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Showing books starting with the letter N (3351-3400 of 13784):
- Negotiating Boundaries at Work
- Negotiating Boundaries in Medieval Literature and Culture
- Negotiating China's Destiny in World War II
- Negotiating Climate Change : Radical Democracy and the Illusion of Consensus
- Negotiating Cohesion, Inequality and Change
- Negotiating Consent in Psychotherapy
- Negotiating Culture and Human Rights
- Negotiating Daily Life in Traditional China
- Negotiating death in contemporary health and social care
- Negotiating Demands
- Negotiating Democracy in Brazil
- Negotiating Development : Rationales and Practice for Development Obligationsand Planning Gain
- Negotiating Disease : Power and Cancer Care, 1900-1950
- Negotiating Dissidence
- Negotiating Elite Talk : Language, Race, Class and Identity among African American High Schoolers
- Negotiating Ethical Dilemmas: Qualitative Research on Young People and Alcohol
- Negotiating Ethnicity
- Negotiating For Dummies, 2nd Edition
- Negotiating for Results Study Guide, Student Edition
- Negotiating for Success: The Process and Tools for Win/Win
- Negotiating for the Past
- Negotiating for Water Resources : Bridging Transboundary River Basins
- Negotiating Friendships
- Negotiating Friendships
- Negotiating Genuinely
- Negotiating Globally: How to Negotiate Deals, Resolve Disputes, and Make Decisions Across Cultural Boundaries
- Negotiating Globally: How to Negotiate Deals, Resolve Disputes, and Make Decisions Across Cultural Boundaries, Second Edition
- Negotiating Governance on Non-Traditional Security in Southeast Asia and Beyond
- Negotiating Health Care : The Social Context of Chronic Illness
- Negotiating Identities
- Negotiating Identities
- Negotiating Identities : Constructed Selves and Others
- Negotiating Identity in Scandinavia
- Negotiating Illness Bloggers' Expressive Worlds: Adapting Digital Ethnography
- Negotiating in Civil Conflict
- Negotiating in the Leadership Zone
- Negotiating Insider/Outsider Relations in Qualitative Research About Mobile Lives
- Negotiating International Water Rights : Natural Resource Conflict in Turkey, Syria and Iraq
- Negotiating Island Identities
- Negotiating Justice
- Negotiating Language, Constructing Race
- Negotiating Languages
- Negotiating Linguistic Plurality
- Negotiating Marian Apparitions
- Negotiating Marian Apparitions
- Negotiating Masculinities in Late Imperial China
- Negotiating Migration in the Context of Climate Change
- Negotiating Multiculturalism
- Negotiating multiple identities
- Negotiating NAFTA