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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP QRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter Q (1401-1450 of 2345):
- Quantum Radiation in Ultra-Intense Laser PulsesAuthor: MackenrothPublisher: Mackenroth ©2016ISBN: 9783319077390
- Quantum Random Number Generation: Theory and PracticeAuthor: Christian Kollmitzer,Stefan Schauer,Stefan Rass,Benjamin RainerPublisher: Christian Kollmitzer,Stefan Schauer,Stefan Rass,Benjamin Rainer ©2022ISBN: 9783319725949
- Quantum Reality, Relativistic Causality, and Closing the Epistemic Circle, vol. 73Author: MyrvoldPublisher: Myrvold ©2016ISBN: 9781402091063
- Quantum RelativityAuthor: FinkelsteinPublisher: Finkelstein ©2016ISBN: 9783642646126Unlimited Users
- Quantum Science : Methods and Structure. A Tribute to Per-Olov LöwdinAuthor: Calais, Jean-Louis;Goscinski, Osvaldo;Linderberg, JanPublisher: Calais, Jean-Louis;Goscinski, Osvaldo;Linderberg, Jan ©2018ISBN: 9781475716610
- Quantum Semiconductor StructuresAuthor: Claude Weisbuch and Borge VinterPublisher: Claude Weisbuch and Borge Vinter ©2016ISBN: 97831103507461 Concurrent User
- Quantum Signatures of Chaos, vol. 54Author: HaakePublisher: Haake ©2016ISBN: 9783642054273
- Quantum Signatures of Chaos, vol. 54Author: HaakePublisher: Haake ©2016ISBN: 9783642087226
- Quantum Simulations of Materials and Biological SystemsAuthor: DürrPublisher: Dürr ©2016ISBN: 97894007494741 Concurrent User
- Quantum Spaces, vol. 53Author: RivasseauPublisher: Rivasseau ©2016ISBN: 9783764385217
- Quantum SqueezingAuthor: Drummond, Peter D.;Ficek, ZbigniewPublisher: Drummond, Peter D.;Ficek, Zbigniew ©2018ISBN: 97836420852771 Concurrent User
- Quantum State DiffusionAuthor: Percival, IanPublisher: Percival, Ian ©2018ISBN: 97805216200791 Concurrent User
- Quantum State Estimation, vol. 649Author: DubbersPublisher: Dubbers ©2016ISBN: 9783540223290Unlimited Users
- Quantum State Transfer and Network EngineeringAuthor: MelrosePublisher: Melrose ©2016ISBN: 9783642399367Unlimited Users
- Quantum Statistical Mechanics in Classical Phase SpaceAuthor: Phil AttardPublisher: Phil Attard ©2021ISBN: 9780750340533
- Quantum Statistical Mechanics: Equilibrium and non-equilibrium theory from first principlesAuthor: Phil AttardPublisher: Phil Attard ©2019ISBN: 97807503118921 Concurrent User
- Quantum Statistical Theory of SuperconductivityAuthor: FujitaPublisher: Fujita ©2016ISBN: 9780306453632
- Quantum Statistics and the Many-Body ProblemAuthor: LicataPublisher: Licata ©2016ISBN: 97814684221083 Consecutive User Seats
- Quantum Statistics and the Many-Body ProblemAuthor: Trickey, Samuel B.;Kirk, Wiley P.;Dufty, James W.Publisher: Trickey, Samuel B.;Kirk, Wiley P.;Dufty, James W. ©2018ISBN: 97803063088711 Concurrent User
- Quantum Statistics in Optics and Solid-State Physics, vol. 66Author: GrahamPublisher: Graham ©2016ISBN: 97835400618925 Concurrent Users
- Quantum Statistics of Charged Particle SystemsAuthor: Ducloy, Martial;Bloch, DanielPublisher: Ducloy, Martial;Bloch, Daniel ©2016ISBN: 9781461292739
- Quantum Statistics of Linear and Nonlinear Optical PhenomenaAuthor: PeřinaPublisher: Peřina ©2016ISBN: 9789400962507
- Quantum Statistics of Linear and Nonlinear Optical PhenomenaAuthor: PeřinaPublisher: Peřina ©2016ISBN: 9789401050586
- Quantum Statistics of Nonideal Plasmas, vol. 25Author: KrempPublisher: Kremp ©2016ISBN: 9783540652847
- Quantum Stochastic Calculus and Representations of Lie Superalgebras, vol. 1692Author: EyrePublisher: Eyre ©2016ISBN: 97835406489701 Concurrent User
- Quantum StrangenessAuthor: GreensteinPublisher: Greenstein ©2021ISBN: 97802620399325 Concurrent Users
