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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR STUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter S (34101-34150 of 35465):
- Symmetry Theory in Molecular Physics with MathematicaAuthor: McClainPublisher: McClain ©2016ISBN: 9780387734699
- Symmetry through the Eyes of a ChemistAuthor: HargittaiPublisher: Hargittai ©2016ISBN: 9780306448522
- Symmetry through the Eyes of a ChemistAuthor: HargittaiPublisher: Hargittai ©2016ISBN: 9781402056277
- Symmetry, Causality, MindAuthor: LeytonPublisher: Leyton ©2023ISBN: 97802626213111 Concurrent User
- Symmetry, Group Theory, and the Physical Properties of Crystals, vol. 824Author: PowellPublisher: Powell ©2016ISBN: 9781441975973
- Symmetry, Ornament And ModularityAuthor: Slavik Vlado JablanPublisher: Slavik Vlado Jablan ©2018ISBN: 9789812380807
- Symmetry, Phase Modulation and Nonlinear WavesAuthor: Bridges, Thomas J.Publisher: Bridges, Thomas J. ©2018ISBN: 9781107188846
- Symmetry, Representations, and Invariants, vol. 255Author: GoodmanPublisher: Goodman ©2016ISBN: 9780387798516
- Symmetry, Shared Labels and Movement in SyntaxAuthor: BlümelPublisher: Blümel ©2019ISBN: 97831105201255 Concurrent Users
- Symmetry, Structure and Spacetime, vol. 3Author: Jerome GauntlettPublisher: Jerome Gauntlett ©2017ISBN: 97898145830151 Concurrent User
- Symmetry, Structure, and SpacetimeAuthor: Rickles, DeanPublisher: Rickles, Dean ©2018ISBN: 97804445311621 Concurrent User
- Symmetry-adapted Basis Sets: Automatic Generation For Problems In Chemistry And PhysicsAuthor: John Scales Avery;James Emil Avery;Sten RettrupPublisher: John Scales Avery;James Emil Avery;Sten Rettrup ©2018ISBN: 9789814350464Unlimited Users
- Symmetry: Representation Theory and Its Applications, vol. 257Author: Alfred Scharff Goldhaber;R Shrock;John Smith;George Sterman;Peter Van Nieuwenhuizen;William WeisbergerPublisher: Alfred Scharff Goldhaber;R Shrock;John Smith;George Sterman;Peter Van Nieuwenhuizen;William Weisberger ©2016ISBN: 9781493915897
- Sympathetic AttractionsAuthor: FaraPublisher: Fara ©2021ISBN: 9780792355212
- Sympathetic Consumer, TheAuthor: SkotnickiPublisher: Skotnicki ©2021ISBN: 9781447146308
- Sympathetic State, TheAuthor: DauberPublisher: Dauber ©2020ISBN: 97802269234821 Concurrent User
- Sympathie und Einfluß in EntscheidungsgruppenAuthor: SchulerPublisher: Schuler ©2022ISBN: 9783112580073
- Sympathie und SchreckenAuthor: NordbruchPublisher: Nordbruch ©2021ISBN: 9783879977109
- Sympathy and Science : Women Physicians in American MedicineAuthor: Morantz-Sanchez, ReginaPublisher: Morantz-Sanchez, Regina ©2018ISBN: 9780807848906
- Sympathy for the AbyssAuthor: DowdenPublisher: Dowden ©2021ISBN: 97834841809013 Consecutive User Seats
- Sympathy for the TraitorAuthor: PolizzottiPublisher: Polizzotti ©2021ISBN: 97802620379901 Concurrent User
- Sympathy in TransformationAuthor: Gaeta, Giuseppe;Walcher, Sebastian;Vitolo, RaffaelePublisher: Gaeta, Giuseppe;Walcher, Sebastian;Vitolo, Raffaele ©2019ISBN: 9783110515480
- SymphoniaAuthor: Hildegard of BingenPublisher: Hildegard of Bingen ©2020ISBN: 9783540659044
- Symphonic AspirationsAuthor: PainterPublisher: Painter ©2022ISBN: 9789401789929
- Symphonies, TheAuthor: BelyPublisher: Bely ©2021ISBN: 97802311990875 Concurrent Users
- Symphorien Champier and the Reception of the Occultist Tradition in Renaissance FranceAuthor: CopenhaverPublisher: Copenhaver ©2019ISBN: 9789027976475
- Symplasmic Transport in Vascular PlantsAuthor: Sokołowska, Katarzyna;Sowiński, PawełPublisher: Sokołowska, Katarzyna;Sowiński, Paweł ©2018ISBN: 9781461477648
