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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR STUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter S (31101-31150 of 35465):
- Sumatra-Andaman Island Earthquake and Tsunami of December 26 2004 : Lifeline PerformanceAuthor: Masek, John;Strand, CarlPublisher: Masek, John;Strand, Carl ©2018ISBN: 9780784409510
- Sumatran Contributions to the Development of Indonesian Literature, 1920-1942Author: FreidusPublisher: Freidus ©2023ISBN: 97814613387891 Concurrent User
- Sumatran Contributions to the Development of Indonesian Literature, 1920-1942Author: FreidusPublisher: Freidus ©2023ISBN: 9780521865456Unlimited Users
- Sumatran Sultanate and Colonial StateAuthor: Simpson, Grahame K.;Brenner, Lisa A.Publisher: Simpson, Grahame K.;Brenner, Lisa A. ©2021ISBN: 9780199928415
- Sumerian Business and Administrative Documents from the Earliest Times to the Dynasty of AgadeAuthor: BartonPublisher: Barton ©2021ISBN: 9780309076241Unlimited Users
- Sumerian Grammatical TextsAuthor: LangdonPublisher: Langdon ©2021ISBN: 9781402068621Unlimited Users
- Sumerian HymnsAuthor: VanderburghPublisher: Vanderburgh ©2019ISBN: 9780231930024Unlimited Users
- Sumerian Hymns from Cuneiform Texts in the British MuseumAuthor: VanderburghPublisher: Vanderburgh ©2020ISBN: 9789400744493
- Sumerian Literary Texts in the Schøyen CollectionAuthor: MetcalfPublisher: Metcalf ©2021ISBN: 9781107039698Unlimited Users
- Sumerian ProverbsAuthor: GordonPublisher: Gordon ©2021ISBN: 9781512811896Unlimited Users
- Sumerian Records from DrehemAuthor: NesbitPublisher: Nesbit ©2020ISBN: 9780815609902
- Sumerische Untersuchungen I, IIAuthor: PoebelPublisher: Poebel ©2023ISBN: 9783112685877Unlimited Users
- Sumerische Untersuchungen, Teil 3, 4, vol. 3Author: PoebelPublisher: Poebel ©2022ISBN: 9783112625712
- Summa codicis des IrneriusAuthor: IrneriusPublisher: Irnerius ©2019ISBN: 9783111165028
- Summa Halensis, TheAuthor: Louis C. SchroeterPublisher: Louis C. Schroeter ©2020ISBN: 9783110684926
- Summa Halensis, TheAuthor: Shrivastava, Amresh;Kimbrell, Megan;Lester, DavidPublisher: Shrivastava, Amresh;Kimbrell, Megan;Lester, David ©2020ISBN: 9783110684957
- Summa theologica Halensis: De legibus et praeceptisAuthor: HalesiusPublisher: Halesius ©2021ISBN: 9783110501346
- Summability of Multi-Dimensional Fourier Series and Hardy SpacesAuthor: Weisz, FerencPublisher: Weisz, Ferenc ©2018ISBN: 97890481599251 Concurrent User
- Summability Theory and its ApplicationsAuthor: Feyzi, BaşarPublisher: Feyzi, Başar ©2018ISBN: 97816080542063 Consecutive User Seats
- Summability through Functional Analysis, vol. 85Author: Benesch, ReinholdPublisher: Benesch, Reinhold ©2017ISBN: 97801239570541 Concurrent User
- Summarium Heinrici ; Textkritische Ausgabe der ersten Fassung, Buch I–X, vol. 1Author: William G. Davenport and Matthew J. KingPublisher: William G. Davenport and Matthew J. King ©2021ISBN: 9783110037500
- Summarium Heinrici ; Textkritische Ausgabe der zweiten Fassung Buch I–VI sowie des Buches XI in Kurz- und Langfassung, vol. 2Author: King, Matt;Moats, Michael;Davenport, William G.;King, Matt;Moats, Michael;Davenport, William G. I.Publisher: King, Matt;Moats, Michael;Davenport, William G.;King, Matt;Moats, Michael;Davenport, William G. I. ©2020ISBN: 9783110079159
- Summarium Heinrici ; Wortschatz, vol. 3Author: King, Robert A.;Apter, AlanPublisher: King, Robert A.;Apter, Alan ©2020ISBN: 97831101396555 Concurrent Users
- Summarizing InformationAuthor: Endres-NiggemeyerPublisher: Endres-Niggemeyer ©2016ISBN: 9783642720277
- Summarizing Information : Including CD-ROM SimSum, Simulation of Summarizing, for Macintosh and WindowsAuthor: Endres-Niggemeyer, Brigitte;Haseloh, Kai;Müller, JensPublisher: Endres-Niggemeyer, Brigitte;Haseloh, Kai;Müller, Jens ©2018ISBN: 9783642720277
- Summarizing Population Health : Directions for the Development and Application of Population MetricsAuthor: Gold, Marthe R.;Field, Marilyn J.Publisher: Gold, Marthe R.;Field, Marilyn J. ©2018ISBN: 9780309060998
- Summarizing population health: directions for the development and application of population metricsAuthor: Ramchand, Rajeev;Ayer, Lynsay;Fisher, Gail;Barnes-Proby, Dionne;Osilla, Karen Chan;Wertheimer, SamuelPublisher: Ramchand, Rajeev;Ayer, Lynsay;Fisher, Gail;Barnes-Proby, Dionne;Osilla, Karen Chan;Wertheimer, Samuel ©2016ISBN: 9789400744493
- Summary -- Assessment of the Practicality of Pulsed Fast Neutron Analysis for Aviation SecurityAuthor: National Research CouncilPublisher: National Research Council ©2018ISBN: 9789400744493
- Summary information on the state geological surveys and the United States Geological SurveyAuthor: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on State Geological Surveys.Publisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on State Geological Surveys. ©2016ISBN: 97808540454191 Concurrent User
- Summary Information on the State Geological Surveys and the United States Geological Survey : Bulletin of the National Research CouncilAuthor: Committee on State Geological SurveyPublisher: Committee on State Geological Survey ©2018ISBN: 9780126907704
- Summary Measures of Population Health : Concepts, Ethics, Measurement and ApplicationsAuthor: Murray, C.;Lopez, A.;Murray, Christopher J. L.;Salomon, J.A.Publisher: Murray, C.;Lopez, A.;Murray, Christopher J. L.;Salomon, J.A. ©2018ISBN: 9789241545518
- Summary of a forum on spectrum management policy reformAuthor: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Wireless Technology Prospects and Policy Options.Publisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Wireless Technology Prospects and Policy Options. ©2016ISBN: 9780444423559
- Summary of a Forum on Spectrum Management Policy ReformAuthor: Beat MeyerPublisher: Beat Meyer ©2018ISBN: 9780309092432This book is available for download with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Multi-touch books can be read with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Books with interactive features may work best on an iOS device. iBooks on your Mac requires OS X 10.9 or later.
