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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter R (5351-5400 of 18124):
- Recrystallization and Related Annealing PhenomenaAuthor: Rollett, Anthony;Humphreys, F. J.;Rohrer, Gregory S.;Hatherly, M.Publisher: Rollett, Anthony;Humphreys, F. J.;Rohrer, Gregory S.;Hatherly, M. ©2018ISBN: 9780080441641
- Recrystallization and Related Annealing PhenomenaAuthor: Humphreys, F. J.;Hatherly, M.Publisher: Humphreys, F. J.;Hatherly, M. ©2018ISBN: 97800804188411 Concurrent User
- Recrystallization and Related Annealing PhenomenaAuthor: F.J. Humphreys and M. HatherlyPublisher: F.J. Humphreys and M. Hatherly ©2016ISBN: 9781474491464
- Recrystallization and Related Annealing PhenomenaAuthor: John Humphreys, Greg Rohrer, and Anthony RollettPublisher: John Humphreys, Greg Rohrer, and Anthony Rollett ©2017ISBN: 9781588268709
- Recrystallization and Related Annealing PhenomenaAuthor: Rollett, Anthony;Rohrer, Gregory S.;Humphreys, JohnPublisher: Rollett, Anthony;Rohrer, Gregory S.;Humphreys, John ©2018ISBN: 97800809823591 Concurrent User
- Rectal and Anal CancersAuthor: PapillonPublisher: Papillon ©2016ISBN: 9783642686153
- Rectal CancerAuthor: DelainiPublisher: Delaini ©2016ISBN: 9788847003422
- Rectal CancerAuthor: Ridge, DamienPublisher: Ridge, Damien ©2016ISBN: 9781607615668
- Rectal CancerAuthor: Noordenbos, GretaPublisher: Noordenbos, Greta ©2016ISBN: 9788847026698
- Rectal Cancer SurgeryAuthor: Noordenbos, GretaPublisher: Noordenbos, Greta ©2016ISBN: 9783540615668
- Rectal Cancer Surgery : Optimisation Standardisation DocumentationAuthor: Sá¸reide, Odd;Norstein, JarlePublisher: Sá¸reide, Odd;Norstein, Jarle ©2018ISBN: 97835406156682 Concurrent Users
- Rectal Cancer Treatment, vol. 165Author: Hopper, Kim;Harrison, Glynn;Janca, Aleksandar;Sartorius, NormanPublisher: Hopper, Kim;Harrison, Glynn;Janca, Aleksandar;Sartorius, Norman ©2016ISBN: 9783540233411
- Rectal Cancer, vol. 146Author: ScalesPublisher: Scales ©2016ISBN: 9783642719691
- Rectal Cancer: Etiology, Pathogenesis and TreatmentAuthor: Wells, PaulaPublisher: Wells, Paula ©2018ISBN: 9781606925638
- Rectal ProlapseAuthor: Gottleib, Gary;Hennerich, PaulPublisher: Gottleib, Gary;Hennerich, Paul ©2016ISBN: 97888470068361 Concurrent User
- Rectenna Solar CellsAuthor: DöscherPublisher: Döscher ©2016ISBN: 9781461437154
- Rectifying God’s NameAuthor: FrankelPublisher: Frankel ©2020ISBN: 9781586444655
- Recueil de textes concernant le droit international privé / Quellen des Internationalen Privatrechts ; Textes des Lois/Gesetzestexte, vol. 1Author: DöscherPublisher: Döscher ©2020ISBN: 9783112304952
- Recueil de textes concernant le droit international privé / Quellen des Internationalen Privatrechts ; Textes Des Traités Internationaux / Texte der Staatsverträge, vol. 2Author: Arnold, Barry C.;Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy;Nagaraja, Haikady N.Publisher: Arnold, Barry C.;Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy;Nagaraja, Haikady N. ©2020ISBN: 97831123000151 Concurrent User
- Recueil des déductions, mémoires, déclarations, lettres, traités, et autres actes et écrits publics, qui ont été rédigés et publiés pour La Cour de Prusse ; Dans les années 1789 et 1790, vol. 3Author: VirkPublisher: Virk ©2021ISBN: 9783112451458
- Recueil des déductions, mémoires, déclarations, lettres, traités, et autres actes et écrits publics, qui ont été rédigés et publiés pour La Cour de Prusse ; L’année 1756 jusqu’à l’année 1778, vol. 1Author: Ahsanullah, Mohammad;Yanev, George P.Publisher: Ahsanullah, Mohammad;Yanev, George P. ©2022ISBN: 9783112451656
- ReCulturing: Design Your Company Culture to Connect with Strategy and Purpose for Lasting SuccessAuthor: Melissa DaimlerPublisher: Melissa Daimler ©2022ISBN: 97816384117961 Concurrent User
