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Showing books starting with the letter N (10701-10750 of 13784):
- Nonlinear Statistical Models
- Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamic Engineering Systems
- Nonlinear Stochastic Evolution Problems in Applied Sciences, vol. 82
- Nonlinear Stochastic Mechanics
- Nonlinear Stochastic Operator Equations
- Nonlinear Stochastic PDEs : Hydrodynamic Limit and Burgers' Turbulence
- Nonlinear Stochastic PDEs, vol. 77
- Nonlinear Stochastic Problems, vol. 104
- Nonlinear Stochastic Systems with Incomplete Information : Filtering and Control
- Nonlinear Stochastic Systems with Network-Induced Phenomena
- Nonlinear Structural Engineering
- Nonlinear Structural Mechanics
- Nonlinear Structures in Physical Systems
- Nonlinear Super-Resolution Nano-Optics and Applications, vol. 191
- Nonlinear Superconductive Electronics and Josephson Devices
- Nonlinear Surface Electromagnetic Phenomena, vol. 29
- Nonlinear Symmetries and Nonlinear Equations, vol. 299
- Nonlinear System Analysis
- Nonlinear System Dynamics
- Nonlinear System Identification : NARMAX Methods in the Time, Frequency, and Spatio-Temporal Domains
- Nonlinear System Identification by Haar Wavelets, vol. 210
- Nonlinear System Theory, vol. 175
- Nonlinear Systems and Applications
- Nonlinear Systems and Circuits in Internal Combustion Engines : Modeling and Control
- Nonlinear Systems and Optimization for the Chemical Engineer : Solving Numerical Problems
- Nonlinear Systems in Heat Transfer
- Nonlinear Systems Of Partial Differential Equations: Applications To Life And Physical Sciences
- Nonlinear Systems Stability Analysis : Lyapunov-Based Approach
- Nonlinear Systems Stability Analysis : Lyapunov-Based Approach
- Nonlinear Systems, vol. 10
- Nonlinear Targeted Energy Transfer in Mechanical and Structural Systems, vol. 156
- Nonlinear Theory of Dislocations and Disclinations in Elastic Bodies, vol. 47
- Nonlinear Theory of Elastic Plates
- Nonlinear Theory of Elastic Shells, The
- Nonlinear Theory of Elasticity, vol. 36
- Nonlinear Theory Of Elasticity: Applications In Biomechanics
- Nonlinear Theory of Electroelastic and Magnetoelastic Interactions
- Nonlinear Theory of Pseudodifferential Equations on Half-line, vol. 194
- Nonlinear Theory of Shallow Shells, vol. 133
- Nonlinear Time Series
- Nonlinear Time Series : Theory, Methods and Applications with R Examples
- Nonlinear Time Series Analysis in the Geosciences, vol. 112
- Nonlinear Time Series Analysis of Economic and Financial Data, vol. 1
- Nonlinear Time Series and Signal Processing, vol. 106
- Nonlinear Time-discrete Systems, vol. 41
- Nonlinear Transistor Model Parameter Extraction Techniques
- Nonlinear Two Point Boundary Value Problems, vol. 44
- Nonlinear Ultrasonic Guided Waves
- Nonlinear Universe, The
- Nonlinear Urbanism