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ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter N (951-1000 of 13784):
- Nanostructured and Subwavelength Waveguides : Fundamentals and ApplicationsAuthor: Skorobogatiy, MaksimPublisher: Skorobogatiy, Maksim ©2018ISBN: 9781461486749
- Nanostructured Anodic Metal OxidesAuthor: YatsuiPublisher: Yatsui ©2020ISBN: 9781461486749
- Nanostructured BiomaterialsAuthor: CerofoliniPublisher: Cerofolini ©2016ISBN: 9783642050114
- Nanostructured Biomaterials for Cranio-Maxillofacial and Oral ApplicationsAuthor: LundstromPublisher: Lundstrom ©2018ISBN: 9780387280028
- Nanostructured Biomaterials for Regenerative MedicineAuthor: LundstromPublisher: Lundstrom ©2019ISBN: 97803872800281 Concurrent User
- Nanostructured Carbon for Advanced Applications, vol. 24Author: Nazarov, Alexei N.;Raskin, Jean-PierrePublisher: Nazarov, Alexei N.;Raskin, Jean-Pierre ©2016ISBN: 9780792370420
- Nanostructured Carbon Nitrides for Sustainable Energy and Environmental ApplicationsAuthor: Brodsky, Anatol M.Publisher: Brodsky, Anatol M. ©2022ISBN: 9781402063787
- Nanostructured CatalystsAuthor: Bolin LiaoPublisher: Bolin Liao ©2016ISBN: 9780306474842
- Nanostructured CoatingsAuthor: Toyoko ImaePublisher: Toyoko Imae ©2016ISBN: 9780387256429
- Nanostructured Conducting Polymers and their Nanocomposites: Classification, Properties, Fabrication and Applications : Classification, Properties, Fabrication and ApplicationsAuthor: Riaz, Ufana;Ashraf, S.M.Publisher: Riaz, Ufana;Ashraf, S.M. ©2018ISBN: 9781608769438
- Nanostructured Drug Delivery Systems in Infectious Disease TreatmentAuthor: LoboPublisher: Lobo ©2024ISBN: 97894017969651 Concurrent User
- Nanostructured Energy Devices : Foundations of Carrier TransportAuthor: Bisquert, JuanPublisher: Bisquert, Juan ©2018ISBN: 9781466587991
- Nanostructured Films and Coatings, vol. 78Author: GhoshPublisher: Ghosh ©2016ISBN: 9780792362661
- Nanostructured Hexagonal FerritesAuthor: GhoshPublisher: Ghosh ©2024ISBN: 9783642151361
- Nanostructured Immiscible Polymer BlendsAuthor: Reza Salehiyan andSuprakas Sinha RayPublisher: Reza Salehiyan andSuprakas Sinha Ray ©2019ISBN: 97836421513615 Concurrent Users
- Nanostructured Lithium-ion Battery MaterialsAuthor: Moshchalkov, Victor;Woerdenweber, Roger;Lang, WolfgangPublisher: Moshchalkov, Victor;Woerdenweber, Roger;Lang, Wolfgang ©2024ISBN: 9783642151361
- Nanostructured Lithium-ion Battery MaterialsAuthor: Osvaldo Novais de Oliveira, Jr., Marystela Ferreira, Fábio de Lima Leite and Alessandra Luzia Da RózPublisher: Osvaldo Novais de Oliveira, Jr., Marystela Ferreira, Fábio de Lima Leite and Alessandra Luzia Da Róz ©2024ISBN: 9789814322485
- Nanostructured Magnetic Materials and Their ApplicationsAuthor: Shi, Donglu;Aktas, Bekir;Pust, Ladisvlav;Mikailov, FaikPublisher: Shi, Donglu;Aktas, Bekir;Pust, Ladisvlav;Mikailov, Faik ©2018ISBN: 9783540441021
- Nanostructured Magnetic Materials and their Applications, vol. 143Author: Kong, E. S. W.;Knoll, WolfgangPublisher: Kong, E. S. W.;Knoll, Wolfgang ©2016ISBN: 9781402020049
- Nanostructured Magnetic Materials and Their Applications, vol. 593Author: Light Feather, JudithPublisher: Light Feather, Judith ©2016ISBN: 9783540441021
- Nanostructured MaterialsAuthor: Klabunde, Kenneth J.;Richards, Ryan M.Publisher: Klabunde, Kenneth J.;Richards, Ryan M. ©2016ISBN: 97837091739851 Concurrent User
- Nanostructured MaterialsAuthor: Klabunde, Kenneth J.;Richards, Ryan M.Publisher: Klabunde, Kenneth J.;Richards, Ryan M. ©2016ISBN: 9780470222706
- Nanostructured MaterialsAuthor: YoussefPublisher: Youssef ©2020ISBN: 97835404966011 Concurrent User
- Nanostructured MaterialsAuthor: Changlin Yu, Pei Shen and Zesheng LiPublisher: Changlin Yu, Pei Shen and Zesheng Li ©2023ISBN: 9783319048666
- Nanostructured MaterialsAuthor: Hofmann, Heinrich;Rahmann, Zakia;Schubert, UlrichPublisher: Hofmann, Heinrich;Rahmann, Zakia;Schubert, Ulrich ©2018ISBN: 9783709173985
- Nanostructured Materials : Science and TechnologyAuthor: Chow, Gan-Moog;Noskova, Nina IvanovnaPublisher: Chow, Gan-Moog;Noskova, Nina Ivanovna ©2018ISBN: 9789401061001
