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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR STUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter S (6451-6500 of 35465):
- Security of Public Water Supplies, vol. 66Author: Ira Winkler, CISSPPublisher: Ira Winkler, CISSP ©2016ISBN: 9780792361220
- Security of Self-Organizing Networks: MANET, WSN, WMN, VANETAuthor: Al-Sakib Khan Pathan (ed)Publisher: Al-Sakib Khan Pathan (ed) ©2019ISBN: 97814398191971 Concurrent User
- Security of Water Supply Systems: from Source to Tap, vol. 8Author: Kelly Shortridge,Aaron RinehartPublisher: Kelly Shortridge,Aaron Rinehart ©2016ISBN: 97814020456221 Concurrent User
- Security of Water, Food, Energy and Liveability of Cities, The, vol. 71Author: Richard BingleyPublisher: Richard Bingley ©2016ISBN: 9789401788779
- Security on the IBM Mainframe: Volume 1, A Holistic Approach to Reduce Risk and Improve SecurityAuthor: Axel BueckerPublisher: Axel Buecker ©2020ISBN: 9780738440101
- Security Operations Center GuidebookAuthor: Gregory Jarpey and R. Scott McCoyPublisher: Gregory Jarpey and R. Scott McCoy ©2017ISBN: 9783662449653
- Security Operations in PracticeAuthor: Mike ShewardPublisher: Mike Sheward ©2022ISBN: 9781780175065
- Security Operations ManagementAuthor: Robert McCriePublisher: Robert McCrie ©2016ISBN: 9780387243412
- Security Operations ManagementAuthor: Robert D. McCriePublisher: Robert D. McCrie ©2017ISBN: 9781441915290
- Security Operations ManagementAuthor: Robert McCrie andSeungmug LeePublisher: Robert McCrie andSeungmug Lee ©2022ISBN: 9783540784418
- Security Patch Management, Second EditionAuthor: Felicia M. NicastroPublisher: Felicia M. Nicastro ©2019ISBN: 9781439824993
- Security Patching for Linux-Based ApplicationsAuthor: Aditya LadPublisher: Aditya Lad ©2020ISBN: 9781441915290
- Security PlanningAuthor: LinckePublisher: Lincke ©2016ISBN: 9783319160269
- Security Planning and Disaster RecoveryAuthor: Eric Maiwald,William SiegleinPublisher: Eric Maiwald,William Sieglein ©2019ISBN: 9780072224634
- Security Policies and Implementation Issues, Second EditionAuthor: Robert JohnsonPublisher: Robert Johnson ©2020ISBN: 9781284055993
- Security Politics in the Gulf MonarchiesAuthor: RobertsPublisher: Roberts ©2023ISBN: 9780231205245
- Security Protocols XIX, vol. 7114Author: SchuilenburgPublisher: Schuilenburg ©2016ISBN: 9783642258664
- Security Protocols XVI, vol. 6615Author: HafnerPublisher: Hafner ©2016ISBN: 9783642221361
- Security Protocols XVII, vol. 7028Author: Graham DayPublisher: Graham Day ©2016ISBN: 9783642362125
- Security Protocols XVIII, vol. 7061Author: Ross J. AndersonPublisher: Ross J. Anderson ©2016ISBN: 97836624592011 Concurrent User
- Security Protocols XX, vol. 7622Author: Hardjono, Thomas;Dondeti, Lakshminath R.Publisher: Hardjono, Thomas;Dondeti, Lakshminath R. ©2016ISBN: 97836423569331 Concurrent User
- Security Protocols XXI, vol. 8263Author: Hardjono, Thomas;Dondeti, Lakshminath R.Publisher: Hardjono, Thomas;Dondeti, Lakshminath R. ©2016ISBN: 97836424171605 Concurrent Users
- Security Protocols XXII, vol. 8809Author: David R. Miller,Shon Harris,Allen A. Harper,Stephen Vandyke,Chris BlaskPublisher: David R. Miller,Shon Harris,Allen A. Harper,Stephen Vandyke,Chris Blask ©2016ISBN: 9783319123998Unlimited Users
- Security Protocols, vol. 1189Author: Shibin David,R. S. Anand,M. NiranjanamurthyPublisher: Shibin David,R. S. Anand,M. Niranjanamurthy ©2016ISBN: 9783540624943Unlimited Users
- Security Protocols, vol. 1361Author: RolandPublisher: Roland ©2016ISBN: 9783540640400Unlimited Users
