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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS TUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter T (6201-6250 of 17774):
- Theory and Econometrics of Financial Asset PricingAuthor: LimPublisher: Lim ©2022ISBN: 9783110673852
- Theory and Engineering of Complex Systems and Dependability, vol. 365Author: SchraderPublisher: Schrader ©2016ISBN: 97833191921543 Consecutive User Seats
- Theory and Estimation of Macroeconomic Rationing Models, vol. 191Author: SneessensPublisher: Sneessens ©2016ISBN: 97835401083751 Concurrent User
- Theory and EvidenceAuthor: KoslowskiPublisher: Koslowski ©2021ISBN: 9780262112093
- Theory and Experiment in Electrocatalysis, vol. 50Author: Kopeikin, Sergei M.;Soffel, Michael;Damour, Thibault;Schäfer, Gerhard;Kopeikin, Sergei;Futamase, Toshifumi;Xie, Yi;Korobkov, PavelPublisher: Kopeikin, Sergei M.;Soffel, Michael;Damour, Thibault;Schäfer, Gerhard;Kopeikin, Sergei;Futamase, Toshifumi;Xie, Yi;Korobkov, Pavel ©2016ISBN: 9781441955937
- Theory and experiment in social communicationAuthor: Festinger, LeonPublisher: Festinger, Leon ©2017ISBN: 9783540692232
- Theory and Experiments 2I : Phenomena Related to PhononsAuthor: Cardona, Manuel;Fulde, Peter;von Klitzing, Klaus;Pietronero, LucianoPublisher: Cardona, Manuel;Fulde, Peter;von Klitzing, Klaus;Pietronero, Luciano ©2018ISBN: 9783642522734
- Theory and Fundamental Research in Heat TransferAuthor: Panos M Pardalos;Robert Murphey;Don GrundelPublisher: Panos M Pardalos;Robert Murphey;Don Grundel ©2016ISBN: 97898125602091 Concurrent User
- Theory and Fundamental Research in Heat Transfer : Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers New York, November 1960Author: Clark, J. A.Publisher: Clark, J. A. ©2018ISBN: 97800800993615 Concurrent Users
- Theory and Interpretation of Magnetic Resonance SpectraAuthor: DixonPublisher: Dixon ©2016ISBN: 9781468478617
- Theory and Management of Collective Strategies in International Business: The Impact of Globalization on Japanese-German Business Collaboration in AsiaAuthor: Rene HaakPublisher: Rene Haak ©2019ISBN: 9781403911278
- Theory and Measurement of Business Income, TheAuthor: EdwardsPublisher: Edwards ©2020ISBN: 9783540797180
- Theory and Measurement of Economic ExternalitiesAuthor: Mahalanabis, A. K.Publisher: Mahalanabis, A. K. ©2016ISBN: 9783540797180This book is available for download with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Multi-touch books can be read with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Books with interactive features may work best on an iOS device. iBooks on your Mac requires OS X 10.9 or later.
- Theory and Measurement: Causality Issues in Milton Friedman's Monetary EconomicsAuthor: HammondPublisher: Hammond ©2018ISBN: 9780521552059
- Theory and Method in Higher Education ResearchAuthor: Huisman, Jeroen;Tight, MalcolmPublisher: Huisman, Jeroen;Tight, Malcolm ©2018ISBN: 9781781906828
- Theory and Method in Higher Education Research IIAuthor: Huisman, Jeroen;Tight, MalcolmPublisher: Huisman, Jeroen;Tight, Malcolm ©2018ISBN: 9781783509997
- Theory and Method in Religious StudiesAuthor: Jarvisalo, Matti;Van Gelder, AllenPublisher: Jarvisalo, Matti;Van Gelder, Allen ©2019ISBN: 97831101425491 Concurrent User
- Theory and Method of Design and Optimization for Railway Intelligent Transportation SystemsAuthor: Zhou, Wang;Li-min, JiaPublisher: Zhou, Wang;Li-min, Jia ©2018ISBN: 9781608053230
- Theory and Methodology of SemioticsAuthor: LagopoulosPublisher: Lagopoulos ©2021ISBN: 9783110616231
- Theory and Methods of Metallurgical Process IntegrationAuthor: Ruiyu YinPublisher: Ruiyu Yin ©2016ISBN: 9783540208518
- Theory and Methods of StatisticsAuthor: P.K. Bhattacharya and Prabir BurmanPublisher: P.K. Bhattacharya and Prabir Burman ©2016ISBN: 9783540278290
- Theory and Modeling of Cylindrical Nanostructures for High-Resolution SpectroscopyAuthor: Stefano Bottacchi and Francesca BottacchiPublisher: Stefano Bottacchi and Francesca Bottacchi ©2018ISBN: 9783540115847
