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Showing books starting with the letter T (13351-13400 of 17774):
- Transformational Reminiscence : Life Story Work
- Transformational Security Awareness: What Neuroscientists, Storytellers, and Marketers Can Teach Us About Driving Secure Behaviors
- Transformational Speaking: If You Want to Change the World, Tell a Better Story
- transformational syntax of Romanian, The
- Transformational Teaching in the Information Age : Making Why and How We Teach Relevant to Students
- Transformationelle Grammatik und Englischunterricht
- Transformationen antiker Wissenschaften
- Transformationen der Lebenswelt – Metamorphosen der Romanwelt: Anatole Frances frühes Romanwerk
- Transformationen der Rhetorik
- Transformationen der Theaterlandschaft
- Transformationen der Theaterlandschaft
- Transformationen der Theaterlandschaft
- Transformationen des Bildungsbegriffs
- Transformationen des Phaethon-Mythos in der deutschen Literatur
- Transformationen des Religiösen
- Transformationen Europas im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert
- Transformationen im südlichen Lateinamerika: Chancen und Risiken einer aktiven Weltmarktintegration in Argentinien, Chile und Uruguay
- Transformationen in den Künsten
- Transformationen literarischer Kommunikation
- Transformationen paganer Religion in der römischen Kaiserzeit
- Transformationen von Herrschaft und Raum in Heinrichs von Neustadt ›Apollonius von Tyrland‹
- Transformations
- Transformations : Recollective Imagination and Sexual Difference
- Transformations and Crises
- Transformations and Projections in Computer Graphics
- Transformations and Transfer of Tantra in Asia and Beyond
- Transformations in Hungary
- Transformations in Medieval and Early-Modern Rights Discourse, vol. 59
- Transformations in Research, Higher Education and the Academic Market, vol. 39
- Transformations in Schooling : Historical and Comparative Perspectives
- Transformations of Corporate Culture
- Transformations of Identity and Society in Anglo-Saxon Essex
- Transformations of Knowledge in Dutch Expansion
- Transformations of Lamarckism : From Subtle Fluids to Molecular Biology
- Transformations of Magic, The
- Transformations of Magic, The
- Transformations of Materials
- Transformations of Religiosity
- Transformations of Romanness
- Transformations of the Supernatural
- Transformations of the Supernatural
- Transformations of Trade Unionism
- Transformations Through Space and Time, vol. 29
- Transformations: Change from Learning to Growth
- Transformations: Mathematical Approaches to Culture Change
- Transformationsanalyse
- Transformative Approaches to New Technologies and Student Diversity in Futures Oriented Classrooms
- Transformative Approaches to Sustainable Development at Universities
- Transformative Assessment
- Transformative Assessment in Action : An Inside Look at Applying the Process