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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter R (1101-1150 of 18124):
- Radiology of the Lower Urinary TractAuthor: LeePublisher: Lee ©2016ISBN: 9783642844331
- Radiology of the PancreasAuthor: J. F. Cameron, C. G. Clayton and D. J. SilverleafPublisher: J. F. Cameron, C. G. Clayton and D. J. Silverleaf ©2016ISBN: 9783642974892
- Radiology of the PancreasAuthor: FreenyPublisher: Freeny ©2016ISBN: 9781461256915
- Radiology of the PancreasAuthor: Gitsch, Eduard;Janisch, Herbert;Spona, J.;Leodolter, S.;Schneider, W. H.Publisher: Gitsch, Eduard;Janisch, Herbert;Spona, J.;Leodolter, S.;Schneider, W. H. ©2016ISBN: 9783642635649
- Radiology of the Petrous BoneAuthor: Bruneton, Jean Noel;Bruneton, J. N.;Baert, A. L.;Cavinet, B.;Rameau-Reed, N.Publisher: Bruneton, Jean Noel;Bruneton, J. N.;Baert, A. L.;Cavinet, B.;Rameau-Reed, N. ©2016ISBN: 97836426231581 Concurrent User
- Radiology of the Petrous BoneAuthor: Lemmerling, Marc;Kollias, Spyros S.Publisher: Lemmerling, Marc;Kollias, Spyros S. ©2018ISBN: 9783642623158
- Radiology of the Pharynx and the EsophagusAuthor: SchulzePublisher: Schulze ©2016ISBN: 9783540415091
- Radiology of the Post Surgical AbdomenAuthor: Newton, G. W. A.Publisher: Newton, G. W. A. ©2016ISBN: 9781447127741
- Radiology of the Postoperative GI TractAuthor: JavorsPublisher: Javors ©2016ISBN: 97803879520001 Concurrent User
- Radiology of the Respiratory SystemAuthor: FlowerPublisher: Flower ©2016ISBN: 9789400980921
- Radiology of The Sella TurcicaAuthor: BonnevillePublisher: Bonneville ©2016ISBN: 97836426778851 Concurrent User
- Radiology of the Small Bowel, vol. 2Author: SellinkPublisher: Sellink ©2016ISBN: 97894009743265 Concurrent Users
- Radiology of the Stomach and DuodenumAuthor: Reidy, John;Hacking, Nigel;McLucas, BrucePublisher: Reidy, John;Hacking, Nigel;McLucas, Bruce ©2016ISBN: 9783540424628Unlimited Users
- Radiology of the Upper Urinary TractAuthor: Srivastava, Suresh C.Publisher: Srivastava, Suresh C. ©2016ISBN: 9783642841910Unlimited Users
- Radiology of the Upper Urinary TractAuthor: Lang, Erich K.;Lang, Erich K.;Donner, Martin W.;Clayton, J.;Heuck, Friedrich;Dalla-Palma, L.;Dorph, S.;Ekelund, Laila;Friedenberg, R.M.;Goldman, S. M.Publisher: Lang, Erich K.;Lang, Erich K.;Donner, Martin W.;Clayton, J.;Heuck, Friedrich;Dalla-Palma, L.;Dorph, S.;Ekelund, Laila;Friedenberg, R.M.;Goldman, S. M. ©2018ISBN: 9783642841910Unlimited Users
- Radiology of TraumaAuthor: Heller, Martin;Baert, A. L.;Fink, A.;Heller, Martin;Baert, A. L.;Fink, A.Publisher: Heller, Martin;Baert, A. L.;Fink, A.;Heller, Martin;Baert, A. L.;Fink, A. ©2018ISBN: 9783540663386
- Radiology of TraumaAuthor: SchiavonPublisher: Schiavon ©2016ISBN: 9783540663386
- Radiology On-Call: A Case-Based ManualAuthor: TalanowPublisher: Talanow ©2017ISBN: 97800716379781 Concurrent User
- Radiology Secrets PlusAuthor: SchnyderPublisher: Schnyder ©2016ISBN: 9783642630415
- Radiology StrategiesAuthor: Fielding, JuliaPublisher: Fielding, Julia ©2018ISBN: 97801953711921 Concurrent User
- Radiology Today 1Author: Donner, Martin W.;Heuck, Friedrich H. W.Publisher: Donner, Martin W.;Heuck, Friedrich H. W. ©2018ISBN: 9783642676741
- Radiology Today 1, vol. 1Author: BretPublisher: Bret ©2016ISBN: 9783642676741
- Radiology Today, vol. 2Author: Erkonen, William E.;Smith, Wilbur L.Publisher: Erkonen, William E.;Smith, Wilbur L. ©2016ISBN: 9783642687105
- Radiology Today, vol. 3Author: Li, HongjunPublisher: Li, Hongjun ©2016ISBN: 9783642697395
- Radiolytic YieldsAuthor: M. Haïssinsky and M. MagatPublisher: M. Haïssinsky and M. Magat ©2016ISBN: 9780387403090
- Radiolytic Yields : Selected ConstantsAuthor: Haïssinsky, M.;Magat, M.;Haïssinsky, M.Publisher: Haïssinsky, M.;Magat, M.;Haïssinsky, M. ©2018ISBN: 97814832133541 Concurrent User
- Radiometric Calibration: Theory and MethodsAuthor: Clair WyattPublisher: Clair Wyatt ©2016ISBN: 97894007616125 Concurrent Users