- ReCulturing: Design Your Company Culture to Connect with Strategy and Purpose for Lasting Success, 1st EditionAuthor: Melissa DaimlerPublisher: Melissa Daimler ©2022ISBN: 97812642786025 Concurrent Users
- Recurrence in Ergodic Theory and Combinatorial Number TheoryAuthor: FurstenbergPublisher: Furstenberg ©2020ISBN: 97836421279081 Concurrent User
- Recurrence Quantification AnalysisAuthor: SchläferPublisher: Schläfer ©2016ISBN: 9783319071541Unlimited Users
- Recurrences and Discrete Dynamic Systems, vol. 809Author: GumowskiPublisher: Gumowski ©2016ISBN: 9783540100171Unlimited Users
- Recurrencia equinoccialAuthor: QuickfallPublisher: Quickfall ©2020ISBN: 97812854420135 Concurrent Users
- Recurrent Erosion Syndrome and Epithelial EdemaAuthor: TaberyPublisher: Tabery ©2016ISBN: 9783319065441
- Recurrent Event Modeling Based on the Yule Process : Application to Water Network Asset ManagementAuthor: Le Gat, YvesPublisher: Le Gat, Yves ©2018ISBN: 9780812231359
- Recurrent HerniaAuthor: Ramful Srivastava, PratimaPublisher: Ramful Srivastava, Pratima ©2016ISBN: 9783540375456
- Recurrent Miscarriage And Pre Eclampsia: The Roles Played By The Immune System And AntioxidantsAuthor: Rhoda WilsonPublisher: Rhoda Wilson ©2018ISBN: 97898123885063 Consecutive User Seats
- Recurrent Mood DisordersAuthor: Tietze, Wolf;Fabbri, PaoloPublisher: Tietze, Wolf;Fabbri, Paolo ©2016ISBN: 97836427664801 Concurrent User
- Recurrent Pregnancy LossAuthor: Christiansen, Ole BjarnePublisher: Christiansen, Ole Bjarne ©2017ISBN: 97804706729455 Concurrent Users
- Recursion and Human LanguageAuthor: Sharlyn LaubyPublisher: Sharlyn Lauby ©2021ISBN: 9783110219241
- Recursion on the Countable Functionals, vol. 811Author: NormannPublisher: Normann ©2016ISBN: 9783540100195
- Recursion Theory : Computational Aspects of DefinabilityAuthor: Chong, Chi Tat;Yu, LiangPublisher: Chong, Chi Tat;Yu, Liang ©2018ISBN: 9783110275551
- Recursion Theory and ComplexityAuthor: Diane ArthurPublisher: Diane Arthur ©2021ISBN: 9783110165876
- Recursion Theory and Computational Complexity, vol. 79Author: Mulkeen, Aidan;Chapman, David;DeJaeghere, Joan;Leu, ElizabethPublisher: Mulkeen, Aidan;Chapman, David;DeJaeghere, Joan;Leu, Elizabeth ©2016ISBN: 97836421107195 Concurrent Users
- Recursion Theory for MetamathematicsAuthor: Smullyan, Raymond M.Publisher: Smullyan, Raymond M. ©2018ISBN: 9780826113757
- Recursion Theory Week, vol. 1141Author: DiederichPublisher: Diederich ©2016ISBN: 97835401567345 Concurrent Users
- Recursion Theory Week, vol. 1432Author: DiederichPublisher: Diederich ©2016ISBN: 9783540527725
- Recursion-Theoretic HierarchiesAuthor: Hinman, Peter G.Publisher: Hinman, Peter G. ©2018ISBN: 9781107168244
- Recursion: Complexity in Cognition, vol. 43Author: John Humphreys, Greg Rohrer, and Anthony RollettPublisher: John Humphreys, Greg Rohrer, and Anthony Rollett ©2016ISBN: 9783319050850
- Recursions for Convolutions and Compound Distributions with Insurance ApplicationsAuthor: VernicPublisher: Vernic ©2016ISBN: 97835409289971 Concurrent User
- Recursive Analysis, vol. 29Author: F.J. Humphreys and M. HatherlyPublisher: F.J. Humphreys and M. Hatherly ©2017ISBN: 9781474491464
- Recursive Block Coding for Image Data CompressionAuthor: FarrellePublisher: Farrelle ©2016ISBN: 9781461396789
- Recursive Block Coding for Image Data CompressionAuthor: Farrelle, Paul MichaelPublisher: Farrelle, Paul Michael ©2018ISBN: 9781461396789
- Recursive Book of Recursion: Ace the Coding Interview with Python and JavaScript, TheAuthor: Al SweigartPublisher: Al Sweigart ©2023ISBN: 9781718502024
- Recursive Estimation and Time-Series AnalysisAuthor: YoungPublisher: Young ©2016ISBN: 9783642219801
- Recursive Estimation and Time-Series AnalysisAuthor: YoungPublisher: Young ©2016ISBN: 9783642823381