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ABCDEFGHIJKL MNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter M (401-450 of 29629):
- Machine Learning in Medicine : Part ThreeAuthor: Cleophas, Ton J.;Zwinderman, Aeilko H.Publisher: Cleophas, Ton J.;Zwinderman, Aeilko H. ©2016ISBN: 9789400778689
- Machine Learning in Medicine : Part TwoAuthor: Cleophas, Ton J.;Zwinderman, Aeilko H.Publisher: Cleophas, Ton J.;Zwinderman, Aeilko H. ©2016ISBN: 97894007951291 Concurrent User
- Machine Learning in Non-Stationary Environments : Introduction to Covariate Shift AdaptationAuthor: Sugiyama, Masashi;Kawanabe, MotoakiPublisher: Sugiyama, Masashi;Kawanabe, Motoaki ©2018ISBN: 9780262017091
- Machine Learning in Production: Master The Art of Delivering Robust Machine Learning Solutions with MLOpsAuthor: Suhas PotePublisher: Suhas Pote ©2023ISBN: 9789355518101
- Machine Learning in Radiation OncologyAuthor: Francesca Lazzeri,Alexei RobskyPublisher: Francesca Lazzeri,Alexei Robsky ©2016ISBN: 9783319183046
- Machine Learning in the AWS Cloud: Add Intelligence to Applications with Amazon SageMaker and Amazon RekognitionAuthor: Abhishek MishraPublisher: Abhishek Mishra ©2020ISBN: 97811195567181 Concurrent User
- Machine Learning in the Oil and Gas Industry: Including Geosciences, Reservoir Engineering, and Production Engineering with PythonAuthor: Yogendra Narayan Pandey,Ayush Rastogi,Sribharath Kainkaryam,Srimoyee Bhattacharya,Luigi SaputelliPublisher: Yogendra Narayan Pandey,Ayush Rastogi,Sribharath Kainkaryam,Srimoyee Bhattacharya,Luigi Saputelli ©2021ISBN: 9781484260937
- Machine Learning Methods for Ecological ApplicationsAuthor: NagelPublisher: Nagel ©2016ISBN: 9781461374138
- Machine Learning Methods for PlanningAuthor: CamastraPublisher: Camastra ©2016ISBN: 9781447167341
- Machine Learning Models and Architectures for Biomedical Signal ProcessingAuthor: Nilanjan Dey,Surekha Borra,Amira S. Ashour,Fuqian ShiPublisher: Nilanjan Dey,Surekha Borra,Amira S. Ashour,Fuqian Shi ©2024ISBN: 97801281608625 Concurrent Users
- Machine Learning Models and Architectures for Biomedical Signal ProcessingAuthor: Nilanjan Dey,Surekha Borra,Amira S. Ashour,Fuqian ShiPublisher: Nilanjan Dey,Surekha Borra,Amira S. Ashour,Fuqian Shi ©2024ISBN: 9780128160862
- Machine Learning of Inductive Bias, vol. 15Author: UtgoffPublisher: Utgoff ©2016ISBN: 9781461294085
- Machine Learning of Natural LanguageAuthor: PowersPublisher: Powers ©2016ISBN: 9783540195573
- Machine Learning of Robot Assembly Plans, vol. 51Author: SegrePublisher: Segre ©2016ISBN: 9781461289548
- Machine Learning on Geographical Data Using Python: Introduction into Geodata with Applications and Use CasesAuthor: Joos KorstanjePublisher: Joos Korstanje ©2022ISBN: 9781484282861
- Machine Learning Paradigms, vol. 92Author: LampropoulosPublisher: Lampropoulos ©2016ISBN: 97833191913481 Concurrent User
- Machine Learning Paradigms: Advances in Deep Learning-based Technological ApplicationsAuthor: George A. Tsihrintzis,Lakhmi C. JainPublisher: George A. Tsihrintzis,Lakhmi C. Jain ©2021ISBN: 97830304972311 Concurrent User
- Machine Learning Proceedings 1988Author: Doug Hudgeon,Richard NicholPublisher: Doug Hudgeon,Richard Nichol ©2016ISBN: 9780387887340
- Machine Learning Proceedings 1990Author: M. Z. NaserPublisher: M. Z. Naser ©2016ISBN: 9780387887340
- Machine Learning Proceedings 1991Author: Balas K. NatarajanPublisher: Balas K. Natarajan ©2016ISBN: 9783030718800
- Machine Learning Proceedings 1992Author: Sergios TheodoridisPublisher: Sergios Theodoridis ©2016ISBN: 9783540762799
- Machine Learning Proceedings 1992 : Proceedings of the Ninth International WorkshopAuthor: Edwards, Peter;Sleeman, DerekPublisher: Edwards, Peter;Sleeman, Derek ©2018ISBN: 9781558602472
- Machine Learning Proceedings 1993Author: Hossein Bonakdari, Isa Ebtehaj and Joseph LadouceurPublisher: Hossein Bonakdari, Isa Ebtehaj and Joseph Ladouceur ©2016ISBN: 9780443152856
- Machine Learning Proceedings 1994Author: Lior Rokach,Oded Maimon,Erez ShmueliPublisher: Lior Rokach,Oded Maimon,Erez Shmueli ©2016ISBN: 9783031246272
- Machine Learning Proceedings 1995Author: Dua, Sumeet;Acharya, U. Rajendra;Dua, PrernaPublisher: Dua, Sumeet;Acharya, U. Rajendra;Dua, Prerna ©2016ISBN: 9783642400162
- Machine Learning Projects for .NET DevelopersAuthor: BrandewinderPublisher: Brandewinder ©2016ISBN: 9781430267676