- Radiometric Temperature Measurements: I. Fundamentals, vol. 42Author: L’HerminéPublisher: L’Herminé ©2017ISBN: 9789401087186
- Radiometric Temperature Measurements: II. Applications, vol. 43Author: KumarPublisher: Kumar ©2017ISBN: 9783642708206
- Radiometric Tracking Techniques for Deep-Space NavigationAuthor: Thornton, Catherine L.;Border, James S.Publisher: Thornton, Catherine L.;Border, James S. ©2018ISBN: 97804714453405 Concurrent Users
- RadiometryAuthor: Frank GrumPublisher: Frank Grum ©2016ISBN: 9781461281610
- RadiometryAuthor: Grum, FrankPublisher: Grum, Frank ©2018ISBN: 9780123049018
- Radiometry in Modern Scientific ExperimentsAuthor: PravilovPublisher: Pravilov ©2016ISBN: 9783709101032
- Radiometry of wet surfacesAuthor: Hibbert, Kathryn M.;Chhem, Rethy K.;Van Deven, Teresa;Wang, Shih-changPublisher: Hibbert, Kathryn M.;Chhem, Rethy K.;Van Deven, Teresa;Wang, Shih-chang ©2023ISBN: 97835402588895 Concurrent Users
- Radiometry of wet surfacesAuthor: Hibbert, Kathryn M.;Chhem, Rethy K.;Van Deven, Teresa;Wang, Shih-changPublisher: Hibbert, Kathryn M.;Chhem, Rethy K.;Van Deven, Teresa;Wang, Shih-chang ©2023ISBN: 97827598293091 Concurrent User
- Radiomics and Its Clinical ApplicationAuthor: Di Dong, Jie Tian, Jingwei Wei and Zhenyu LiuPublisher: Di Dong, Jie Tian, Jingwei Wei and Zhenyu Liu ©2021ISBN: 97836426293651 Concurrent User
- Radiomics and Radiogenomics in Neuro-OncologyAuthor: Suri, Jasjit; Saxena, SanjayPublisher: Suri, Jasjit; Saxena, Sanjay ©2024ISBN: 9783642629365
- Radiomics and Radiogenomics in Neuro-OncologyAuthor: Sam Silverman, DVM, PhD, Dipl ACVR, Lisa A. Tell, DVM, Dipl ABVP (Avian), ACZM, Jody Nugent-Deal and Kristina Palmer-HoltryPublisher: Sam Silverman, DVM, PhD, Dipl ACVR, Lisa A. Tell, DVM, Dipl ABVP (Avian), ACZM, Jody Nugent-Deal and Kristina Palmer-Holtry ©2024ISBN: 9783642402937
- Radionuclide and Hybrid Bone ImagingAuthor: SalaPublisher: Sala ©2016ISBN: 9783642023996
- Radionuclide Behaviour in the Natural EnvironmentAuthor: BourjatPublisher: Bourjat ©2018ISBN: 9783540165378
- Radionuclide Contamination and Remediation Through PlantsAuthor: Thijn, Cornelis J. P.;Thijn, Cornelis J.P.Publisher: Thijn, Cornelis J. P.;Thijn, Cornelis J.P. ©2016ISBN: 9783319076645
- Radionuclide Imaging of Infection and InflammationAuthor: Spindola-Franco, Hugo;Fish, Bernard G.;Eisenberg, Robert;Higgins, Charles B.;Steingart, Richard M.;Wexler, John P.Publisher: Spindola-Franco, Hugo;Fish, Bernard G.;Eisenberg, Robert;Higgins, Charles B.;Steingart, Richard M.;Wexler, John P. ©2021ISBN: 97830306217422 Concurrent Users
- Radionuclide Imaging of Infection and InflammationAuthor: LazzeriPublisher: Lazzeri ©2016ISBN: 9788847027626
- Radionuclide Imaging of Infection and Inflammation : A Pictorial Case-Based AtlasAuthor: Lazzeri, Elena;Signore, Alberto;Erba, Paola Anna;Prandini, Napoleone;Versari, Annibale;D´Errico, Giovanni;Mariani, GiulianoPublisher: Lazzeri, Elena;Signore, Alberto;Erba, Paola Anna;Prandini, Napoleone;Versari, Annibale;D´Errico, Giovanni;Mariani, Giuliano ©2018ISBN: 9788847027626
- Radionuclide Tracer Techniques in HaematologyAuthor: C. S. BowringPublisher: C. S. Bowring ©2016ISBN: 9783642635649
- Radionuclide Ventricular Function StudiesAuthor: EllPublisher: Ell ©2016ISBN: 9789400975583
- Radionuclide Ventricular Function Studies : Correlation with ECG, Echo and X-ray DataAuthor: Ell, Peter Josef;Walton, Stephen;Jarritt, Peter HedleyPublisher: Ell, Peter Josef;Walton, Stephen;Jarritt, Peter Hedley ©2018ISBN: 9789400975583
- Radionuclides and Heavy Metals in Environment, vol. 5Author: Bruneton, Jean Noel;Bruneton, J. N.;Baert, A. L.;Cavinet, B.;Rameau-Reed, N.Publisher: Bruneton, Jean Noel;Bruneton, J. N.;Baert, A. L.;Cavinet, B.;Rameau-Reed, N. ©2016ISBN: 97814020005911 Concurrent User
- Radionuclides in the Environment, vol. 8Author: Lemmerling, Marc;Kollias, Spyros S.Publisher: Lemmerling, Marc;Kollias, Spyros S. ©2016ISBN: 9783642623158
- Radionuclides in the Food ChainAuthor: SchulzePublisher: Schulze ©2016ISBN: 9781447116127