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Showing books starting with the letter N (1451-1500 of 13784):
- Narrative Matters : The Power of the Personal Essay in Health Policy
- Narrative Means to Journalistic Ends
- Narrative Mechanics
- Narrative Medicine : Honoring the Stories of Illness
- Narrative Methods for Organizational and Communication Research
- Narrative Modes in Czech Literature
- Narrative Motivierung
- Narrative Mourning
- Narrative Networks: Storied Approaches in a Digital Age
- Narrative of a Journey from Lima to Para, across the Andes and down the Amazon: Undertaken with a View of Ascertaining the Practicability of a Navigable Communication with the Atlantic, by the Rivers Pachitea, Ucayali, and Amazon
- Narrative of a Visit to the Syrian [Jacobite] Church of Mesopotamia
- Narrative of a Voyage to the Southern Atlantic Ocean, in the Years 1828, 29, 30, Performed in HM Sloop Chanticleer: Under the Command of the Late Captain Henry Foster, vol. 2
- Narrative of a Voyage to the Southern Atlantic Ocean, in the Years 1828, 29, 30, Performed in HM Sloop Chanticleer: Under the Command of the Late Captain Henry Foster, vol. 2
- Narrative of an explorer in tropical South Africa, being an account of a visit to Damaraland in 1851 Galton; also Vacation tours in 1860 and 1861
- Narrative of the Incas
- Narrative of the Incas
- Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
- Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave
- Narrative of the North Polar expedition: U.S. Ship Polaris, Captain Charles Francis Hall commanding
- Narrative Organizations: Making Companies Future Proof by Working With Stories
- Narrative Perspective in Fiction
- Narrative Policy Analysis
- Narrative Polyphonie
- Narrative processes in emotion-focused therapy for trauma
- Narrative Psychiatry : How Stories Can Shape Clinical Practice
- Narrative Pulse of Beowulf
- Narrative Purpose in the Novella
- Narrative Research in Practice : Stories from the Field
- Narrative Research: An Interview with Corrine Squire
- Narrative Research: Reading, Analysis, and Interpretation, vol. 47
- Narrative Research: Women's Experiences Following Treatment for Early Stage Breast Cancer in 21st-Century Britain
- Narrative Settlements
- Narrative Shape of Emotion in the Preaching of John Chrysostom, The
- Narrative Shape of Truth
- Narrative social work
- Narrative Soundings: An Anthology of Narrative Inquiry in Music Education
- Narrative structure in the novels of Sir Walter Scott
- Narrative Symbol in Childhood Literature, The
- Narrative Tactics for Mobile and Social Games: Pocket-Sized Storytelling
- Narrative Technik im Romanwerk von Gustavo Alvarez Gardeazábal
- Narrative therapy
- Narrative Therapy
- Narrative therapy with children
- Narrative therapy., 2nd ed
- Narrative Threads
- Narrative Transvestism
- Narrative und Darstellungsweisen der Globalgeschichte
- Narrative Unreliability in the Twentieth-Century First-Person Novel
- Narrative Worlds of Paul the Deacon, The
- Narrative(s) in Conflict