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ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter N (8251-8300 of 13784):
- Newer Methods of Nutritional Biochemistry, Volume 5Author: Seplina, Pauline T.Publisher: Seplina, Pauline T. ©2016ISBN: 97811384585981 Concurrent User
- Newer Methods of Preparative Organic Chemistry V2Author: Foerst, WilhelmPublisher: Foerst, Wilhelm ©2018ISBN: 97801239564845 Concurrent Users
- Newer Methods of Preparative Organic Chemistry, Volume 2Author: Wessner, Charles W.Publisher: Wessner, Charles W. ©2016ISBN: 97816181159421 Concurrent User
- Newer Methods of Preparative Organic Chemistry, Volume 3Author: Cunningham, GiniPublisher: Cunningham, Gini ©2016ISBN: 9783540214489Unlimited Users
- Newer Physiology in Surgical and General Practice, TheAuthor: A. Rendle ShortPublisher: A. Rendle Short ©2016ISBN: 9780814747179Unlimited Users
- Newer Redox TitrantsAuthor: A. Berka, J. Vulterin, J. Zýka, R. Belcher and L. GordonPublisher: A. Berka, J. Vulterin, J. Zýka, R. Belcher and L. Gordon ©2016ISBN: 9781461267607Unlimited Users
- Newer ways with childrenAuthor: O'Shea, M. V.Publisher: O'Shea, M. V. ©2017ISBN: 9783211826201
- Newest Trends in the Study of Grammaticalization and Lexicalization in ChineseAuthor: HermanPublisher: Herman ©2021ISBN: 9783110252996
- Newfoundland and LabradorAuthor: AbbottPublisher: Abbott ©2021ISBN: 9781468451818
- Newfoundland and LabradorAuthor: CadiganPublisher: Cadigan ©2022ISBN: 9780521812078
- Newfoundland and Labrador EnglishAuthor: ClarkePublisher: Clarke ©2022ISBN: 9780826111555
- Newfoundland and Labrador EnglishAuthor: ClarkePublisher: Clarke ©2022ISBN: 97807486261681 Concurrent User
- Newfoundland in the Nineteenth and Twentieth CenturiesAuthor: McDowallPublisher: McDowall ©2020ISBN: 97890481927001 Concurrent User
- Newfoundland ModernAuthor: MellinPublisher: Mellin ©2023ISBN: 9780826111555
- Newly Characterized Protist and Invertebrate Viruses, vol. 12Author: Fraenkel-ConratPublisher: Fraenkel-Conrat ©2016ISBN: 9781468427264
- Newly Hired Teachers of Science : A Better BeginningAuthor: Luft, Julie A.;Dubois, Shannon L.Publisher: Luft, Julie A.;Dubois, Shannon L. ©2018ISBN: 97894630028131 Concurrent User
- Newly Industrializing Countries in the World Economy, TheAuthor: AubergPublisher: Auberg ©2023ISBN: 9781555871543
- Newman and Carranza's Clinical Periodontology E-Book: Newman and Carranza's Clinical Periodontology E-BookAuthor: Michael G. NewmanPublisher: Michael G. Newman ©2020ISBN: 9780323523004
- Newnes Audio and Hi-Fi Engineer's Pocket BookAuthor: Vivian CapelPublisher: Vivian Capel ©2016ISBN: 9789048192700
- Newnes Audio and Hi-Fi Engineer's Pocket BookAuthor: Vivian CapelPublisher: Vivian Capel ©2016ISBN: 9780761947486
- Newnes Audio and Hi-Fi Engineer's Pocket BookAuthor: Capel, VivianPublisher: Capel, Vivian ©2018ISBN: 9780750620017
- Newnes Circuit Calculations Pocket BookAuthor: Thomas J. DaviesPublisher: Thomas J. Davies ©2016ISBN: 9781487579104
- Newnes Communications Technology HandbookAuthor: Geoff LewisPublisher: Geoff Lewis ©2016ISBN: 97807486187741 Concurrent User
- Newnes Communications Technology HandbookAuthor: Lewis BA. M.Sc. MIEEE. MRTS.MIEIE., GeoffPublisher: Lewis BA. M.Sc. MIEEE. MRTS.MIEIE., Geoff ©2018ISBN: 9780750617291