- Quantum Structure Of Space And Time, The - Proceedings Of The 23rd Solvay Conference On PhysicsAuthor: Marc Henneaux;Alexander Sevrin;David J GrossPublisher: Marc Henneaux;Alexander Sevrin;David J Gross ©2018ISBN: 9789812569523
- Quantum SuperpositionAuthor: SilvermanPublisher: Silverman ©2016ISBN: 97835407188335 Concurrent Users
- Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics : Basic Problems and Model Systems, Volume 1Author: Hernandez-Laguna, A.;Maruani, Jean;McWeeny, Roy;Wilson, S.;Hernandez-Laguna Et Al, APublisher: Hernandez-Laguna, A.;Maruani, Jean;McWeeny, Roy;Wilson, S.;Hernandez-Laguna Et Al, A ©2018ISBN: 9780792359692
- Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics Volume 2, vol. 2-3Author: Franco Fagnola;Luigi AccardiPublisher: Franco Fagnola;Luigi Accardi ©2016ISBN: 9780792359708
- Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics, vol. 26Author: HoraPublisher: Hora ©2016ISBN: 9789400752962
- Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics. Trends in Methods and Applications, vol. 16Author: J Martin Lindsay;S AttalPublisher: J Martin Lindsay;S Attal ©2016ISBN: 9789401060523
- Quantum Systems in Physics, Chemistry and Biology - Theory, Interpretation, and Results, vol. 78Author: J Martin Lindsay;S AttalPublisher: J Martin Lindsay;S Attal ©2019ISBN: 97898123897491 Concurrent User
- Quantum Systems, Channels, InformationAuthor: HolevoPublisher: Holevo ©2019ISBN: 97831106422475 Concurrent Users
- Quantum Systems, Channels, Information : A Mathematical IntroductionAuthor: Holevo, Alexander S.Publisher: Holevo, Alexander S. ©2018ISBN: 9783110273250
- Quantum Ten : A Story of Passion, Tragedy, Ambition, and Science, TheAuthor: Jones, SheillaPublisher: Jones, Sheilla ©2018ISBN: 9780195369090
- Quantum Themes: The Charms Of The MicroworldAuthor: Thanu PadmanabhanPublisher: Thanu Padmanabhan ©2018ISBN: 9789812835451
- Quantum Theoretic MachinesAuthor: August SternPublisher: August Stern ©2017ISBN: 9780691087252
- Quantum Theoretic Machines : What Is Thought from the Point of View of Physics?Author: Stern, A.Publisher: Stern, A. ©2018ISBN: 9780444826183
- Quantum Theories and Geometry, vol. 10Author: Weber, Timothy;Ivanov, SergeyPublisher: Weber, Timothy;Ivanov, Sergey ©2016ISBN: 9789401078740
- Quantum TheoryAuthor: ManoukianPublisher: Manoukian ©2016ISBN: 9781402041891
- Quantum TheoryAuthor: BongaartsPublisher: Bongaarts ©2016ISBN: 9783319095608
- Quantum Theory : A Philosopher's OverviewAuthor: Cannavo, SalvatorPublisher: Cannavo, Salvator ©2018ISBN: 97807914934722 Concurrent Users
- Quantum Theory and GravitationAuthor: Christian Kollmitzer,Stefan Schauer,Stefan Rass,Benjamin RainerPublisher: Christian Kollmitzer,Stefan Schauer,Stefan Rass,Benjamin Rainer ©2016ISBN: 9783319725949
- Quantum Theory and MeasurementAuthor: Wheeler, John Archibald;Zurek, Wojciech HubertPublisher: Wheeler, John Archibald;Zurek, Wojciech Hubert ©2018ISBN: 9780691613161
- Quantum Theory and MeasurementAuthor: Claude Weisbuch and Borge VinterPublisher: Claude Weisbuch and Borge Vinter ©2020ISBN: 9783319051789
- Quantum Theory and Pictures of RealityAuthor: MyrvoldPublisher: Myrvold ©2016ISBN: 9783540501527
- Quantum Theory And Symmetries, Proceedings Of The 3rd International SymposiumAuthor: Philip C Argyres;Joseph J G Scanio;Peter Suranyi;L C Rohana Wijewardhana;Freydoon Mansouri;Timothy J HodgesPublisher: Philip C Argyres;Joseph J G Scanio;Peter Suranyi;L C Rohana Wijewardhana;Freydoon Mansouri;Timothy J Hodges ©2018ISBN: 9789812560681
- Quantum Theory and the Flight from Realism : Philosophical Responses to Quantum MechanicsAuthor: Norris, ChristopherPublisher: Norris, Christopher ©2018ISBN: 9780415223218
- Quantum Theory As an Emergent Phenomenon : The Statistical Mechanics of Matrix Models As the Precursor of Quantum Field TheoryAuthor: Adler, Stephen L.Publisher: Adler, Stephen L. ©2018ISBN: 9780521831949