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ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter N (12001-12050 of 13784):
- Nuclear Cardiology and Correlative ImagingAuthor: Roy, Kenneth RussellPublisher: Roy, Kenneth Russell ©2016ISBN: 9780387207070
- Nuclear Cardiology in Everyday Practice, vol. 146Author: Roy, Kenneth RussellPublisher: Roy, Kenneth Russell ©2016ISBN: 9789401048767
- Nuclear Cardiology Study GuideAuthor: MoniuszkoPublisher: Moniuszko ©2016ISBN: 9781461486442
- Nuclear Cardiology, The BasicsAuthor: WackersPublisher: Wackers ©2016ISBN: 9781588299246
- Nuclear chemical engineeringAuthor: Benedict, MansonPublisher: Benedict, Manson ©2015ISBN: 97800700453161 Concurrent User
- Nuclear ChemistryAuthor: Neil A. FiorePublisher: Neil A. Fiore ©2016ISBN: 97838376239491 Concurrent User
- Nuclear ChemistryAuthor: Yaffe, L.Publisher: Yaffe, L. ©2018ISBN: 97814832323175 Concurrent Users
- Nuclear Chemistry: New Research : New ResearchAuthor: Koskinen, Alex N.Publisher: Koskinen, Alex N. ©2018ISBN: 9781604569575Unlimited Users
- Nuclear Choices for the Twenty-First CenturyAuthor: WolfsonPublisher: Wolfson ©2021ISBN: 9780262542036Unlimited Users
- Nuclear Club, TheAuthor: HuntPublisher: Hunt ©2022ISBN: 9781118485811Unlimited Users
- Nuclear Collective Motion: Models And TheoryAuthor: David J RowePublisher: David J Rowe ©2018ISBN: 9789812790651
- Nuclear Commerce : Its Control Regime and the Non-Proliferation TreatyAuthor: Berndorfer, ThomasPublisher: Berndorfer, Thomas ©2018ISBN: 9783836669726
- Nuclear Computational ScienceAuthor: AzmyPublisher: Azmy ©2016ISBN: 9789048134106
- Nuclear Condensed Matter Physics with Synchrotron Radiation, vol. 208Author: R�hlsbergerPublisher: R�hlsberger ©2016ISBN: 9781555875701
- Nuclear Contamination of Water ResourcesAuthor: British Nuclear Energy SocietyPublisher: British Nuclear Energy Society ©2018ISBN: 97807277152721 Concurrent User
- Nuclear CorrosionAuthor: Johnson, EdwardPublisher: Johnson, Edward ©2020ISBN: 9783662436233
- Nuclear Corrosion ModellingAuthor: Roy A. CastelliPublisher: Roy A. Castelli ©2016ISBN: 9780262195546
- Nuclear Corrosion Science and EngineeringAuthor: LiuPublisher: Liu ©2018ISBN: 9781461267775
- Nuclear Corrosion Science and EngineeringAuthor: Feron, DamienPublisher: Feron, Damien ©2018ISBN: 9781845697655
- Nuclear CountryAuthor: StockPublisher: Stock ©2021ISBN: 9788132216346
- Nuclear Crisis ManagementAuthor: LebowPublisher: Lebow ©2021ISBN: 97881322163461 Concurrent User
- Nuclear Crisis, TheAuthor: PearcePublisher: Pearce ©2022ISBN: 9780231921688
- Nuclear Data for Science and TechnologyAuthor: EuropumpPublisher: Europump ©2016ISBN: 9783642634734
- Nuclear Data for Science and TechnologyAuthor: WigginPublisher: Wiggin ©2016ISBN: 9789400971011
- Nuclear Data Needs For Generation Iv Nuclear Energy Systems - Proceedings Of The International WorkshopAuthor: Peter RullhusenPublisher: Peter Rullhusen ©2018ISBN: 9789812568304
- Nuclear Data SheetsAuthor: Blin-StoylePublisher: Blin-Stoyle ©2020ISBN: 97804123832055 Concurrent Users
- Nuclear Data Sheets. Section AAuthor: Dobbs, E. R.;Blin-Stoyle, R. J.Publisher: Dobbs, E. R.;Blin-Stoyle, R. J. ©2020ISBN: 9780412383205