- Newnes Data Communications Pocket BookAuthor: Michael Tooley and Steve WinderPublisher: Michael Tooley and Steve Winder ©2016ISBN: 9780231165075
- Newnes Electrical Pocket BookAuthor: Errol C Friedberg;Diego H Castrillon;Rene L Galindo;Keith WhartonPublisher: Errol C Friedberg;Diego H Castrillon;Rene L Galindo;Keith Wharton ©2016ISBN: 9789814355681
- Newnes Electrical Power Engineer's HandbookAuthor: Warne, D. F.Publisher: Warne, D. F. ©2018ISBN: 97807506626805 Concurrent Users
- Newnes Electrical Power Engineer's HandbookAuthor: D.F. WarnePublisher: D.F. Warne ©2016ISBN: 9780813530574
- Newnes Electronics Assembly HandbookAuthor: Keith BrindleyPublisher: Keith Brindley ©2016ISBN: 9780813530574
- Newnes Electronics Assembly Pocket BookAuthor: OwensbyPublisher: Owensby ©2016ISBN: 9780195307696
- Newnes Electronics Engineers Pocket BookAuthor: Keith BrindleyPublisher: Keith Brindley ©2016ISBN: 9781581103076
- Newnes Electronics ToolkitAuthor: Phillips, GeoffPublisher: Phillips, Geoff ©2018ISBN: 97807506092961 Concurrent User
- Newnes Engineer's Pocket BookAuthor: J. L. NaylerPublisher: J. L. Nayler ©2016ISBN: 9783319090085
- Newnes Engineering and Physical Science Pocket BookAuthor: J. O. Bird and P. J. ChiversPublisher: J. O. Bird and P. J. Chivers ©2016ISBN: 9781398602090
- Newnes Engineering Materials Pocket BookAuthor: W. BoltonPublisher: W. Bolton ©2016ISBN: 9781597563185
- Newnes Engineering Science Pocket BookAuthor: J. O. BirdPublisher: J. O. Bird ©2018ISBN: 9780857290236
- Newnes Guide to Digital TVAuthor: Richard BricePublisher: Richard Brice ©2016ISBN: 9781461289876
- Newnes Guide to Home Electrics, TheAuthor: Geoffrey Burdett and W. TurnerPublisher: Geoffrey Burdett and W. Turner ©2016ISBN: 9780674494176
- Newnes Guide to Radio and Communications TechnologyAuthor: Ian PoolePublisher: Ian Poole ©2016ISBN: 97888470198292 Concurrent Users
- Newnes Guide to Radio and Communications TechnologyAuthor: Poole, IanPublisher: Poole, Ian ©2018ISBN: 9780750656122
- Newnes Guide to Television and Video TechnologyAuthor: AhluwaliaPublisher: Ahluwalia ©2016ISBN: 9788847019829
- Newnes Guide to Television and Video Technology : The Guide for the Digital Age - from HDTV, DVD and Flat-Screen Technologies to Multimedia Broadcasting, Mobile TV and Blu RayAuthor: Ibrahim, K. F.Publisher: Ibrahim, K. F. ©2018ISBN: 9780750681650
- Newnes Guide to TV and Video TechnologyAuthor: Eugene TrundlePublisher: Eugene Trundle ©2016ISBN: 9780674866010
- Newnes Industrial Control Wiring GuideAuthor: Bob MercerPublisher: Bob Mercer ©2016ISBN: 9783642109584
- Newnes Interfacing CompanionAuthor: A.C. Fischer-CrippsPublisher: A.C. Fischer-Cripps ©2016ISBN: 9780823239672
- Newnes Mathematics Pocket Book for EngineersAuthor: J. O. BirdPublisher: J. O. Bird ©2016ISBN: 9780120480036
- Newnes Mathematics Pocket Book for EngineersAuthor: Bird, J. O.Publisher: Bird, J. O. ©2018ISBN: 97807506026481 Concurrent User
- Newnes Mechanical Engineer's Pocket BookAuthor: Timings, Roger;May, TonyPublisher: Timings, Roger;May, Tony ©2016ISBN: 9780750609197
- Newnes Microprocessor Pocket BookAuthor: Steve MoneyPublisher: Steve Money ©2016ISBN: 9783540791331
- Newnes PC Troubleshooting Pocket BookAuthor: Howard Anderson and Mike TooleyPublisher: Howard Anderson and Mike Tooley ©2016ISBN: 97808147246131 Concurrent User