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- Network and Parallel Computing, vol. 4672Author: Sawyer, Don;Napoleon, Art;Native Education Services AssociatesPublisher: Sawyer, Don;Napoleon, Art;Native Education Services Associates ©2016ISBN: 97835407478331 Concurrent User
- Network and Parallel Computing, vol. 5245Author: Sawyer, Don;Napoleon, Art;Native Education Services AssociatesPublisher: Sawyer, Don;Napoleon, Art;Native Education Services Associates ©2016ISBN: 97835408813911 Concurrent User
- Network and Parallel Computing, vol. 6289Author: OwenPublisher: Owen ©2016ISBN: 9783642156717
- Network and Parallel Computing, vol. 6985Author: Russ RogersPublisher: Russ Rogers ©2016ISBN: 9783642244025
- Network and Parallel Computing, vol. 7513Author: PitassioPublisher: Pitassio ©2016ISBN: 9783642356056
- Network and Parallel Computing, vol. 8147Author: Neil Archibald,Gilbert Ramirez,Noam RathausPublisher: Neil Archibald,Gilbert Ramirez,Noam Rathaus ©2016ISBN: 9783642408199
- Network and Parallel Computing, vol. 8707Author: Neil Archibald, Gilbert Ramirez, Noam Rathaus, Josh Burke, Brian Caswell and Renaud DeraisonPublisher: Neil Archibald, Gilbert Ramirez, Noam Rathaus, Josh Burke, Brian Caswell and Renaud Deraison ©2016ISBN: 9783662449165
- Network and System Security, Second EditionAuthor: John R. Vacca (ed)Publisher: John R. Vacca (ed) ©2016ISBN: 9780124166899
- Network and System Security, vol. 7645Author: Wimberley, Edward T.;Haught, John F.Publisher: Wimberley, Edward T.;Haught, John F. ©2016ISBN: 9783642346002
- Network and System Security, vol. 7873Author: Wimberley, Edward T.;Haught, John F.Publisher: Wimberley, Edward T.;Haught, John F. ©2016ISBN: 97836423863052 Concurrent Users
- Network and System Security, vol. 8792Author: ThielPublisher: Thiel ©2016ISBN: 9783319116976
- Network and System Security, vol. 9408Author: FahlmanPublisher: Fahlman ©2016ISBN: 9783319256443
- Network Approaches to Diseases of the BrainAuthor: Bianchi, Matt T.;Caviness, Verne S.;Cash, Sydney S.Publisher: Bianchi, Matt T.;Caviness, Verne S.;Cash, Sydney S. ©2018ISBN: 9781608053803
- Network Attacks and Defenses: A Hands-on ApproachAuthor: Zouheir Trabelsi,Kadhim Hayawi,Arwa Al Braiki,Sujith Samuel MathewPublisher: Zouheir Trabelsi,Kadhim Hayawi,Arwa Al Braiki,Sujith Samuel Mathew ©2020ISBN: 9781466517943
- Network Attacks and Exploitation: A FrameworkAuthor: Matthew MontePublisher: Matthew Monte ©2019ISBN: 9781118987124
- Network Calculus, vol. 2050Author: RaucciPublisher: Raucci ©2016ISBN: 97835404218491 Concurrent User
- Network CentralityAuthor: HilbertPublisher: Hilbert ©2022ISBN: 9789067047364
- Network CodingAuthor: Julie Kelly,Luke Braud,Malin HuffmanPublisher: Julie Kelly,Luke Braud,Malin Huffman ©2016ISBN: 9780470191071
- Network Coding: An IntroductionAuthor: Tracey Ho,Desmond LundPublisher: Tracey Ho,Desmond Lund ©2020ISBN: 9780521873109
- Network Coding: Fundamentals and ApplicationsAuthor: Muriel Médard,Alex Sprintson (eds)Publisher: Muriel Médard,Alex Sprintson (eds) ©2019ISBN: 9780123809186
- Network Collective : Rise and Fall of a Scientific Paradigm, TheAuthor: Eichmann, KlausPublisher: Eichmann, Klaus ©2018ISBN: 9783764383725
- Network Collective, TheAuthor: EichmannPublisher: Eichmann ©2016ISBN: 97837643837251 Concurrent User
- Network Computing and Information Security, vol. 345Author: Elaine C. Jong and Dennis L. StevensPublisher: Elaine C. Jong and Dennis L. Stevens ©2016ISBN: 97836423521021 Concurrent User