- Theory and Modeling of Dispersed Multiphase Turbulent Reacting FlowsAuthor: Zhou, LixingPublisher: Zhou, Lixing ©2018ISBN: 9780128134658
- Theory and Policy in International RelationsAuthor: UllmanPublisher: Ullman ©2021ISBN: 9781441916044
- Theory and Politics/Theorie und PolitikAuthor: Nola, Robert;Sankey, HowardPublisher: Nola, Robert;Sankey, Howard ©2016ISBN: 9789401027526
- Theory and Practical Issues on Cellular AutomataAuthor: Berger, J.;Fienberg, S.;Gani, J.Publisher: Berger, J.;Fienberg, S.;Gani, J. ©2016ISBN: 97818523338812 Concurrent Users
- Theory and Practical Issues on Cellular Automata : Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, Karlsruhe,4-6 October 2000Author: Bandini, S.;Worsch, T.Publisher: Bandini, S.;Worsch, T. ©2018ISBN: 9781852333881
- Theory and PracticeAuthor: Kim, Young Suh;Noz, M.Publisher: Kim, Young Suh;Noz, M. ©2020ISBN: 9789401085267
- Theory and PracticeAuthor: DerridaPublisher: Derrida ©2021ISBN: 9780226572345
- Theory and PracticeAuthor: SchussPublisher: Schuss ©2020ISBN: 9789027979582
- Theory and Practice in Child Psychoanalysis : An Introduction to the Work of Francoise DoltoAuthor: Hall, Guy;Hivernel, Francoise;Morgan, SianPublisher: Hall, Guy;Hivernel, Francoise;Morgan, Sian ©2018ISBN: 97818557557411 Concurrent User
- Theory and Practice in Distributed Systems, vol. 938Author: JinPublisher: Jin ©2016ISBN: 9783540600428
- Theory and Practice in EFL Teacher EducationAuthor: Bueno de MesquitaPublisher: Bueno de Mesquita ©2020ISBN: 9783642299513
- Theory and Practice in Islamic ConstitutionalismAuthor: LongoPublisher: Longo ©2020ISBN: 97894010823035 Concurrent Users
- Theory and Practice in Kant and KierkegaardAuthor: KnappePublisher: Knappe ©2021ISBN: 9783110177893
- Theory and Practice in Microbial Enhanced Oil RecoveryAuthor: Kun Lee,Moon Jeong,Tae-Hyuk Kwon andTaehyung ParkPublisher: Kun Lee,Moon Jeong,Tae-Hyuk Kwon andTaehyung Park ©2020ISBN: 9783642020162
- Theory and Practice of Aircraft PerformanceAuthor: Kundu, Ajoy Kumar;Price, Mark A.;Riordan, DavidPublisher: Kundu, Ajoy Kumar;Price, Mark A.;Riordan, David ©2018ISBN: 97811190741751 Concurrent User
- Theory and Practice of Algorithms in Systems, vol. 6595Author: Wei, Yimin;Ding, WeiyangPublisher: Wei, Yimin;Ding, Weiyang ©2016ISBN: 9783642197536
- Theory and Practice of Biological ControlAuthor: Bourbaki, N.Publisher: Bourbaki, N. ©2016ISBN: 97894010823031 Concurrent User
- Theory and Practice of Blood Flow MeasurementAuthor: John P. WoodcockPublisher: John P. Woodcock ©2016ISBN: 9783642299513
- Theory and Practice of Combinatorics, vol. 60Author: Wai-Kai Chen and P. HammondPublisher: Wai-Kai Chen and P. Hammond ©2017ISBN: 97836423823521 Concurrent User
- Theory and Practice of Computation, vol. 5Author: Reiser, MartinPublisher: Reiser, Martin ©2016ISBN: 97844315410595 Concurrent Users
- Theory and Practice of Computation, vol. 7Author: SuhPublisher: Suh ©2016ISBN: 97844315443571 Concurrent User
- Theory and Practice of Corporate Social ResponsibilityAuthor: LewinPublisher: Lewin ©2016ISBN: 9783642164606Unlimited Users
- Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries -- TPDL 2013 Selected Workshops, vol. 416Author: Hunter, IanPublisher: Hunter, Ian ©2016ISBN: 9783319084244Unlimited Users
- Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, vol. 7489Author: JawadPublisher: Jawad ©2016ISBN: 9783642332890
- Theory and Practice of Direct Methods in CrystallographyAuthor: LimPublisher: Lim ©2016ISBN: 9781461329817
- Theory and Practice of Discourse Parsing and Summarization, TheAuthor: MarcuPublisher: Marcu ©2021ISBN: 9780262133722
- Theory and Practice of Emulsion TechnologyAuthor: SchraderPublisher: Schrader ©2016ISBN: 97833191921543 Consecutive User Seats
- Theory and Practice of Experiential Dynamic PsychotherapyAuthor: Osimo, Ferruccio;Stein, Mark J.Publisher: Osimo, Ferruccio;Stein, Mark J. ©2018ISBN: 97817804906325 Concurrent Users