- Symplasmic Transport in Vascular PlantsAuthor: Giuseppe Gaeta;Barbara Prinari;Susanna Terracini;Stefan Rauch-wojciechowskiPublisher: Giuseppe Gaeta;Barbara Prinari;Susanna Terracini;Stefan Rauch-wojciechowski ©2016ISBN: 9781461477648
- Symplectic 4-Manifolds and Algebraic Surfaces, vol. 1938Author: AurouxPublisher: Auroux ©2016ISBN: 97835407827801 Concurrent User
- Symplectic AmalgamsAuthor: Parker, Christopher;Rowley, PeterPublisher: Parker, Christopher;Rowley, Peter ©2016ISBN: 9781447110880
- Symplectic ElasticityAuthor: Weian Yao;Wanxie Zhong;Chee Wah LimPublisher: Weian Yao;Wanxie Zhong;Chee Wah Lim ©2018ISBN: 9789812778703
- Symplectic Fibrations and Multiplicity DiagramsAuthor: Guillemin, Victor;Lerman, Eugene;Sternberg, ShlomoPublisher: Guillemin, Victor;Lerman, Eugene;Sternberg, Shlomo ©2018ISBN: 9780521443234This book is available for download with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Multi-touch books can be read with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Books with interactive features may work best on an iOS device. iBooks on your Mac requires OS X 10.9 or later.
- Symplectic Geometric Algorithms for Hamiltonian SystemsAuthor: FengPublisher: Feng ©2016ISBN: 9783642017766
- Symplectic GeometryAuthor: Carl Ludwig SiegelPublisher: Carl Ludwig Siegel ©2016ISBN: 9783540213185
- Symplectic Geometry and Analytical MechanicsAuthor: Hazewinkel, M.;Libermann, Paulette;Marle, Charles-MichelPublisher: Hazewinkel, M.;Libermann, Paulette;Marle, Charles-Michel ©2018ISBN: 9789027724397
- Symplectic Geometry and Analytical Mechanics, vol. 35Author: LibermannPublisher: Libermann ©2016ISBN: 97890277243971 Concurrent User
- Symplectic Geometry And Mirror Symmetry - Proceedings Of The 4th Kias Annual International ConferenceAuthor: Kenji Fukaya;Yong Geun Oh;K Ono;Gang TianPublisher: Kenji Fukaya;Yong Geun Oh;K Ono;Gang Tian ©2018ISBN: 97898102471401 Concurrent User
- Symplectic Geometry and Quantum Mechanics, vol. 166Author: de GossonPublisher: de Gosson ©2016ISBN: 9783764375744
- Symplectic Geometry of Integrable Hamiltonian SystemsAuthor: AudinPublisher: Audin ©2016ISBN: 9783764321673
- Symplectic Geometry, Groupoids, and Integrable Systems, vol. 20Author: BureninPublisher: Burenin ©2016ISBN: 9781461397212
- Symplectic Invariants and Hamiltonian DynamicsAuthor: HoferPublisher: Hofer ©2016ISBN: 9783034801034
- Symplectic Invariants and Hamiltonian DynamicsAuthor: HoferPublisher: Hofer ©2016ISBN: 9783034896719
- Symplectic Invariants and Hamiltonian DynamicsAuthor: Amann, Herbert;Kraft, Hanspeter;Hofer, HelmutPublisher: Amann, Herbert;Kraft, Hanspeter;Hofer, Helmut ©2018ISBN: 9783034896719
- Symplectic Methods for the Symplectic EigenproblemAuthor: Fassbender, HeikePublisher: Fassbender, Heike ©2016ISBN: 9780306464782
- Symplectic Methods in Harmonic Analysis and in Mathematical Physics, vol. 7Author: GossonPublisher: Gosson ©2016ISBN: 9783764399917
- Symplectic Twist Maps: Global Variational TechniquesAuthor: Christophe GolePublisher: Christophe Gole ©2018ISBN: 9789810205898
- Symposia At the Fifth Meeting of CSAGIAuthor: HargittaiPublisher: Hargittai ©2016ISBN: 9781402056277
- Symposia Gaussiana ; Mathematics and Theoretical PhysicsAuthor: LeytonPublisher: Leyton ©2019ISBN: 97831101447651 Concurrent User
- Symposia Gaussiana ; Statistical SciencesAuthor: PowellPublisher: Powell ©2019ISBN: 9783110144123
- Symposia MathematicaAuthor: Istituto Nazionale di Alta MatematiciaPublisher: Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematicia ©2016ISBN: 9781441975973