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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter R (9751-9800 of 18124):
- Representing the RaceAuthor: JarrettPublisher: Jarrett ©2021ISBN: 9781107082052
- Representing the RaceAuthor: MackPublisher: Mack ©2021ISBN: 9780674046870
- Representing Time in Natural LanguageAuthor: ter MeulenPublisher: ter Meulen ©2021ISBN: 97802622009981 Concurrent User
- Representing U : Popular Culture, Media, and Higher Education : ASHE Higher Education Report, 40:4Author: Reynolds, Pauline J.Publisher: Reynolds, Pauline J. ©2018ISBN: 9781118966235
- Representing Uncertain KnowledgeAuthor: KrausePublisher: Krause ©2016ISBN: 97894010492523 Consecutive User Seats
- Representing Uncertain Knowledge : An Artificial Intelligence ApproachAuthor: Krause, Paul;Clark, DominicPublisher: Krause, Paul;Clark, Dominic ©2018ISBN: 97894010492521 Concurrent User
- Representing YouthAuthor: KerberPublisher: Kerber ©2021ISBN: 97808147995295 Concurrent Users
- Repressed, Remitted, RejectedAuthor: RothPublisher: Roth ©2022ISBN: 97830348064111 Concurrent User
- Repressed, Remitted, RejectedAuthor: RothPublisher: Roth ©2022ISBN: 9783540768913
- Repression and ResistanceAuthor: LambertsonPublisher: Lambertson ©2021ISBN: 9783540005391
- Repression of Heresy in Medieval GermanyAuthor: KieckheferPublisher: Kieckhefer ©2021ISBN: 9780812277586
- Repression, Exile, and DemocracyAuthor: LarsenPublisher: Larsen ©2021ISBN: 97831103230231 Concurrent User
- Reprocessing and Recycling of Spent Nuclear FuelAuthor: Taylor, RobinPublisher: Taylor, Robin ©2018ISBN: 9781782422129
- Reprocessing and Recycling of Spent Nuclear FuelAuthor: BonnaféPublisher: Bonnafé ©2016ISBN: 9780857291561
- Reprodução and ClimatérioAuthor: BonnaféPublisher: Bonnafé ©2020ISBN: 9780857291561
- Reproducibility : Principles, Problems, Practices, and ProspectsAuthor: Atmanspacher, Harald;Maasen, SabinePublisher: Atmanspacher, Harald;Maasen, Sabine ©2018ISBN: 97811071755561 Concurrent User
- Reproducibility in Biomedical ResearchAuthor: Erwin MontgomeryPublisher: Erwin Montgomery ©2019ISBN: 9780262032353
- Reproducibility in Biomedical ResearchAuthor: Montgomery Jr., Erwin B.Publisher: Montgomery Jr., Erwin B. ©2024ISBN: 9780262032353
- Reproducibility in Biomedical ResearchAuthor: Montgomery Jr., Erwin B.Publisher: Montgomery Jr., Erwin B. ©2024ISBN: 97804431383005 Concurrent Users
- Reproducible Complex Survey Secondary Analysis Using Stata: Ethnic Discrimination Among U.S. ChildrenAuthor: MontesPublisher: Montes ©2020ISBN: 9780817646820
- Reproducing AthensAuthor: LapePublisher: Lape ©2020ISBN: 9780817646820
- Reproducing ClassAuthor: BalkanPublisher: Balkan ©2022ISBN: 9780262032353
- Reproducing ClassAuthor: RutzPublisher: Rutz ©2022ISBN: 97808176468205 Concurrent Users
- Reproducing EmpireAuthor: BriggsPublisher: Briggs ©2020ISBN: 9780792397717
- Reproducing Enlightenment: Paradoxes in the Life of the Body PoliticAuthor: ReesePublisher: Reese ©2021ISBN: 9783110206005
- Reproducing GenderAuthor: StillPublisher: Still ©2021ISBN: 9783110583700
