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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter R (15951-16000 of 18124):
- Robotics: State of the Art and Future Trends : State of the Art and Future TrendsAuthor: Giovanni, Legnani,;Fassi, IrenePublisher: Giovanni, Legnani,;Fassi, Irene ©2018ISBN: 9781621004035
- Robotik in der WirtschaftsinformatikAuthor: Sara D'Onofrio,Stefan MeinhardtPublisher: Sara D'Onofrio,Stefan Meinhardt ©2024ISBN: 9783658396206
- Robotized Transcranial Magnetic StimulationAuthor: RichterPublisher: Richter ©2016ISBN: 9781461473596
- RobotsAuthor: John JordanPublisher: John Jordan ©2019ISBN: 9780262529501
- Robots and Automated ManufactureAuthor: Billingsley, J.Publisher: Billingsley, J. ©2018ISBN: 9780863410536
- Robots and Biological Systems: Towards a New Bionics?, vol. 102Author: Trinkle, Jeff;Matsuoka, Yoky;Castellanos, Jose A.Publisher: Trinkle, Jeff;Matsuoka, Yoky;Castellanos, Jose A. ©2016ISBN: 97836426346111 Concurrent User
- Robots and ImmigrantsAuthor: MaronitisPublisher: Maronitis ©2023ISBN: 9780262514637
- Robots and Lattice Automata, vol. 13Author: Coiffet, Philippe;Lhôte, François;Kauffmann, Jean-Marie;Kauffmann, Jean-MariePublisher: Coiffet, Philippe;Lhôte, François;Kauffmann, Jean-Marie;Kauffmann, Jean-Marie ©2018ISBN: 97833191092371 Concurrent User
- Robots and Robotics : Principles, Systems, and Industrial ApplicationsAuthor: Miller, RexPublisher: Miller, Rex ©2020ISBN: 9781259859786Unlimited Users
- Robots in Space : Technology, Evolution, and Interplanetary TravelAuthor: Launius, Roger D.;McCurdy, Howard E.Publisher: Launius, Roger D.;McCurdy, Howard E. ©2018ISBN: 9780801887086Unlimited Users
- Robots That Talk and Listen : Technology and Social ImpactAuthor: Markowitz, Judith;Andrist, Sean;Bugmann, Guido;Connell, Jonathan;Dufty, David;Grondin, Francois;Michaud, Francois;Mirnig, Nicole;Moore, Roger;Mushkin, StevePublisher: Markowitz, Judith;Andrist, Sean;Bugmann, Guido;Connell, Jonathan;Dufty, David;Grondin, Francois;Michaud, Francois;Mirnig, Nicole;Moore, Roger;Mushkin, Steve ©2018ISBN: 9781614516033
- Robots Won't Save JapanAuthor: WrightPublisher: Wright ©2023ISBN: 9783540753865
- Robots, Reasoning, and ReificationAuthor: GundersonPublisher: Gunderson ©2016ISBN: 9780387874876
- Robust Adaptation to Non-Native Accents in Automatic Speech Recognition, vol. 2560Author: Joseph E. AounPublisher: Joseph E. Aoun ©2016ISBN: 97835400032503 Consecutive User Seats
- Robust Adaptive BeamformingAuthor: Li, Jian;Stoica, PetrePublisher: Li, Jian;Stoica, Petre ©2018ISBN: 97804716785021 Concurrent User
- Robust Adaptive Control : Proceedings of the IFAC Workshop, Newcastle, Australia, 22-24 August 1988Author: Goodwin, G. C.Publisher: Goodwin, G. C. ©2018ISBN: 97800803662035 Concurrent Users
- Robust Adaptive Dynamic ProgrammingAuthor: Jiang, Yu;Jiang, Zhong-PingPublisher: Jiang, Yu;Jiang, Zhong-Ping ©2018ISBN: 9781119132646
- Robust Aeroservoelastic Stability AnalysisAuthor: LindPublisher: Lind ©2016ISBN: 9781447112150
- Robust Algebraic Multilevel Methods and AlgorithmsAuthor: Kraus, Johannes;Margenov, SvetozarPublisher: Kraus, Johannes;Margenov, Svetozar ©2018ISBN: 9783110193657
- Robust Algebraic Multilevel Methods and AlgorithmsAuthor: KrausPublisher: Kraus ©2021ISBN: 9783110193657
- Robust and Adaptive ControlAuthor: LavretskyPublisher: Lavretsky ©2016ISBN: 9781447143956
- Robust and Nonlinear Time Series Analysis, vol. 26Author: Dong SunPublisher: Dong Sun ©2016ISBN: 97803879610261 Concurrent User
- Robust and Online Large-Scale Optimization, vol. 5868Author: DahiyaPublisher: Dahiya ©2016ISBN: 9783642054648
