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Showing books starting with the letter R (6951-7000 of 18124):
- Regulating Paradise
- Regulating Pesticides in Food : The Delaney Paradox
- Regulating pesticides in food: the Delaney paradox
- Regulating pesticides: a report
- Regulating Pharmaceuticals in Europe: Striving for Efficiency, Equity and Quality
- Regulating Police Detention
- Regulating Pre-Performance Psychobiosocial States With Music: A Mixed-Methods Intervention Study
- Regulating Privacy
- Regulating Professions
- Regulating Railroad Innovation : Business, Technology, and Politics in America, 1840-1920
- Regulating Religion
- Regulating Reproduction
- Regulating Safety of Traditional and Ethnic Foods
- Regulating Screens
- Regulating sex for sale
- Regulating sex for sale
- Regulating Sex in the Roman Empire
- Regulating Style
- Regulating the Closed Corporation
- Regulating the Cloud
- Regulating the Health Professions
- Regulating the Social
- Regulating the Takeover of Chinese Listed Companies
- Regulating Tobacco
- Regulating Traffic Safety
- Regulating Transitions from School to Work
- Regulating Transnational Corporations in Domestic and International Regimes
- Regulation and Competition in Air Transportation
- Regulation and Compliance in Operations
- Regulation and Compliance in the Atlantic Fisheries
- Regulation and Development
- Regulation and Genetics
- Regulation and Genetics, vol. 9
- Regulation and Investments in Energy Markets
- Regulation and Its Reform
- Regulation and Macroeconomic Performance, vol. 21
- Regulation and Mode of Action of Thyroid Hormones, Volume 10 : Colloquia on Endocrinology
- Regulation and Policy of Latin American Energy Transitions, The
- Regulation and Public Interests
- Regulation and Reform of the American Banking System, 1900-1929, The
- Regulation and Supervision of Financial Institutions in the NAFTA Countries and Beyond
- Regulation and the Informal Economy
- Regulation and the Nature of Postal and Delivery Services, vol. 12
- Regulation by Litigation
- Regulation by Municipal Licensing
- Regulation des Wachstums und der Zellvermehrung
- Regulation in Action : The Health Professions Council Fitness to Practise Hearing of Dr Malcolm Cross - Analysis, History, and Comment
- Regulation of Agricultural Biotechnology: The United States and Canada
- Regulation of Air Transport
- Regulation of Aldosterone Biosynthesis