphoproliferative Diseases: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Therapy, vol. 31
- Lymphoreticular Malignancies
- Lymphoreticular Malignancies : Epidemiologic and related aspects
- Lynching in the West
- Lynching in the West
- Lynching Photographs
- Lyndhurst : Canada's First Rehabilitation Centre for People with Spinal Cord Injuries, 1945-1998
- Lyndon Johnson and Vietnam
- Lynn Butler-Kisber Defines Arts-Based Research
- Lynn Butler-Kisber Defines Collage Inquiry
- Lynn Butler-Kisber Defines Poetic Inquiry
- Lynn Butler-Kisber Discusses Creative and Arts-Based Qualitative Research
- Lynton Keith Caldwell : An Environmental Visionary and the National Environmental Policy Act
- Lynx and the Telescope : The Parallel Worlds of Cesi and Galileo, The
- Lyon Uprising of 1834, The
- Lyophilized Biologics and Vaccines
- Lyotard and Politics
- Lyotard and Politics
- Lyotard and the Inhuman Condition
- Lyotard Dictionary, The
- Lyotard Reader and Guide, The
- Lyra
- Lyra
- Lyric Address in Dutch Literature, 1250-1800
- Lyric Apocalypse
- Lyric as Comedy
- Lyric Contingencies
- Lyric Cousins
- Lyric forms in the sonnet sequences of Barnabe Barnes
- Lyric forms in the sonnet sequences of Barnabe Barnes
- Lyric Impulse, The
- Lyric in the Age of the Brain, The
- Lyric Myth of Voice, The
- Lyric Now, The
- Lyric of Ibycus, The
- Lyric Orientations
- Lyric Pioneers of Modern Germany
- Lyric Poem and Aestheticism, The
- Lyric Poetry
- Lyric Poetry and Modern Politics
- Lyric Shame
- Lyric Tactics
- Lyric Wonder
- Lyrica
- Lyrical in Epic Time, The
- Lyrical Novel, The