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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter R (6151-6200 of 18124):
- Reflexive Analysis and the Insider DynamicAuthor: PennisiPublisher: Pennisi ©2019ISBN: 97814020430932 Concurrent Users
- Reflexive Cartography, vol. 6Author: Shaker, Jafar;Chaharmir, Mohammad Reza;Ethier, JonathanPublisher: Shaker, Jafar;Chaharmir, Mohammad Reza;Ethier, Jonathan ©2018ISBN: 9783642338984
- Reflexive Ethnography and Refugee ResearchAuthor: JaiiPublisher: Jaii ©2019ISBN: 9783540779339
- Reflexive Governance for Global Public GoodsAuthor: StommelPublisher: Stommel ©2021ISBN: 97802620172441 Concurrent User
- Reflexive Inquiry : A Framework for Consultancy PracticeAuthor: Oliver, ChristinePublisher: Oliver, Christine ©2018ISBN: 97818557535875 Concurrent Users
- Reflexive KatalogeAuthor: FelsingPublisher: Felsing ©2021ISBN: 97802620248771 Concurrent User
- Reflexive Narrative and Community Engagement With Vulnerable Populations: Reflections and Lessons LearnedAuthor: StanleyPublisher: Stanley ©2020ISBN: 97818488291141 Concurrent User
- Reflexive Narrative: Self-Inquiry Toward Self-Realization and Its Performance, vol. 57Author: JohnsPublisher: Johns ©2022ISBN: 9781544355320
- Reflexive Notes in Boxing: Between Data and AnalysisAuthor: WoodwardPublisher: Woodward ©2019ISBN: 9780470986547Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Reflexive ResponsibilisierungAuthor: RoulstonPublisher: Roulston ©2020ISBN: 9781412948579
- Reflexive Strategies Developed During Part-Time Fieldwork in an English School for the Blind, Worcester, 2000-2001Author: HayhoePublisher: Hayhoe ©2019ISBN: 9780470986547
- Reflexive StructuresAuthor: SanchisPublisher: Sanchis ©2016ISBN: 9781461283867
- Reflexive Thematic Analysis in Story Completion ResearchAuthor: LenettePublisher: Lenette ©2022ISBN: 9780262024877
- Reflexive Video Journals: Relations to Food and SustainabilityAuthor: AndersonPublisher: Anderson ©2019ISBN: 9781855752481Unlimited Users
- Reflexively SpeakingAuthor: MauranenPublisher: Mauranen ©2023ISBN: 9783110286779
- Reflexiver Liberalismus als Politische OptionAuthor: WaschkuhnPublisher: Waschkuhn ©2021ISBN: 97838994947545 Concurrent Users
- ReflexivityAuthor: RescherPublisher: Rescher ©2021ISBN: 9783110319989
- Reflexivity and Emotion in Qualitative Research: Learning From Victim/Survivors of RapeAuthor: JordanPublisher: Jordan ©2019ISBN: 97890420326135 Concurrent Users
- Reflexivity and Positionality in Research: Researcher Identity and the Research ProcessAuthor: ObasiPublisher: Obasi ©2022ISBN: 97805660837785 Concurrent Users
- Reflexivity and Social Location: A Case Study on the MaasaiAuthor: RosenPublisher: Rosen ©2019ISBN: 9783642329975
- Reflexivity for Building Trust in Global Mental Health Research: Complex Relational Practice Between the Researcher, Research Assistant, and Study ParticipantsAuthor: YamaguchiPublisher: Yamaguchi ©2020ISBN: 97819388355821 Concurrent User
- Reflexivity in Active Participant Observation: An Ethnographic Study of Fast Food WorkAuthor: MaoPublisher: Mao ©2019ISBN: 9781447325222
- Reflexivity in EconomicsAuthor: SandriPublisher: Sandri ©2016ISBN: 9783790820911
- Reflexivity in Qualitative Research: Two Figurational StudiesAuthor: EvansPublisher: Evans ©2019ISBN: 9780335238354
- Reflexivity, Positionality, and Bias in Research PracticeAuthor: PachecoPublisher: Pacheco ©2022ISBN: 9781849050296
- Reflexivity: Personal, Professional, and Researcher StancesAuthor: ArunasalamPublisher: Arunasalam ©2019ISBN: 9780470658109
- Reflexivity: The Essential GuideAuthor: MayPublisher: May ©2019ISBN: 9781446295175
- Reflexivization in English and PolishAuthor: KubinskiPublisher: Kubinski ©2019ISBN: 9783484301788
- Reflexology in Pregnancy and ChildbirthAuthor: Denise Tiran, MSc, PGCEA, RM, RGN, ADMPublisher: Denise Tiran, MSc, PGCEA, RM, RGN, ADM ©2017ISBN: 97818488291141 Concurrent User
- Reflexotherapy of the FeetAuthor: Marquardt, HannePublisher: Marquardt, Hanne ©2018ISBN: 9783131252425
- Reflow SolderingAuthor: Attila Geczy,Habil. Illes Balazs andOliver KrammerPublisher: Attila Geczy,Habil. Illes Balazs andOliver Krammer ©2020ISBN: 9781855752481
- Reflow Soldering ProcessesAuthor: Ning-Cheng LeePublisher: Ning-Cheng Lee ©2016ISBN: 9781855752481
- Reflux Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment : Causes, Symptoms and TreatmentAuthor: Esposito, Gabriella M.Publisher: Esposito, Gabriella M. ©2018ISBN: 9781616686949
- Reflux Laryngitis and Related Disorders, Fourth EditionAuthor: Plural Publishing, IncorporatedPublisher: Plural Publishing, Incorporated ©2018ISBN: 9781597565387
- RefluxtherapieAuthor: Dietrich KorschPublisher: Dietrich Korsch ©2016ISBN: 9783540101796
- RefocusAuthor: Taylor, BeverleyPublisher: Taylor, Beverley ©2020ISBN: 9780335238354
- ReFocusAuthor: JaecklePublisher: Jaeckle ©2022ISBN: 97811380247313 Consecutive User Seats
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- ReFocusAuthor: Heller-NicholasPublisher: Heller-Nicholas ©2022ISBN: 9783598776298
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- ReFocusAuthor: LeederPublisher: Leeder ©2022ISBN: 9780520260962Unlimited Users
- ReFocusAuthor: FatehradPublisher: Fatehrad ©2022ISBN: 9783110457483
- ReFocusAuthor: BlockPublisher: Block ©2022ISBN: 9783899494754
- ReFocusAuthor: SeppäläPublisher: Seppälä ©2022ISBN: 9780262017244