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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS TUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter T (11651-11700 of 17774):
- Towards a Feminist Critical Reading of the Gospel according to MatthewAuthor: WainwrightPublisher: Wainwright ©2019ISBN: 9783110128604
- Towards a Formal Description of Ada, vol. 98Author: TardiniPublisher: Tardini ©2016ISBN: 97835401028302 Concurrent Users
- Towards a General Comparative LinguisticsAuthor: EllisPublisher: Ellis ©2021ISBN: 9783112414798
- Towards a General Theory of ClassificationsAuthor: ParrochiaPublisher: Parrochia ©2016ISBN: 9783034806084
- Towards a Geopolitical Image of ThoughtAuthor: LambertPublisher: Lambert ©2022ISBN: 9783319190051
- Towards a Global Community, vol. 7Author: Asian Development BankPublisher: Asian Development Bank ©2016ISBN: 9781402039607
- Towards a greener economy : The social dimensionsAuthor: International Institute for Labour Studies;European Communities CommissionPublisher: International Institute for Labour Studies;European Communities Commission ©2018ISBN: 97892901498661 Concurrent User
- Towards a History of Literary Composition in Medieval SpainAuthor: NepaulsinghPublisher: Nepaulsingh ©2020ISBN: 9781487577247
- Towards a Knowledge-based EconomyAuthor: RiveraPublisher: Rivera ©2020ISBN: 97803878944231 Concurrent User
- Towards a Market Economy in Central and Eastern EuropeAuthor: Dremin, Anatoly N.;Dremin, Anatoly N.Publisher: Dremin, Anatoly N.;Dremin, Anatoly N. ©2016ISBN: 9783642765742
- Towards A Mathematical Theory Of Complex Biological SystemsAuthor: Nicola Bellomo;Carlo BiancaPublisher: Nicola Bellomo;Carlo Bianca ©2018ISBN: 9789814340533
- Towards a more equal society?Author: MacLennanPublisher: MacLennan ©2023ISBN: 9781978832015
- Towards a Multifunctional Lexical ResourceAuthor: SpohrPublisher: Spohr ©2021ISBN: 97831102711571 Concurrent User
- Towards a Multiversity?Author: JurdakPublisher: Jurdak ©2021ISBN: 9780387894423
- Towards a Multiversity?Author: JurdakPublisher: Jurdak ©2021ISBN: 9783899424683
- Towards a New ArchitectureAuthor: Le CorbusierPublisher: Le Corbusier ©2016ISBN: 97803878944231 Concurrent User
- Towards a New Civic BureaucracyAuthor: QuinnPublisher: Quinn ©2023ISBN: 97802620133145 Concurrent Users
- Towards a New Enlightenment - The Case for Future-Oriented HumanitiesAuthor: KrullPublisher: Krull ©2022ISBN: 97803063089631 Concurrent User
- Towards a New Evolutionary Computation, vol. 192Author: JacobsenPublisher: Jacobsen ©2016ISBN: 9783540290063Unlimited Users
- Towards a New Map of Automobile Manufacturing in Europe?Author: Malan, D. H.Publisher: Malan, D. H. ©2016ISBN: 9783642794735Unlimited Users
- Towards a New Philosophy of Mental Health : Perspectives from Neuroscience and the HumanitiesAuthor: Stoyanov, Drozdstoy St.Publisher: Stoyanov, Drozdstoy St. ©2018ISBN: 9781443876612
- Towards a New StandardAuthor: Leeper, Robert WardPublisher: Leeper, Robert Ward ©2019ISBN: 9781614518884
- Towards a Northeast Asian Security CommunityAuthor: Norton, Bryan G.;Lovejoy, Thomas E.Publisher: Norton, Bryan G.;Lovejoy, Thomas E. ©2016ISBN: 9781441996565
- Towards a Philosophy of Critical Mathematics EducationAuthor: Bishop, A. J.;Skovsmose, OlePublisher: Bishop, A. J.;Skovsmose, Ole ©2018ISBN: 97890481442593 Consecutive User Seats
- Towards a Philosophy of Real MathematicsAuthor: Corfield, DavidPublisher: Corfield, David ©2018ISBN: 97805218172261 Concurrent User
