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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter R (15351-15400 of 18124):
- River Basin Ecohydrology in the Indian Sub-ContinentAuthor: Braun, Linda W.;Urquhart, Connie;Martin, Hillias Jack;Young Adult Library Services AssociationPublisher: Braun, Linda W.;Urquhart, Connie;Martin, Hillias Jack;Young Adult Library Services Association ©2024ISBN: 97808389359651 Concurrent User
- River Basin in History and LawAuthor: Teclaff, Ludwik A.;H. Garretson, AlbertPublisher: Teclaff, Ludwik A.;H. Garretson, Albert ©2018ISBN: 97894015041025 Concurrent Users
- River Basin Management Planning in Indonesia : Policy and PracticeAuthor: Ronald J. Burke,Cary L. Cooper (eds)Publisher: Ronald J. Burke,Cary L. Cooper (eds) ©2018ISBN: 9789292573874
- River Basin Trajectories : Societies, Environments and DevelopmentAuthor: Molle, F.;Wester, P.Publisher: Molle, F.;Wester, P. ©2018ISBN: 9781845935382
- River Basins and Coastal Systems Planning Within the U. S. Army Corps of EngineersAuthor: Nooteboom, Gerben;Hellman, Jörgen;Wisner, Ben;van Voorst, Roanne;Luna, EmmanuelPublisher: Nooteboom, Gerben;Hellman, Jörgen;Wisner, Ben;van Voorst, Roanne;Luna, Emmanuel ©2018ISBN: 9780309092203
- River basins and coastal systems planning within the U.S. Army Corps of EngineersAuthor: FieldsPublisher: Fields ©2016ISBN: 9783540890416
- River Channel Management : Towards Sustainable Catchment HydrosystemsAuthor: Downs, Peter;Gregory, KenPublisher: Downs, Peter;Gregory, Ken ©2018ISBN: 9780340759691
- River Cities in AsiaAuthor: Browning, MelissaPublisher: Browning, Melissa ©2022ISBN: 9789463721851
- River City and Valley Life : An Environmental History of the Sacramento RegionAuthor: Castaneda, Christopher;Simpson, Lee M. A.Publisher: Castaneda, Christopher;Simpson, Lee M. A. ©2018ISBN: 97808229625021 Concurrent User
- River Confluences, Tributaries and the Fluvial NetworkAuthor: Rice, Stephen;Roy, Andre;Rhoads, BrucePublisher: Rice, Stephen;Roy, Andre;Rhoads, Bruce ©2018ISBN: 9780470026724
- River Conservation and ManagementAuthor: Boon, Philip;Raven, PaulPublisher: Boon, Philip;Raven, Paul ©2018ISBN: 9780470682081
- River Control in IndiaAuthor: BaghelPublisher: Baghel ©2016ISBN: 9783319044316
- River Deltas: Types, Structures and Ecology : Types, Structures and EcologyAuthor: Schmidt, Paul E.Publisher: Schmidt, Paul E. ©2018ISBN: 9781617287565
- River Dynamics and Integrated River ManagementAuthor: WangPublisher: Wang ©2018ISBN: 9783642256516
- River Ecology and ManAuthor: Badouk-Epstein, Orit;Schwartz, Joseph;Schwartz, Rachel WingfieldPublisher: Badouk-Epstein, Orit;Schwartz, Joseph;Schwartz, Rachel Wingfield ©2016ISBN: 9781855758391
- River Ecology and ManAuthor: Plant, MoiraPublisher: Plant, Moira ©2020ISBN: 9783837625325
- River Flow 2014Author: GuernseyPublisher: Guernsey ©2020ISBN: 9781138026742
- River Flow Modelling and Forecasting, vol. 3Author: HogrebePublisher: Hogrebe ©2016ISBN: 9789401085182
- River Flowing from the Sunrise : An Environmental History of the Lower San JuanAuthor: Aton, James M.Publisher: Aton, James M. ©2018ISBN: 97808742140481 Concurrent User
- River Futures : An Integrative Scientific Approach to River RepairAuthor: Brierley, Gary J.;Fryirs, Kirstie A.;Hobbs, Richard J.Publisher: Brierley, Gary J.;Fryirs, Kirstie A.;Hobbs, Richard J. ©2018ISBN: 9781597261135
- River Has Never Divided Us, TheAuthor: MorgenthalerPublisher: Morgenthaler ©2021ISBN: 9781119530787
- River in Ruin : The Story of the Carmel RiverAuthor: March, Ray A.Publisher: March, Ray A. ©2018ISBN: 9780803238343
- River JordanAuthor: HavrelockPublisher: Havrelock ©2020ISBN: 97802263195751 Concurrent User
- River Life and the Upspring of NatureAuthor: KhanPublisher: Khan ©2023ISBN: 9781478016731