- Summary of a workshop on information technology research for crisis managementAuthor: Winslow, L. ForbesPublisher: Winslow, L. Forbes ©2016ISBN: 9783540680970
- Summary of a Workshop on Information Technology Research for Federal StatisticsAuthor: Workshop on Information Technology Research for Federal Statistics (1999 : Washington, D.C.)Publisher: Workshop on Information Technology Research for Federal Statistics (1999 : Washington, D.C.) ©2016ISBN: 9783540680970
- Summary of a Workshop on Research in Multiple Sclerosis, April 5-6 2001Author: Joy, Janet E.;Davis, MiriamPublisher: Joy, Janet E.;Davis, Miriam ©2018ISBN: 97803090756951 Concurrent User
- Summary of a workshop on Research in Multiple Sclerosis, April 5-6, 2001: based on the Institute of Medicine report on Multiple sclerosis : current status and strategies for the futureAuthor: Davis, MiriamPublisher: Davis, Miriam ©2016ISBN: 97808156099021 Concurrent User
- Summary of a workshop on software certification and dependabilityAuthor: William G. Davenport and Matthew J. KingPublisher: William G. Davenport and Matthew J. King ©2016ISBN: 9780815609902
- Summary of a workshop on software-intensive systems and uncertainty at scaleAuthor: King, Matt;Moats, Michael;Davenport, William G.;King, Matt;Moats, Michael;Davenport, William G.;King, Matt;Moats, Michael;Davenport, William G.Publisher: King, Matt;Moats, Michael;Davenport, William G.;King, Matt;Moats, Michael;Davenport, William G.;King, Matt;Moats, Michael;Davenport, William G. ©2016ISBN: 9780080982205
- Summary of a workshop on the future of antennasAuthor: Chehil, Sonia;Kutcher, Stanley P.Publisher: Chehil, Sonia;Kutcher, Stanley P. ©2016ISBN: 9780470978566
- Summary of a workshop on the technology, policy and cultural dimensions of biometric systemsAuthor: Barton, Larry L.;Hamilton, W. AllanPublisher: Barton, Larry L.;Hamilton, W. Allan ©2016ISBN: 9780521854856
- Summary of a Workshop on U. S. Natural Gas Demand, Supply, and Technology : Looking Toward the FutureAuthor: Wolicka, DorotaPublisher: Wolicka, Dorota ©2018ISBN: 9780309089647
- Summary of a workshop on U.S. natural gas demand, supply, and technology: looking toward the futureAuthor: Wolicka, DorotaPublisher: Wolicka, Dorota ©2016ISBN: 9781608769315
- Summary of a workshop on using information technology to enhance disaster managementAuthor: Joiner, Thomas;Rudd, M. DavidPublisher: Joiner, Thomas;Rudd, M. David ©2016ISBN: 9780521854856
- Summary of discussions at a planning meeting on cyber-security and the insider threat to classified informationAuthor: Otto Weisser and Stanislav LandaPublisher: Otto Weisser and Stanislav Landa ©2016ISBN: 9781138426658
- Summary of Flow Modulation and Fluid-Structure Interaction Findings, vol. 109Author: Gray, P. M. J;Bowyer, G. J.;Castle, J. F.;Gray, P. M. J;Bowyer, G. J.;Castle, J. F.Publisher: Gray, P. M. J;Bowyer, G. J.;Castle, J. F.;Gray, P. M. J;Bowyer, G. J.;Castle, J. F. ©2016ISBN: 9783642040870
- Summary of International Energy Research and Development Activities 1974–1976Author: MoylePublisher: Moyle ©2016ISBN: 9789401068512
- Summary of Readings in Neurosurgery: SpineAuthor: Jafri Malin, AbdullahPublisher: Jafri Malin, Abdullah ©2018ISBN: 9789838615969
- Summary of Regression ModelsAuthor: Chehil, Sonia;Kutcher, Stanley P.;Kutcher, Stanley P.Publisher: Chehil, Sonia;Kutcher, Stanley P.;Kutcher, Stanley P. ©2019ISBN: 97805218548561 Concurrent User
- Summary of the February 2010 forum on the future of nursing: educationAuthor: Barge, Jean;Lannes, JeanPublisher: Barge, Jean;Lannes, Jean ©2016ISBN: 9783764387099