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Showing books starting with the letter S (34401-34450 of 35465):
- Syntactic and Structural Pattern Recognition
- Syntactic and Structural Pattern Recognition, vol. 45
- Syntactic Argumentation and the Structure of English
- Syntactic Case and Morphological Case in the History of English
- Syntactic Change
- Syntactic Change in Medieval French, vol. 41
- Syntactic Complexity across Interfaces
- Syntactic Derivations
- Syntactic development, its input and output
- Syntactic Developments in the Verb Phrase of Ecuadorian Quechua
- Syntactic factors in memory?
- Syntactic Iconicity and Linguistic Freezes
- Syntactic Methods in Pattern Recognition, vol. 112
- Syntactic Modularity
- Syntactic Pattern Recognition For Seismic Oil Exploration
- Syntactic Process, The
- Syntactic Recoverability of Null Arguments
- Syntactic Structures
- Syntactic Structures
- Syntactic Structures after 60 Years
- Syntactic Structures and Morphological Information
- Syntactic Structures Revisited
- Syntactic Studies in Targum Aramaic
- Syntactic Variation and Genre
- Syntactica
- Syntagmatik im zweisprachigen Wörterbuch
- Syntaktische Klammerbildung in Notkers Psalter
- Syntaktische Transposition und semantische Derivation
- Syntaktische Untersuchungen zum Adjektivgebrauch in der deutschen Gegenwartssprache
- Syntaktische Variation aus synchronischer und diachronischer Perspektive
- Syntaktischer Wandel und Grammatiktheorie
- Syntax - Prosodie - nonverbale Kommunikation
- Syntax - Theory and Analysis, Volume 1, vol. 1
- Syntax - Theory and Analysis, Volume 2, vol. 2
- Syntax - Theory and Analysis, Volume 3, vol. 3
- Syntax and affixation
- Syntax and Morphology Multidimensional
- Syntax and Morphology of English Verbs, The
- Syntax and Pragmatics in Functional Grammar
- Syntax and Semantics of Prepositions, vol. 29
- Syntax and Semantics of the English Verb Phrase
- Syntax and Semantics of the Left Periphery, The
- Syntax and Speech
- Syntax der deutschen Sprache
- Syntax der englischen Adverbialien
- Syntax der Landschaft
- Syntax des Bairischen
- Syntax des gesprochenen Rätoromanischen
- Syntax des Vorfelds
- Syntax for German in the User Specialty Languages System