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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter R (12351-12400 of 18124):
- Rethinking the Informal CityAuthor: BrandsPublisher: Brands ©2022ISBN: 97802620249141 Concurrent User
- Rethinking the InkaAuthor: Miller, Rebecca K.;Meier, Carolyn;Moorfield-Lang, HeatherPublisher: Miller, Rebecca K.;Meier, Carolyn;Moorfield-Lang, Heather ©2022ISBN: 9780838958636
- Rethinking the Internet of ThingsAuthor: daCostaPublisher: daCosta ©2016ISBN: 9781430257400
- Rethinking the Korean WarAuthor: StueckPublisher: Stueck ©2020ISBN: 9781608056170
- Rethinking the Late Ottoman EmpireAuthor: BlumiPublisher: Blumi ©2020ISBN: 9780262033145
- Rethinking the Mathematics CurriculumAuthor: Hoyles, Celia;Morgan, Candia;Woodhouse, GeoffreyPublisher: Hoyles, Celia;Morgan, Candia;Woodhouse, Geoffrey ©2018ISBN: 97807507093922 Concurrent Users
- Rethinking the Network Economy: The True Forces that Drive the Digital MarketplaceAuthor: Stan LiebowitzPublisher: Stan Liebowitz ©2019ISBN: 9780814406496
- Rethinking the New Technology of JournalismAuthor: MinPublisher: Min ©2022ISBN: 9780803977334
- Rethinking the Other in AntiquityAuthor: GruenPublisher: Gruen ©2020ISBN: 9780749477363
- Rethinking the Ozone Problem in Urban and Regional Air PollutionAuthor: Robinson, Kerry H.;Davies, Cristyn;Davies, BronwynPublisher: Robinson, Kerry H.;Davies, Cristyn;Davies, Bronwyn ©2018ISBN: 9780309046312
- Rethinking the ozone problem in urban and regional air pollutionAuthor: Robinson, Kerry H.;Davies, Cristyn;Davies, BronwynPublisher: Robinson, Kerry H.;Davies, Cristyn;Davies, Bronwyn ©2016ISBN: 9781608056170
- Rethinking the PoliticalAuthor: Falasca-ZamponiPublisher: Falasca-Zamponi ©2023ISBN: 9783319055602
- Rethinking the Politics of Commercial Society: The Edinburgh Review 1802-1832Author: FontanaPublisher: Fontana ©2018ISBN: 9780521303354
- Rethinking the Process of Operational Research and Systems AnalysisAuthor: Monahan, John;Steadman, Henry J.;Silver, Eric;Appelbaum, Paul S.;Clark Robbins, Pamela;Mulvey, Edward P.;Roth, Loren H.;Grisso, Thomas;Banks, StevenPublisher: Monahan, John;Steadman, Henry J.;Silver, Eric;Appelbaum, Paul S.;Clark Robbins, Pamela;Mulvey, Edward P.;Roth, Loren H.;Grisso, Thomas;Banks, Steven ©2016ISBN: 97801951388251 Concurrent User
- Rethinking the publicAuthor: Green, B.;Corbett, MichaelPublisher: Green, B.;Corbett, Michael ©2023ISBN: 9781137275486
- Rethinking the Rhetorical TraditionAuthor: FriedmannPublisher: Friedmann ©2020ISBN: 9781402062742
- Rethinking the Romance of the RoseAuthor: Roth, Wolff-Michael;Barton, Angela CalabresePublisher: Roth, Wolff-Michael;Barton, Angela Calabrese ©2021ISBN: 97804159484255 Concurrent Users
- Rethinking the Rule of Law after CommunismAuthor: MiethePublisher: Miethe ©2022ISBN: 9780521832991
- Rethinking the Sales Cycle: How Superior Sellers Embrace the Buying Cycle to Achieve a Sustainable and Competitive AdvantageAuthor: John R. Holland,Tim YoungPublisher: John R. Holland,Tim Young ©2019ISBN: 9780071637992
- Rethinking the School of ChartresAuthor: JeauneauPublisher: Jeauneau ©2020ISBN: 9781442600072
- Rethinking the School of ChartresAuthor: Jeauneau, Edouard;Desmarais, ClaudePublisher: Jeauneau, Edouard;Desmarais, Claude ©2018ISBN: 9781442600072
- Rethinking the WorldAuthor: LegroPublisher: Legro ©2020ISBN: 97894007213715 Concurrent Users
- Rethinking Therapeutic CultureAuthor: Sinclair, PaulPublisher: Sinclair, Paul ©2020ISBN: 97894007213712 Concurrent Users