- Nuclear Data Sheets. Section BAuthor: Benge, DavidPublisher: Benge, David ©2020ISBN: 9781461343271
- Nuclear Data: A primerAuthor: David G JenkinsPublisher: David G Jenkins ©2021ISBN: 97807503267281 Concurrent User
- Nuclear Data: An independent-particle motion viewAuthor: JenkinsPublisher: Jenkins ©2024ISBN: 97807503564661 Concurrent User
- Nuclear DecommissioningAuthor: SimmonsPublisher: Simmons ©2018ISBN: 9783598105548
- Nuclear Decommissioning Case StudiesAuthor: Michele LaraiaPublisher: Michele Laraia ©2021ISBN: 9783540182795
- Nuclear Decommissioning Case StudiesAuthor: Michele LaraiaPublisher: Michele Laraia ©2021ISBN: 9783598112584
- Nuclear Decommissioning Case StudiesAuthor: Michele LaraiaPublisher: Michele Laraia ©2022ISBN: 9780128034804
- Nuclear Decommissioning Case StudiesAuthor: Michele LaraiaPublisher: Michele Laraia ©2022ISBN: 9783598112577
- Nuclear Decommissioning Case StudiesAuthor: Kratz, Jens-Volker;Lieser, Karl HeinrichPublisher: Kratz, Jens-Volker;Lieser, Karl Heinrich ©2023ISBN: 9783527329014
- Nuclear Decommissioning Case StudiesAuthor: HaywoodPublisher: Haywood ©2023ISBN: 9783662630204
- Nuclear Decommissioning, Waste Management, and Environmental Site RemediationAuthor: C.R. Bayliss, Dr CEng FIEE, and K.F. Langley, Dr CChem MRSCPublisher: C.R. Bayliss, Dr CEng FIEE, and K.F. Langley, Dr CChem MRSC ©2016ISBN: 97844315511022 Concurrent Users
- Nuclear Decommissioning, Waste Management, and Environmental Site RemediationAuthor: Bayliss, Colin;Langley, KevinPublisher: Bayliss, Colin;Langley, Kevin ©2018ISBN: 9780750677448
- Nuclear Disasters and the Built EnvironmentAuthor: Philip Steadman and Simon HodgkinsonPublisher: Philip Steadman and Simon Hodgkinson ©2016ISBN: 9784431551102
- Nuclear Disasters and the Built Environment : A Report to the Royal Institute of British ArchitectsAuthor: Steadman, Philip;Hodgkinson, SimonPublisher: Steadman, Philip;Hodgkinson, Simon ©2018ISBN: 9780408500616
- Nuclear DynamicsAuthor: IskandrianPublisher: Iskandrian ©2016ISBN: 9784431300540
- Nuclear Dynamics in Strong Laser FieldsAuthor: MişicuPublisher: Mişicu ©2023ISBN: 9780750331975
- Nuclear Dynamics: from Quarks to Nuclei : Proceedings of the XXth CFIF Fall Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal, October 31--November 2 2002Author: Pena, M. T.;Stadtler, A.;Eiró, A. M.;Adam, J.;Eiró, A. M.Publisher: Pena, M. T.;Stadtler, A.;Eiró, A. M.;Adam, J.;Eiró, A. M. ©2018ISBN: 9783211838990
- Nuclear Dynamics: From Quarks to Nuclei, vol. 15Author: WallPublisher: Wall ©2016ISBN: 97837091730151 Concurrent User
- Nuclear Electric Power : Safety, Operation, and Control AspectsAuthor: Knowles, J. BrianPublisher: Knowles, J. Brian ©2018ISBN: 9781118551707
- Nuclear EndocrinologyAuthor: PiciuPublisher: Piciu ©2016ISBN: 9783642250132
- Nuclear EndocrinologyAuthor: Piciu, DoinaPublisher: Piciu, Doina ©2018ISBN: 97836422501321 Concurrent User
- Nuclear EnergyAuthor: Raymond L. MurrayPublisher: Raymond L. Murray ©2016ISBN: 9789812790651
- Nuclear EnergyAuthor: BodanskyPublisher: Bodansky ©2016ISBN: 9780387207780Unlimited Users