- Reproducing Gender : Critical Essays on Educational Theory and Feminist PoliticsAuthor: Arnot, MadeleinePublisher: Arnot, Madeleine ©2018ISBN: 9780750708999
- Reproducing JewsAuthor: KahnPublisher: Kahn ©2021ISBN: 9780822326014
- Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces in Probability and StatisticsAuthor: BerlinetPublisher: Berlinet ©2016ISBN: 9781461347927
- Reproducing Kernel Spaces and ApplicationsAuthor: Alpay, DanielPublisher: Alpay, Daniel ©2018ISBN: 97830348943021 Concurrent User
- Reproducing Kernel Spaces and Applications, vol. 143Author: Westerhof, Anthony C.Publisher: Westerhof, Anthony C. ©2016ISBN: 97830348943021 Concurrent User
- Reproducing OrderAuthor: EricsonPublisher: Ericson ©2021ISBN: 97890481448605 Concurrent Users
- Reproducing PersonsAuthor: PurdyPublisher: Purdy ©2021ISBN: 9789027918482
- Reproducing RaceAuthor: ChiltonPublisher: Chilton ©2022ISBN: 9780226024202
- Reproducing RaceAuthor: BridgesPublisher: Bridges ©2020ISBN: 97830348025985 Concurrent Users
- Reproducing Race : An Ethnography of Pregnancy As a Site of RacializationAuthor: Bridges, KhiaraPublisher: Bridges, Khiara ©2018ISBN: 9780520268951
- Reproducing RacismAuthor: RoithmayrPublisher: Roithmayr ©2020ISBN: 9789042037045
- Reproducing the French RaceAuthor: CamiscioliPublisher: Camiscioli ©2021ISBN: 9780822345480
- Reproducing the StateAuthor: StevensPublisher: Stevens ©2022ISBN: 9781107653610
- Reproducing the WombAuthor: AdamsPublisher: Adams ©2021ISBN: 97808176450523 Consecutive User Seats
- Reproducing Women : Medicine, Metaphor, and Childbirth in Late Imperial ChinaAuthor: Wu, Yi-LiPublisher: Wu, Yi-Li ©2018ISBN: 9780520260689
- ReproductionAuthor: ArabatzisPublisher: Arabatzis ©2016ISBN: 97814684270592 Concurrent Users
- ReproductionAuthor: Tompa, A. S.;Wilbur, Karl M.;Verdonk, N. H.;van den Biggelaar, J. A. M.Publisher: Tompa, A. S.;Wilbur, Karl M.;Verdonk, N. H.;van den Biggelaar, J. A. M. ©2018ISBN: 9780127514079
- Reproduction and Adaptation : Topics in Human Reproductive EcologyAuthor: Mascie-Taylor, C. G. Nicholas;Rosetta, LylianePublisher: Mascie-Taylor, C. G. Nicholas;Rosetta, Lyliane ©2018ISBN: 9780521509633
- Reproduction and BreedingAuthor: Arabatzis, TheodorePublisher: Arabatzis, Theodore ©2021ISBN: 9780226024202
- Reproduction and DevelopmentAuthor: SenguptaPublisher: Sengupta ©2016ISBN: 9781461412304
- Reproduction and Fitness in Baboons: Behavioral, Ecological, and Life History PerspectivesAuthor: McTighePublisher: McTighe ©2016ISBN: 9780387306889
- Reproduction and Growth Bioluminescence, Pigments, and Poisons, vol. 3Author: National Research Council (U.S.). Panel on Modeling Human Behavior and Command Decision Making: Representations for Military Simulations.Publisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Panel on Modeling Human Behavior and Command Decision Making: Representations for Military Simulations. ©2016ISBN: 97835401117951 Concurrent User
- Reproduction and Its Discontents in Mexico : Childbirth and Contraception from 1750 To 1905Author: Jaffary, Nora E.Publisher: Jaffary, Nora E. ©2018ISBN: 9781469629391
- Reproduction and Sexuality in Marine FishesAuthor: ColePublisher: Cole ©2017ISBN: 9780520264335