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ABCDEFGHIJKL MNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter M (20501-20550 of 29629):
- Mixture Formation in Spark-Ignition EnginesAuthor: LenzPublisher: Lenz ©2016ISBN: 97815609118832 Concurrent Users
- Mixture Formation in Spark-Ignition EnginesAuthor: LenzPublisher: Lenz ©2016ISBN: 9783709173848
- Mixture Model-Based ClassificationAuthor: McNicholas, Paul D.Publisher: McNicholas, Paul D. ©2018ISBN: 9781482225662
- Mixture Toxicity : Linking Approaches from Ecological and Human ToxicologyAuthor: van Gestel, Cornelis A. M.;Jonker, Martijs;Kammenga, Jan E.;Laskowski, Ryszard;Svendsen, ClausPublisher: van Gestel, Cornelis A. M.;Jonker, Martijs;Kammenga, Jan E.;Laskowski, Ryszard;Svendsen, Claus ©2018ISBN: 9781439830086
- Mixtures and Mineral Reactions, vol. 19Author: GangulyPublisher: Ganguly ©2016ISBN: 9783642466038
- Miyamoto Musashi's The Book of 5 Rings: A Modern-Day Interpretation of a Military ClassicAuthor: Leo GoughPublisher: Leo Gough ©2019ISBN: 9781906821111
- MiyazakiworldAuthor: NapierPublisher: Napier ©2020ISBN: 9783486562569
- Miyazawa KenjiAuthor: ContrinoPublisher: Contrino ©2020ISBN: 9783955535100
- Miyoshi KiyoyukiAuthor: KlugePublisher: Kluge ©2022ISBN: 9783112539675
- Mizzou TodayAuthor: Hill, Rob;Wallace, Richard L.;Worley, Karen FlandermeyerPublisher: Hill, Rob;Wallace, Richard L.;Worley, Karen Flandermeyer ©2018ISBN: 9780826217769
- Mjølnir Impact Event and its Consequences, TheAuthor: CzajaPublisher: Czaja ©2016ISBN: 97835408825961 Concurrent User
- MKUltra and the APAAuthor: AvillaPublisher: Avilla ©2022ISBN: 9783319026862
- ML with ConcurrencyAuthor: SchöllerPublisher: Schöller ©2016ISBN: 9781461274834
- ML.NET Revealed: Simple Tools for Applying Machine Learning to Your ApplicationsAuthor: Sudipta MukherjeePublisher: Sudipta Mukherjee ©2021ISBN: 9781484265420
- mLearning: Mobile Learning and Performance in the Palm of your HandAuthor: David S. Metcalf II,John M. De MarcoPublisher: David S. Metcalf II,John M. De Marco ©2019ISBN: 9780874259063
- MLOps Engineering at ScaleAuthor: Carl OsipovPublisher: Carl Osipov ©2022ISBN: 9781617297762
- MLOps Lifecycle Toolkit: A Software Engineering Roadmap for Designing, Deploying, and Scaling Stochastic SystemsAuthor: Dayne SorvistoPublisher: Dayne Sorvisto ©2023ISBN: 9781484296417
- MLS Project : An Assessment after Sixty Years, TheAuthor: Swigger, Boyd KeithPublisher: Swigger, Boyd Keith ©2018ISBN: 97808108770301 Concurrent User
- mm-Wave Silicon TechnologyAuthor: PinheiroPublisher: Pinheiro ©2016ISBN: 97803877655871 Concurrent User
- MMIXware, vol. 1750Author: KnuthPublisher: Knuth ©2016ISBN: 97835406693885 Concurrent Users
- MMOs from the Inside OutAuthor: BartlePublisher: Bartle ©2016ISBN: 97814842172381 Concurrent User
- MMOs from the Outside In: The Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games of Psychology, Law, Government, and Real LifeAuthor: Richard A. BartlePublisher: Richard A. Bartle ©2020ISBN: 9781484217801
- MMPI, MMPI-2 and MMPI-A in court: A practical guide for expert witnesses and attorneys., 2nd ed, TheAuthor: Pope, Kenneth S.Publisher: Pope, Kenneth S. ©2017ISBN: 9781557985903Unlimited Users
- MMPI, MMPI-2, and MMPI-A in court: A practical guide for expert witnesses and attorneys, TheAuthor: Pope, Kenneth S.Publisher: Pope, Kenneth S. ©2017ISBN: 9781591473978
