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Showing books starting with the letter N (351-400 of 13784):
- Nano Materials
- Nano Materials Science
- Nano Mechanics and Materials : Theory, Multiscale Methods and Applications
- Nano Optics and Atomics: Transport of Light and Matter Waves
- Nano Optoelectronic Sensors and Devices
- Nano Plating - Microstructure Formation Theory of Plated Films and a Database of Plated Films
- Nano Plating - Microstructure Formation Theory of Plated Films and a Database of Plated Films
- Nano Technology for Battery Recycling, Remanufacturing, and Reusing
- Nano Technology for Battery Recycling, Remanufacturing, and Reusing
- Nano Today
- Nano Tools and Devices for Enhanced Renewable Energy
- Nano TransMed
- Nano Trends
- Nano, Quantum and Molecular Computing
- Nano- and Microencapsulation for Foods
- Nano- and Microfabrication for Industrial and Biomedical Applications
- Nano- and Micromaterials, vol. 9
- Nano- and Micromechanics of Polymers
- Nano- and Microscale Drug Delivery Systems
- Nano- and Mircro- Mechanics of Polymer Blends and Composites
- Nano-Antimicrobials
- Nano-Architectured and Nanostructured Materials : Fabrication, Control and Properties
- Nano-Bio Probe Design and Its Application for Biochemical Analysis
- Nano-Bio- Electronic, Photonic and MEMS Packaging
- Nano-Bio-Sensing
- Nano-biomedical Engineering 2009 - Proceedings Of The Tohoku University Global Centre Of Excellence Programme
- Nano-Biopesticides Today and Future Perspectives
- Nano-Bioremediation : Fundamentals and Applications
- Nano-Biosorbents for Decontamination of Water, Air, and Soil Pollution
- Nano-Biotechnology for Biomedical and Diagnostic Research, vol. 733
- Nano-CMOS Circuit and Physical Design
- Nano-CMOS Gate Dielectric Engineering
- Nano-Crystalline and Thin Film Magnetic Oxides, vol. 72
- Nano-Electronic Devices
- Nano-enabled Agrochemicals in Agriculture
- Nano-Enabled Sustainable and Precision Agriculture
- Nano-Enabled Technologies for Water Remediation
- Nano-Engineering at Functional Interfaces for Multi-Disciplinary Applications
- Nano-Engineering at Functional Interfaces for Multi-Disciplinary Applications
- Nano-Enhanced and Nanostructured Polymer-Based Membranes for Energy Applications
- Nano-Enhanced and Nanostructured Polymer-Based Membranes for Energy Applications
- Nano-Enzyme Incorporated Particles
- Nano-Glass Ceramics
- Nano-Glass Ceramics : Processing, Properties and Applications
- Nano-Inspired Biosensors for Protein Assay with Clinical Applications
- Nano-Materials as Photocatalysts for Degradation of Environmental Pollutants
- Nano-Micro Interface : Bridging the Micro and Nano Worlds, The
- Nano-Net, vol. 20
- Nano-Net, vol. 3
- Nano-Oncologicals