- Security Protocols, vol. 1550Author: RolandPublisher: Roland ©2016ISBN: 9783540656630
- Security Protocols, vol. 1796Author: Katsikas, Sokratis K;Gritzalis, Stefanos;Gritzalis, StefanosPublisher: Katsikas, Sokratis K;Gritzalis, Stefanos;Gritzalis, Stefanos ©2016ISBN: 9783540673811
- Security Protocols, vol. 2133Author: MahmoudPublisher: Mahmoud ©2016ISBN: 97835404256631 Concurrent User
- Security Protocols, vol. 2467Author: Mahmoud, Mohamed M. E. A.;Shen, Xuemin (Sherman)Publisher: Mahmoud, Mohamed M. E. A.;Shen, Xuemin (Sherman) ©2016ISBN: 9783540442639
- Security Protocols, vol. 2845Author: MahmoudPublisher: Mahmoud ©2016ISBN: 97835402083033 Consecutive User Seats
- Security Protocols, vol. 3364Author: Martijn van FoekenPublisher: Martijn van Foeken ©2016ISBN: 97835402838981 Concurrent User
- Security Protocols, vol. 3957Author: Ming ChangPublisher: Ming Chang ©2016ISBN: 97835404092505 Concurrent Users
- Security Protocols, vol. 4631Author: Eddie SorrellsPublisher: Eddie Sorrells ©2016ISBN: 9783540771555
- Security Protocols, vol. 5087Author: Denny CherryPublisher: Denny Cherry ©2016ISBN: 9783642049033
- Security Protocols, vol. 5964Author: Jacob Babbin,et al.Publisher: Jacob Babbin,et al. ©2016ISBN: 9783642177729
- Security Risk AssessmentAuthor: Leighton JohnsonPublisher: Leighton Johnson ©2020ISBN: 9783110500523
- Security Risk Assessment Handbook: A Complete Guide for Performing Security Risk Assessments, Second Edition, TheAuthor: Douglas J. LandollPublisher: Douglas J. Landoll ©2019ISBN: 9781439821480
- Security Risk Assessment: Managing Physical and Operational SecurityAuthor: John M. WhitePublisher: John M. White ©2016ISBN: 97801280022161 Concurrent User
- Security Risk Management Body of KnowledgeAuthor: Julian Talbot,Miles JakemanPublisher: Julian Talbot,Miles Jakeman ©2020ISBN: 9780470454626
- Security Risk Management: Building an Information Security Risk Management Program from the Ground upAuthor: Evan WheelerPublisher: Evan Wheeler ©2016ISBN: 9781597496155
- Security Risks in Social Media Technologies: Safe Practices in Public Service ApplicationsAuthor: Alan OxleyPublisher: Alan Oxley ©2018ISBN: 9781843347149
- Security Sage's Guide to Hardening the Network InfrastructureAuthor: Aditya LadPublisher: Aditya Lad ©2016ISBN: 9781402020766
- Security ScienceAuthor: Clifton Smith and David J. BrooksPublisher: Clifton Smith and David J. Brooks ©2016ISBN: 9780792361220
- Security Science: The Theory and Practice of SecurityAuthor: David J. Brooks,Clifton L. SmithPublisher: David J. Brooks,Clifton L. Smith ©2019ISBN: 97801239443683 Consecutive User Seats
- Security Software Development: Assessing and Managing Security RisksAuthor: Douglas A. AshbaughPublisher: Douglas A. Ashbaugh ©2019ISBN: 9781420063806
- Security Standardisation Research, vol. 8893Author: Stephen W. Walker and James E. FoushéePublisher: Stephen W. Walker and James E. Foushée ©2016ISBN: 97833191405371 Concurrent User
- Security Standardisation Research, vol. 9497Author: Kelly Shortridge,Aaron RinehartPublisher: Kelly Shortridge,Aaron Rinehart ©2016ISBN: 97833192715141 Concurrent User
- Security Strategies in Windows Platforms and Applications, Second EditionAuthor: Michael G. SolomonPublisher: Michael G. Solomon ©2019ISBN: 9781284031652
- Security Strategy: From Requirements to RealityAuthor: Bill Stackpole,Eric OksendahlPublisher: Bill Stackpole,Eric Oksendahl ©2020ISBN: 9781439827338
- Security Supervision and ManagementAuthor: IFPO and Sandi J DaviesPublisher: IFPO and Sandi J Davies ©2016ISBN: 9781780175065