- Robust and Optimal Control : A Two-Port Framework ApproachAuthor: Tsai, Mi-Ching;Gu, Da-WeiPublisher: Tsai, Mi-Ching;Gu, Da-Wei ©2016ISBN: 97814471625685 Concurrent Users
- Robust ASP.NET Exception HandlingAuthor: Lee DumondPublisher: Lee Dumond ©2020ISBN: 9780470503676
- Robust Asymptotic StatisticsAuthor: RiederPublisher: Rieder ©2016ISBN: 9781468406269
- Robust Automatic Speech RecognitionAuthor: Jinyu Li, Li Deng, Yifan Gong and Reinhold Häb-UmbachPublisher: Jinyu Li, Li Deng, Yifan Gong and Reinhold Häb-Umbach ©2016ISBN: 9783642392221
- Robust Automatic Speech Recognition : A Bridge to Practical ApplicationsAuthor: Li, Jinyu;Deng, Li;Haeb-Umbach, Reinhold;Gong, YifanPublisher: Li, Jinyu;Deng, Li;Haeb-Umbach, Reinhold;Gong, Yifan ©2018ISBN: 9780128023983
- Robust Autonomous GuidanceAuthor: IsidoriPublisher: Isidori ©2016ISBN: 9781447111245
- Robust Autonomous Guidance : An Internal Model ApproachAuthor: Isidori, Alberto;Marconi, Lorenzo;Serrani, AndreaPublisher: Isidori, Alberto;Marconi, Lorenzo;Serrani, Andrea ©2018ISBN: 97814471112451 Concurrent User
- Robust Bayesian Analysis, vol. 152Author: SteegPublisher: Steeg ©2016ISBN: 97803879886651 Concurrent User
- Robust Computing with Nano-scale Devices, vol. 58Author: NübelPublisher: Nübel ©2016ISBN: 9789048185399
- Robust ControlAuthor: AckermannPublisher: Ackermann ©2016ISBN: 9781447133674
- Robust ControlAuthor: AckermannPublisher: Ackermann ©2016ISBN: 9781447110996
- Robust Control : The Parameter Space ApproachAuthor: Ackermann, JürgenPublisher: Ackermann, Jürgen ©2018ISBN: 9781447110996
- Robust Control and Filtering of Singular Systems, vol. 332Author: XuPublisher: Xu ©2016ISBN: 9783540327974
- Robust Control and Linear Parameter Varying Approaches, vol. 437Author: Deb, S. R.Publisher: Deb, S. R. ©2016ISBN: 97836423610982 Concurrent Users
- Robust Control Design for Active Driver Assistance Systems : A Linear-Parameter-Varying ApproachAuthor: Gáspár, Péter;Szabó, Zoltán;Bokor, József;Nemeth, BalazsPublisher: Gáspár, Péter;Szabó, Zoltán;Bokor, József;Nemeth, Balazs ©2018ISBN: 9783319461243
- Robust Control Design Using H-∞ MethodsAuthor: PetersenPublisher: Petersen ©2016ISBN: 9781447111443
- Robust Control Design with MATLAB®Author: GuPublisher: Gu ©2016ISBN: 9781852339838
- Robust Control Design with MATLAB®Author: Gu, Da-Wei;Petkov, Petko H.;Konstantinov, Mihail M.Publisher: Gu, Da-Wei;Petkov, Petko H.;Konstantinov, Mihail M. ©2018ISBN: 97814471468101 Concurrent User
- Robust Control for Grid Voltage Stability: High Penetration of Renewable EnergyAuthor: HossainPublisher: Hossain ©2016ISBN: 9789812871152
- Robust Control for Uncertain Networked Control Systems with Random Delays, vol. 386Author: HuangPublisher: Huang ©2016ISBN: 9781848826779
- Robust Control for Unstructured Perturbations — An Introduction, vol. 168Author: Trinkle, Jeff;Matsuoka, Yoky;Castellanos, Jose A.Publisher: Trinkle, Jeff;Matsuoka, Yoky;Castellanos, Jose A. ©2016ISBN: 97835405492081 Concurrent User
- Robust Control in Power SystemsAuthor: PalPublisher: Pal ©2016ISBN: 97803872594991 Concurrent User
- Robust Control of Diesel Ship PropulsionAuthor: XirosPublisher: Xiros ©2016ISBN: 97814471110235 Concurrent Users
- Robust Control of Linear Descriptor SystemsAuthor: Feng, Yu;Yagoubi, MohamedPublisher: Feng, Yu;Yagoubi, Mohamed ©2018ISBN: 97898110367671 Concurrent User
- Robust Control of Linear Systems Subject to Uncertain Time-Varying Parameters, vol. 325Author: AmatoPublisher: Amato ©2016ISBN: 9783540239505Unlimited Users
- Robust Control of RobotsAuthor: SiqueiraPublisher: Siqueira ©2016ISBN: 9780857298973
- Robust Control of Time-delay SystemsAuthor: ZhongPublisher: Zhong ©2016ISBN: 9781846282645