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Showing books starting with the letter S (11501-11550 of 35465):
- Ship Design and Performance for Masters and Mates
- Ship Design and Performance for Masters and Mates
- Ship Design for Efficiency and Economy
- Ship Fire Prevention
- Ship Handling
- Ship Hydrostatics and Stability
- Ship Hydrostatics and Stability
- Ship Hydrostatics and Stability
- Ship Hydrostatics and Stability
- Ship Hydrostatics and Stability
- Ship in the Medieval Economy, 600-1600, The
- Ship Magnetism and the Magnetic Compass
- Ship Magnetism and the Magnetic Compass : The Commonwealth and International Library of Science, Technology, Engineering and Liberal Studies: Navigation and Nautical Courses
- Ship Motion Control
- Ship of Death : A Voyage That Changed the Atlantic World
- Ship of Fate
- Ship of State, The
- Ship Resistance and Propulsion : Practical Estimation of Propulsive Power
- Ship Stability for Masters and Mates
- Ship Stability for Masters and Mates
- Ship Stability for Masters and Mates
- Ship Stability for Masters and Mates
- Ship Stabilizers
- Ship's Surgeons of Dutch East India Company : Commerce and the Progress of Medicine in the Eighteenth Century
- Shipboard Acoustics
- Shipboard automatic identification system displays: meeting the needs of mariners
- Shipboard Pollution Control : U.S. Navy Compliance with MARPOL Annex V
- Shipboard pollution control: U.S. Navy Compliance with MARPOL Annex V
- Shipboard Propulsion, Power Electronics, and Ocean Energy
- Shipboard Propulsion, Power Electronics, and Ocean Energy
- Shipbreaking: Hazards and Liabilities
- Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Workers around the World
- Shipbuilding Technology and Education
- Shipbuilding technology and education
- Shiphandling Simulation : Application to Waterway Design
- Shiphandling simulation: application to waterway design
- Shipmans of East Hawaii, The
- Shipped but Not Sold
- Shipping and Logistics Management
- Shipping Go: Develop, Deliver, Discuss, Design, And Go Again
- Shipping Go: Develop, deliver, discuss, design, and go again
- Shipping in Arctic Waters
- Shipping Industry, Ocean Governance and Environmental Law in the Paradigm Shift, The
- Shipping Point: The Rise Of China And The Future Of Retail Supply Chain Management, The
- Shipping with SAP TM
- Ships and Science
- Ships and Seamanship in the Ancient World
- Ships' Fastenings : From Sewn Boat to Steamship
- Ships, Machinery and Mossback
- Shiptown