- MMPI, MMPI-2, and MMPI-A in court: A practical guide for expert witnesses and attorneys., 3rd ed, TheAuthor: Pope, Kenneth S.Publisher: Pope, Kenneth S. ©2012ISBN: 9781591473978Unlimited Users
- MMPI-2: A practitioner's guideAuthor: Butcher, James N.Publisher: Butcher, James N. ©2017ISBN: 9781591472872Unlimited Users
- MMR and Autism : What Parents Need to KnowAuthor: Fitzpatrick, MichaelPublisher: Fitzpatrick, Michael ©2018ISBN: 9780415321785
- Mms : Technologies, Usage and Business ModelsAuthor: Ralph, Daniel;Graham, PaulPublisher: Ralph, Daniel;Graham, Paul ©2018ISBN: 97804708611651 Concurrent User
- MMSE-Based Algorithm for Joint Signal Detection, Channel and Noise Variance Estimation for OFDM SystemsAuthor: Savaux, Vincent;Louët, YvesPublisher: Savaux, Vincent;Louët, Yves ©2018ISBN: 9789400990784
- mmWave Massive MIMOAuthor: Shahid Mumtaz, Jonathan Rodriguez and Linglong DaiPublisher: Shahid Mumtaz, Jonathan Rodriguez and Linglong Dai ©2016ISBN: 9789400990784
- Mn Manganese : Natural Occurrence. MineralsAuthor: Sarbas, Bärbel;Töpper, Wolfgang;Ditz, ReinerPublisher: Sarbas, Bärbel;Töpper, Wolfgang;Ditz, Reiner ©2018ISBN: 97836620890951 Concurrent User
- Mn Manganese D 5 : Coordination Compounds 5Author: Koeber, Karl;Köttelwesch, Helga;Schneider, DietrichPublisher: Koeber, Karl;Köttelwesch, Helga;Schneider, Dietrich ©2018ISBN: 9783662081778
- MNCs and ASEAN Development in the 1980sAuthor: Len-RíosPublisher: Len-Ríos ©2020ISBN: 9783110154146
- MNCs and the Host CountryAuthor: MartowijoyoPublisher: Martowijoyo ©2020ISBN: 97831103191251 Concurrent User
- MnemaAuthor: ChudakovaPublisher: Chudakova ©2021ISBN: 9783540522607
- MnemographieAuthor: PethesPublisher: Pethes ©2021ISBN: 9783484630215
- Mnemonic Echoing in Old Norse Sagas and EddasAuthor: HermannPublisher: Hermann ©2022ISBN: 9783110674842
- Mnemotechnik des SchönenAuthor: KochPublisher: Koch ©2019ISBN: 9783484181007
- Mnemotopie im mexikanischen FilmAuthor: GordonPublisher: Gordon ©2022ISBN: 9783837656589
- Mo(ve)ments of ResistanceAuthor: GrinbergPublisher: Grinberg ©2020ISBN: 9783642365188
- MO-theoretische Methoden in der organischen ChemieAuthor: BirnerPublisher: Birner ©2022ISBN: 97831125452701 Concurrent User
- Mob Rule Learning : Camps, Unconferences, and Trashing the Talking HeadAuthor: Boule, MichellePublisher: Boule, Michelle ©2018ISBN: 9780910965927
- Mob TownAuthor: BennettPublisher: Bennett ©2021ISBN: 9780123956347
- MobbingAuthor: DuffyPublisher: Duffy ©2017ISBN: 9780195380019
- Möbel als MedienAuthor: GriffinPublisher: Griffin ©2021ISBN: 9783837614770
- Mobile .NETAuthor: Derek FergusonPublisher: Derek Ferguson ©2019ISBN: 9781893115712
- Mobile 3D GraphicsAuthor: MaliziaPublisher: Malizia ©2016ISBN: 9781846283833
- Mobile 3D Graphics : With OpenGL ES and M3GAuthor: Pulli, Kari;Aarnio, Tomi;Miettinen, Ville;Roimela, Kimmo;Vaarala, JaniPublisher: Pulli, Kari;Aarnio, Tomi;Miettinen, Ville;Roimela, Kimmo;Vaarala, Jani ©2018ISBN: 9780123737274
- Mobile 3D Graphics SoC : From Algorithm to ChipAuthor: Yoo, Hoi-Jun;Woo, Jeong-Ho;Sohn, Ju-Ho;Nam, Byeong-GyuPublisher: Yoo, Hoi-Jun;Woo, Jeong-Ho;Sohn, Ju-Ho;Nam, Byeong-Gyu ©2018ISBN: 9780470823774
- Mobile 3D Graphics with OpenGL ES and M3GAuthor: Kari Pulli,et al.Publisher: Kari Pulli,et al. ©2019ISBN: 9780123737274