- Machine Learning Recommender SystemsAuthor: HilbertPublisher: Hilbert ©2022ISBN: 97836424001621 Concurrent User
- Machine Learning Systems: Designs That ScaleAuthor: Jeff SmithPublisher: Jeff Smith ©2019ISBN: 9781617293337
- Machine Learning Techniques for CybersecurityAuthor: Elisa Bertino,Sonam Bhardwaj,Fabrizio Cicala,Sishuai Gong,Imtiaz Karim,Charalampos Katsis,Hyunwoo Lee,Adrian Shuai Li,Ashraf Y. MahgoubPublisher: Elisa Bertino,Sonam Bhardwaj,Fabrizio Cicala,Sishuai Gong,Imtiaz Karim,Charalampos Katsis,Hyunwoo Lee,Adrian Shuai Li,Ashraf Y. Mahgoub ©2024ISBN: 9783031282584
- Machine Learning Techniques for MultimediaAuthor: Wang, Fei;Yan, Pingkun;Suzuki, Kenji;Shen, DinggangPublisher: Wang, Fei;Yan, Pingkun;Suzuki, Kenji;Shen, Dinggang ©2016ISBN: 9783540751700
- Machine Learning Techniques for Space WeatherAuthor: Clifton, David A.Publisher: Clifton, David A. ©2018ISBN: 97836421594731 Concurrent User
- Machine Learning Techniques for VLSI Chip DesignAuthor: Abhishek Kumar,Suman Lata Tripathi,K. Srinivasa RaoPublisher: Abhishek Kumar,Suman Lata Tripathi,K. Srinivasa Rao ©2023ISBN: 9781119910398
- Machine Learning Theory and Applications: Hands-on Use Cases with Python on Classical and Quantum MachinesAuthor: Xavier VasquesPublisher: Xavier Vasques ©2024ISBN: 9781394220618
- Machine Learning under Resource Constraints ; Applications, vol. 3Author: BifetPublisher: Bifet ©2023ISBN: 9783110785975
- Machine Learning under Resource Constraints ; Discovery in Physics, vol. 2Author: John Paul Mueller,Luca MassaronPublisher: John Paul Mueller,Luca Massaron ©2023ISBN: 9783110785951
- Machine Learning under Resource Constraints ; Fundamentals, vol. 1Author: Isaiah HullPublisher: Isaiah Hull ©2023ISBN: 9783110785937
- Machine Learning under Resource Constraints ; Machine Learning under Resource Constraints - Applications, vol. 3Author: GongPublisher: Gong ©2023ISBN: 9783110785975
- Machine Learning under Resource Constraints ; Machine Learning under Resource Constraints - Discovery in Physics, vol. 2Author: GongPublisher: Gong ©2023ISBN: 9783110785951
- Machine Learning under Resource Constraints ; Machine Learning under Resource Constraints - Fundamentals, vol. 1Author: Bengio, Samy;Bourlard, Hervé;Bourlard, HervéPublisher: Bengio, Samy;Bourlard, Hervé;Bourlard, Hervé ©2023ISBN: 97831107859371 Concurrent User
- Machine Learning Upgrade: A Data Scientist's Guide to MLOps, LLMs, and ML InfrastructureAuthor: Kristen Kehrer,Caleb KaiserPublisher: Kristen Kehrer,Caleb Kaiser ©2024ISBN: 9781394249633
- Machine Learning Using RAuthor: Karthik Ramasubramanian,Abhishek SinghPublisher: Karthik Ramasubramanian,Abhishek Singh ©2019ISBN: 97814842233381 Concurrent User
- Machine Learning Using R: With Time Series and Industry-Based Use Cases in R, Second EditionAuthor: Karthik Ramasubramanian,Abhishek SinghPublisher: Karthik Ramasubramanian,Abhishek Singh ©2019ISBN: 97814842421485 Concurrent Users
- Machine Learning with ApplicationsAuthor: CleophasPublisher: Cleophas ©2021ISBN: 97833191519461 Concurrent User
- Machine Learning with Dynamics 365 and Power Platform: The Ultimate Guide to Apply Predictive AnalyticsAuthor: Aurelien Clere,Vinnie BansalPublisher: Aurelien Clere,Vinnie Bansal ©2022ISBN: 9781119771296Unlimited Users
- Machine Learning with Intelligent Scenario Lifecycle ManagementAuthor: Marcin Dzierzgowski,Kinga Tarczynska,Marek K. ZielinskiPublisher: Marcin Dzierzgowski,Kinga Tarczynska,Marek K. Zielinski ©2023ISBN: 9781493223954Unlimited Users
- Machine Learning with Microsoft Technologies: Selecting the Right Architecture and Tools for Your ProjectAuthor: Leila EtaatiPublisher: Leila Etaati ©2019ISBN: 9781484236574Unlimited Users
- Machine Learning with Noisy LabelsAuthor: Carneiro, GustavoPublisher: Carneiro, Gustavo ©2024ISBN: 9783319121628
- Machine Learning with Noisy LabelsAuthor: Carneiro, GustavoPublisher: Carneiro, Gustavo ©2024ISBN: 9783319041803
- Machine Learning with PySpark: With Natural Language Processing and Recommender SystemsAuthor: Pramod SinghPublisher: Pramod Singh ©2019ISBN: 9781484241301
- Machine Learning with PySpark: With Natural Language Processing and Recommender Systems, 2nd EditionAuthor: Pramod SinghPublisher: Pramod Singh ©2022ISBN: 9781484277768Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at