- Nanostructured Materials and Coatings for Biomedical and Sensor Applications, vol. 102Author: John Alexander Crisp;Christian Joachim;Laurence PlevertPublisher: John Alexander Crisp;Christian Joachim;Laurence Plevert ©2016ISBN: 9781402013218
- Nanostructured Materials and NanotechnologyAuthor: Shanmugamurthy LakshmananPublisher: Shanmugamurthy Lakshmanan ©2016ISBN: 9781627054287
- Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology V, Volume 32, Issue 7Author: Mathur, Sanjay;Ray, Suprakas Sinha;Widjaja, Sujanto;Singh, DileepPublisher: Mathur, Sanjay;Ray, Suprakas Sinha;Widjaja, Sujanto;Singh, Dileep ©2018ISBN: 97811180599202 Concurrent Users
- Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology VI, Volume 33, Issue 7Author: Mathur, Sanjay;Sinha Ray, Suprakas;Halbig, MichaelPublisher: Mathur, Sanjay;Sinha Ray, Suprakas;Halbig, Michael ©2018ISBN: 9781118205976
- Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology VII, Volume 34, Issue 7Author: Mathur, Sanjay;Hernandez-Ramirez, Francisco;Kirihara, Soshu;Widjaja, SujantoPublisher: Mathur, Sanjay;Hernandez-Ramirez, Francisco;Kirihara, Soshu;Widjaja, Sujanto ©2018ISBN: 9781118807620
- Nanostructured Materials and Their ApplicationsAuthor: Enrico Gnecco;Marek SzymonskiPublisher: Enrico Gnecco;Marek Szymonski ©2016ISBN: 9783642222269
- Nanostructured Materials by High-Pressure Severe Plastic Deformation, vol. 212Author: Mavroidis, Constantinos;Ferreira, AntoinePublisher: Mavroidis, Constantinos;Ferreira, Antoine ©2016ISBN: 97814020392181 Concurrent User
- Nanostructured Materials Engineering and Characterization for Battery ApplicationsAuthor: Enrico Gnecco;Marek SzymonskiPublisher: Enrico Gnecco;Marek Szymonski ©2024ISBN: 97898128376221 Concurrent User
- Nanostructured Materials Engineering and Characterization for Battery ApplicationsAuthor: Kumar, VijayPublisher: Kumar, Vijay ©2024ISBN: 9780080445281
- Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Technological ApplicationsAuthor: Jones, M. Gail;Falvo, Michael R.;Taylor, Amy R.;Broadwell, Bethany P.Publisher: Jones, M. Gail;Falvo, Michael R.;Taylor, Amy R.;Broadwell, Bethany P. ©2016ISBN: 9781402099151
- Nanostructured Materials for Biomedical ApplicationsAuthor: Yeo, YoonPublisher: Yeo, Yoon ©2024ISBN: 9789401047586
- Nanostructured Materials for Electrochemical BiosensorsAuthor: Yogeswaran, Umasankar;Kumar, S. Ashok;Chen, Shen-MingPublisher: Yogeswaran, Umasankar;Kumar, S. Ashok;Chen, Shen-Ming ©2018ISBN: 9781607417064
- Nanostructured Materials for Electrochemical Energy Production and StorageAuthor: RostamiPublisher: Rostami ©2016ISBN: 97803874932205 Concurrent Users
- Nanostructured Materials for Electrochemical Energy Production and StorageAuthor: Leite, Edson RobertoPublisher: Leite, Edson Roberto ©2018ISBN: 97803874932201 Concurrent User
- Nanostructured Materials for Engineering ApplicationsAuthor: ZhangPublisher: Zhang ©2016ISBN: 9783642191305Unlimited Users
- Nanostructured Materials for Food Packaging ApplicationsAuthor: RostamiPublisher: Rostami ©2024ISBN: 9783642149245
- Nanostructured Materials for Food Packaging ApplicationsAuthor: ZhangPublisher: Zhang ©2024ISBN: 9781402035609Unlimited Users
- Nanostructured Materials for Magnetoelectronics, vol. 175Author: YatsuiPublisher: Yatsui ©2016ISBN: 9783642349577
- Nanostructured Materials for Photoelectrochemical Water SplittingAuthor: Jih-Hsing ChangPublisher: Jih-Hsing Chang ©2021ISBN: 9780750336970
- Nanostructured Materials for Solar Energy ConversionAuthor: LundstromPublisher: Lundstrom ©2016ISBN: 97803872800281 Concurrent User
- Nanostructured Materials for Solar Energy ConversionAuthor: Soga, TetsuoPublisher: Soga, Tetsuo ©2018ISBN: 9780444528445
- Nanostructured Materials for Sustainable Energy and Environmental RemediationAuthor: Nazarov, Alexei N.;Raskin, Jean-PierrePublisher: Nazarov, Alexei N.;Raskin, Jean-Pierre ©2023ISBN: 9780750351409
- Nanostructured Materials for Tissue EngineeringAuthor: Brodsky, Anatol M.Publisher: Brodsky, Anatol M. ©2023ISBN: 9781402063787
- Nanostructured Materials for Visible Light PhotocatalysisAuthor: Bolin LiaoPublisher: Bolin Liao ©2022ISBN: 9780306474842