- Rethinking ThoughtAuthor: OtisPublisher: Otis ©2017ISBN: 9780190213466
- Rethinking Unequal ExchangeAuthor: ValianiPublisher: Valiani ©2020ISBN: 97807619492513 Consecutive User Seats
- Rethinking Unequal Exchange : The Global Integration of Nursing Labour MarketsAuthor: Valiani, SalimahPublisher: Valiani, Salimah ©2018ISBN: 97814426121361 Concurrent User
- Rethinking UniversalsAuthor: SchroederPublisher: Schroeder ©2021ISBN: 9783110220926
- Rethinking University Teaching : A Conversational Framework for the Effective Use of Learning TechnologiesAuthor: Laurillard, DianaPublisher: Laurillard, Diana ©2018ISBN: 97804152567805 Concurrent Users
- Rethinking Urban ParksAuthor: TaplinPublisher: Taplin ©2021ISBN: 9783030718183
- Rethinking urban policy: urban development in an advanced economyAuthor: SchulmanPublisher: Schulman ©2016ISBN: 97807486824161 Concurrent User
- Rethinking UrbanismAuthor: MyersPublisher: Myers ©2023ISBN: 9789400721371Unlimited Users
- Rethinking UXAuthor: Smashing MagazinePublisher: Smashing Magazine ©2019ISBN: 9783944540481Unlimited Users
- Rethinking Valuation and Pricing ModelsAuthor: Carsten Wehn, Christian Hoppe and Greg N. GregoriouPublisher: Carsten Wehn, Christian Hoppe and Greg N. Gregoriou ©2016ISBN: 9780674725065Unlimited Users
- Rethinking Value ChainsAuthor: FarsakhPublisher: Farsakh ©2023ISBN: 9781447359173
- Rethinking Value-Added Models in Education : Critical Perspectives on Tests and Assessment-Based AccountabilityAuthor: Amrein-Beardsley, AudreyPublisher: Amrein-Beardsley, Audrey ©2018ISBN: 9780415820110
- Rethinking Venezuelan PoliticsAuthor: EllnerPublisher: Ellner ©2022ISBN: 9781402093371
- Rethinking Vienna 1900Author: KrugmanPublisher: Krugman ©2022ISBN: 9781402093371
- Rethinking ViolenceAuthor: Bram DeSmetPublisher: Bram DeSmet ©2021ISBN: 97802620142051 Concurrent User
- Rethinking Virtue Ethics, vol. 28Author: WinterPublisher: Winter ©2016ISBN: 97894007219203 Consecutive User Seats
- Rethinking Water Management : Innovative Approaches to Contemporary IssuesAuthor: Figueres, Caroline;Rockstrom, Johan;Tortajada, CeciliaPublisher: Figueres, Caroline;Rockstrom, Johan;Tortajada, Cecilia ©2018ISBN: 97818538399931 Concurrent User
- Rethinking Whitehead’s SymbolismAuthor: PetekPublisher: Petek ©2022ISBN: 9780309312370Unlimited Users
- Rethinking Women's Collaborative WritingAuthor: YorkPublisher: York ©2021ISBN: 9781861349569
- Rethinking Women's RolesAuthor: Edwards, Anne;Gilroy, Peter;Hartley, DavidPublisher: Edwards, Anne;Gilroy, Peter;Hartley, David ©2020ISBN: 97804152306295 Concurrent Users
- Rethinking WoodAuthor: Beutler, Larry E.Publisher: Beutler, Larry E. ©2019ISBN: 9783035616897
- Rethinking Work and Learning, vol. 9Author: Saroyan, Alenoush;Amundsen, CherylPublisher: Saroyan, Alenoush;Amundsen, Cheryl ©2021ISBN: 9781402089633Unlimited Users
- Rethinking Work and Learning, vol. 9Author: Saroyan, Alenoush;Amundsen, CherylPublisher: Saroyan, Alenoush;Amundsen, Cheryl ©2016ISBN: 9781402089633
- Rethinking Work: Are You Ready to Take Charge?Author: Cliff HakimPublisher: Cliff Hakim ©2019ISBN: 9780891062301
- Rethinking Working-Class HistoryAuthor: ChakrabartyPublisher: Chakrabarty ©2020ISBN: 9783110165197
- Rethinking Youth WellbeingAuthor: Vatterott, CathyPublisher: Vatterott, Cathy ©2016ISBN: 9789812871879
- Rethinking Zapotec TimeAuthor: TavárezPublisher: Tavárez ©2022ISBN: 9781477324516