- River MechanicsAuthor: M.S. YalinPublisher: M.S. Yalin ©2016ISBN: 97834842205391 Concurrent User
- River MorphologyAuthor: Garde, R.J.Publisher: Garde, R.J. ©2018ISBN: 97881224186445 Concurrent Users
- River Morphology : A Guide for Geoscientists and EngineersAuthor: Mangelsdorf, Joachim;Reimer, Barbara;Scheurmann, Karl;Weiß, Fritz-Heinz;Weiß, Fritz-HeinzPublisher: Mangelsdorf, Joachim;Reimer, Barbara;Scheurmann, Karl;Weiß, Fritz-Heinz;Weiß, Fritz-Heinz ©2018ISBN: 97836428377911 Concurrent User
- River Nile, TheAuthor: R. SaidPublisher: R. Said ©2016ISBN: 9781119530787Unlimited Users
- River of Fire and Other StoriesAuthor: OPublisher: O ©2021ISBN: 9780231160667Unlimited Users
- River of HopeAuthor: Valerio-JiménezPublisher: Valerio-Jiménez ©2021ISBN: 9783828202115Unlimited Users
- River of Life : Sustainable Practices of Native Americans and Indigenous Peoples, TheAuthor: Marchand, Michael;Vogt, Kristiina;Suntana, Asep;Cawston, Rodney;Gordon, John;Siscawati, Mia;Vogt, Daniel;Tovey, John;Sigurdardottir, Ragnhildur;Roads, PatriciaPublisher: Marchand, Michael;Vogt, Kristiina;Suntana, Asep;Cawston, Rodney;Gordon, John;Siscawati, Mia;Vogt, Daniel;Tovey, John;Sigurdardottir, Ragnhildur;Roads, Patricia ©2018ISBN: 9783110275834Unlimited Users
- River of Life, TheAuthor: MarchandPublisher: Marchand ©2021ISBN: 9783110275834
- River of Love in an Age of PollutionAuthor: HabermanPublisher: Haberman ©2020ISBN: 9780520247901
- River of TearsAuthor: DentPublisher: Dent ©2021ISBN: 9781855758391
- River of the Mother of God : And Other Essays by Aldo Leopold, TheAuthor: Leopold, Aldo;Callicott, J. Baird;Flader, Susan L.Publisher: Leopold, Aldo;Callicott, J. Baird;Flader, Susan L. ©2018ISBN: 9780299127640
- River of Time, TheAuthor: ProbsteinPublisher: Probstein ©2020ISBN: 97816181162603 Consecutive User Seats
- River People in Flood Time, TheAuthor: RugeleyPublisher: Rugeley ©2021ISBN: 97894007275571 Concurrent User
- River Plains and Sea CoastsAuthor: RussellPublisher: Russell ©2020ISBN: 97838376551241 Concurrent User
- River Pollution Research ProgressAuthor: Gallo, Mattia N.;Gallo, Mattia N.;Ferrari, Marco H.Publisher: Gallo, Mattia N.;Gallo, Mattia N.;Ferrari, Marco H. ©2018ISBN: 9781604566437
- River RepublicAuthor: McCoolPublisher: McCool ©2021ISBN: 9780231161312
- River Resource Management in the Grand CanyonAuthor: PannierPublisher: Pannier ©2018ISBN: 9780309054485
- River resource management in the Grand CanyonAuthor: Escarameia, ManuelaPublisher: Escarameia, Manuela ©2016ISBN: 9780727726919
- River Returns, TheAuthor: ArmstrongPublisher: Armstrong ©2023ISBN: 9781487585075
- River Runs Black : The Environmental Challenge to China's Future, TheAuthor: Economy, Elizabeth C.Publisher: Economy, Elizabeth C. ©2018ISBN: 97808014492461 Concurrent User
- River Runs Black, TheAuthor: EconomyPublisher: Economy ©2020ISBN: 9789292573874
- River Science : Research and Management for the 21st CenturyAuthor: Gilvear, David J.;Greenwood, Malcolm T.;Thoms, Martin C.;Wood, Paul J.Publisher: Gilvear, David J.;Greenwood, Malcolm T.;Thoms, Martin C.;Wood, Paul J. ©2018ISBN: 9789292573874
- River Science at the U. S. Geological SurveyAuthor: Molle, F.;Wester, P.Publisher: Molle, F.;Wester, P. ©2018ISBN: 9780309103572
- River science at the U.S. Geological SurveyAuthor: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on River Science at the U.S. Geological Survey.Publisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on River Science at the U.S. Geological Survey. ©2016ISBN: 97803090922035 Concurrent Users
- River Twice, TheAuthor: GraberPublisher: Graber ©2020ISBN: 9780340759691
- River Variability and ComplexityAuthor: Schumm, Stanley A.Publisher: Schumm, Stanley A. ©2018ISBN: 9780521846714