- Towards a Poetics of Creative WritingAuthor: HecqPublisher: Hecq ©2020ISBN: 97831101215751 Concurrent User
- Towards a Political Aesthetics of CinemaAuthor: LiePublisher: Lie ©2021ISBN: 97833190151015 Concurrent Users
- Towards a Postmodern Theory of NarrativeAuthor: GibsonPublisher: Gibson ©2022ISBN: 9783319015101
- Towards a Psychosomatic Conception of HypochondriaAuthor: DerzellePublisher: Derzelle ©2016ISBN: 9783319030524
- Towards a Psychosomatic Conception of Hypochondria : The Impeded ThoughtAuthor: Derzelle, MartinePublisher: Derzelle, Martine ©2018ISBN: 9783319030524
- Towards a Radical Redefinition of Psychology : The Selected Works of Miller MairAuthor: Mair, Miller;Winter, David;Reed, NickPublisher: Mair, Miller;Winter, David;Reed, Nick ©2018ISBN: 9780415712552
- Towards a Rational Philosophical Anthropology, vol. 1Author: AgassiPublisher: Agassi ©2016ISBN: 9789401010979
- Towards a Re-Definition of DevelopmentAuthor: ProninPublisher: Pronin ©2016ISBN: 9783319015101
- Towards a Second Green Revolution, vol. 19Author: ProninPublisher: Pronin ©2016ISBN: 97833190151011 Concurrent User
- Towards a Semantic WebAuthor: Bill Cope, Mary Kalantzis and Liam MageePublisher: Bill Cope, Mary Kalantzis and Liam Magee ©2018ISBN: 97817856027575 Concurrent Users
- Towards A Semiotic Biology: Life Is The Action Of SignsAuthor: Kalevi Kull;Claus EmmechePublisher: Kalevi Kull;Claus Emmeche ©2018ISBN: 9781848166875
- Towards a Semiotics of IdeologyAuthor: ReisPublisher: Reis ©2021ISBN: 9783110118292
- Towards a Service-Based Internet, vol. 5377Author: BellPublisher: Bell ©2016ISBN: 9783540898962This book is available for download with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Multi-touch books can be read with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Books with interactive features may work best on an iOS device. iBooks on your Mac requires OS X 10.9 or later.
- Towards a Service-Based Internet, vol. 6481Author: Baker, Carolyn;Luke, AllanPublisher: Baker, Carolyn;Luke, Allan ©2016ISBN: 9783642176937
- Towards a Service-Based Internet, vol. 6994Author: Bulkeley, Harriet;Paterson, Matthew;Stripple, JohannesPublisher: Bulkeley, Harriet;Paterson, Matthew;Stripple, Johannes ©2016ISBN: 9783642247545
- Towards a Service-Based Internet. ServiceWave 2010 Workshops, vol. 6569Author: Dorchester Curriculum Group, Dorchester CurriculumPublisher: Dorchester Curriculum Group, Dorchester Curriculum ©2016ISBN: 9783642227592
- Towards a Social EcologyAuthor: EmeryPublisher: Emery ©2016ISBN: 97814615808431 Concurrent User
- Towards a Social Grammar of LanguageAuthor: GrayshonPublisher: Grayshon ©2019ISBN: 9789027976338
- Towards a Social Investment Welfare State?Author: WillePublisher: Wille ©2023ISBN: 97890481957871 Concurrent User
- Towards a Social Investment Welfare State?Author: Van DongenPublisher: Van Dongen ©2023ISBN: 9783110616330
- Towards a Sociology of SchizophreniaAuthor: DoubtPublisher: Doubt ©2021ISBN: 9789004161504
- Towards a Software FactoryAuthor: GenuchtenPublisher: Genuchten ©2016ISBN: 9789401050968
- Towards a Spatial Social PolicyAuthor: FuPublisher: Fu ©2023ISBN: 9783662454152
- Towards a Standard EnglishAuthor: FuPublisher: Fu ©2019ISBN: 9783110136975
- Towards a Strategic Management and Decision Technology, vol. 8Author: SutherlandPublisher: Sutherland ©2016ISBN: 9789401069199