- Network Control and Engineering for QOS, Security and Mobility, III, vol. 165Author: Delaney MCh, FRSCI ( Gen), FACS, Conor PPublisher: Delaney MCh, FRSCI ( Gen), FACS, Conor P ©2016ISBN: 97803872319761 Concurrent User
- Network Control and Engineering for QoS, Security and Mobility, IV, vol. 229Author: Spinuzzi, ClayPublisher: Spinuzzi, Clay ©2016ISBN: 9780387496894Unlimited Users
- Network Control and Engineering for QoS, Security and Mobility, V, vol. 213Author: Babak FarrokhiPublisher: Babak Farrokhi ©2016ISBN: 9780387348254
- Network Control and Optimization, vol. 4465Author: George VarghesePublisher: George Varghese ©2016ISBN: 9783540727088
- Network Control and Optimization, vol. 5425Author: George Varghese andJun XuPublisher: George Varghese andJun Xu ©2016ISBN: 97836420039291 Concurrent User
- Network Control and Optimization, vol. 5894Author: George Varghese,Jianjun XuPublisher: George Varghese,Jianjun Xu ©2016ISBN: 9783642104053
- Network ConvergenceAuthor: Vinod Joseph and Srinivas MuluguPublisher: Vinod Joseph and Srinivas Mulugu ©2016ISBN: 9780071848718
- Network Convergence: Ethernet Applications and Next Generation Packet Transport ArchitecturesAuthor: Vinod Joseph,Srinivas MuluguPublisher: Vinod Joseph,Srinivas Mulugu ©2019ISBN: 97801239787761 Concurrent User
- Network DemocracyAuthor: GiesbrechtPublisher: Giesbrecht ©2023ISBN: 9781845410889
- Network Design for IP ConvergenceAuthor: Yezid DonosoPublisher: Yezid Donoso ©2019ISBN: 9781420067507
- Network DiagramAuthor: KirkPublisher: Kirk ©2021ISBN: 9780387242958Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Network DictionaryAuthor: Javvin Technologies, Inc.Publisher: Javvin Technologies, Inc. ©2020ISBN: 9781602670006
- Network EconomicsAuthor: KniepsPublisher: Knieps ©2016ISBN: 9783319116945
- Network Economics and the Allocation of Savings, vol. 653Author: ServatiusPublisher: Servatius ©2016ISBN: 9783642210952
- Network Economics for Next Generation Networks, vol. 5539Author: Chaudhuri, ArijitPublisher: Chaudhuri, Arijit ©2016ISBN: 97836420179571 Concurrent User
- Network Economics, vol. 10Author: NagurneyPublisher: Nagurney ©2016ISBN: 9781441950666
- Network Economics: A Variational Inequality Approach, vol. 1Author: NagurneyPublisher: Nagurney ©2016ISBN: 9789401049641
- Network EnterprisesAuthor: DioguardiPublisher: Dioguardi ©2016ISBN: 9781441913319
- Network europe expressAuthor: Institution of Civil EngineersPublisher: Institution of Civil Engineers ©2018ISBN: 97817877804845 Concurrent Users
- Network Experience, TheAuthor: Alan CalderPublisher: Alan Calder ©2016ISBN: 9783540855804
- Network Flow AnalysisAuthor: Michael W. LucasPublisher: Michael W. Lucas ©2019ISBN: 9781593272036
- Network Flow AnalysisAuthor: Lucas, Michael W.Publisher: Lucas, Michael W. ©2018ISBN: 9781593272036
- Network Flow, Transportation and Scheduling, vol. 57Author: HallePublisher: Halle ©2016ISBN: 9783540298106
- Network ForensicsAuthor: Ric MessierPublisher: Ric Messier ©2019ISBN: 97811193282851 Concurrent User
- Network ForensicsAuthor: Messier, RicPublisher: Messier, Ric ©2022ISBN: 9781119328285
- Network Function VirtualizationAuthor: Ken Gray,Thomas D. NadeauPublisher: Ken Gray,Thomas D. Nadeau ©2016ISBN: 9780128021194
- Network Function Virtualization: Concepts and Applicability in 5G NetworksAuthor: Ying ZhangPublisher: Ying Zhang ©2019ISBN: 9781119390602