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Showing books starting with the letter S (2501-2550 of 35465):
- Sc, Y, La-Lu, Rare Earth Elements : Compounds with Boron
- SCADA Security: Machine Learning Concepts for Intrusion Detection and Prevention
- Scaffold Hopping in Medicinal Chemistry
- Scaffolded minds
- Scaffolding
- Scaffolding of Sovereignty, The
- Scaffolding the New Web : Standards and Standards Policy for the Digital Economy
- Scala Design Patterns
- Scala for Java Developers: A Practical Primer
- Scala für Umsteiger
- Scala Programming for Big Data Analytics: Get Started With Big Data Analytics Using Apache Spark
- Scala Puzzlers
- Scalability of Networks and Services, vol. 5637
- Scalability Patterns: Best Practices for Designing High Volume Websites
- Scalability, Density, and Decision Making in Cognitive Wireless Networks
- Scalable AI and Design Patterns: Design, Develop, and Deploy Scalable AI Solutions
- Scalable and Near-Optimal Design Space Exploration for Embedded Systems
- Scalable Big Data Architecture: A Practitioner's Guide to Choosing Relevant Big Data Architecture
- Scalable Computing and Communications: Theory and Practice
- Scalable Continuous Media Streaming Systems : Architecture, Design, Analysis and Implementation
- Scalable Enterprise Systems, vol. 3
- Scalable Green Chemistry : Case Studies from the Pharmaceutical Industry
- Scalable Hardware Verification with Symbolic Simulation
- Scalable High Performance Computing for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
- Scalable Information Systems, vol. 139
- Scalable Information Systems, vol. 18
- Scalable Infrastructure for Distributed Sensor Networks
- Scalable Infrastructure for Distributed Sensor Networks
- Scalable Input/Output
- Scalable Multi-core Architectures
- Scalable Multicasting over Next-Generation Internet
- Scalable Network Monitoring in High Speed Networks
- Scalable Optimization via Probabilistic Modeling, vol. 33
- Scalable Parallel Programming Applied to H.264/AVC Decoding
- Scalable Pattern Recognition Algorithms
- Scalable Performance Signalling and Congestion Avoidance
- Scalable Shared Memory Multiprocessors
- Scalable Shared-Memory Multiprocessing
- Scalable Techniques for Formal Verification
- Scalable Uncertainty Management : First International Conference, SUM 2007, Washington,DC, USA, October 10-12, 2007 : Proceedings
- Scalable Uncertainty Management, vol. 5291
- Scalable Uncertainty Management, vol. 5785
- Scalable Uncertainty Management, vol. 6379
- Scalable Uncertainty Management, vol. 6929
- Scalable Uncertainty Management, vol. 7520
- Scalable Uncertainty Management, vol. 8078
- Scalable Uncertainty Management, vol. 8720
- Scalable Uncertainty Management, vol. 9310
- Scalable Video on Demand : Adaptive Internet-Based Distribution
- Scalable VoIP Mobility