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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS TUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter T (1501-1550 of 17774):
- Teachers on TrialAuthor: GrossPublisher: Gross ©2020ISBN: 9780826487704
- Teachers Versus the Public : What Americans Think about Schools and How to Fix ThemAuthor: Peterson, Paul E.;Henderson, Michael;West, Martin R.Publisher: Peterson, Paul E.;Henderson, Michael;West, Martin R. ©2018ISBN: 9780815725527Unlimited Users
- Teachers Wanted : Attracting and Retaining Good TeachersAuthor: Heller, Daniel A.Publisher: Heller, Daniel A. ©2018ISBN: 9780871208811Unlimited Users
- Teachers' Career Trajectories and Work Lives, vol. 3Author: Chang, Mae Chu;Shaeffer, Sheldon;Al-Samarrai, Samer;Ragatz, Andrew B.;De Ree, Joppe;Shaeffer, Sheldon;Stevenson, RichiePublisher: Chang, Mae Chu;Shaeffer, Sheldon;Al-Samarrai, Samer;Ragatz, Andrew B.;De Ree, Joppe;Shaeffer, Sheldon;Stevenson, Richie ©2016ISBN: 9789048123575
- Teachers' Everyday Use of Imagination and Intuition : In Pursuit of the Elusive ImageAuthor: Jagla, Virginia M.Publisher: Jagla, Virginia M. ©2018ISBN: 97807914209801 Concurrent User
- Teachers' ICT Skills for Pedagogical Integration in a Developing Country: Discripancy between Policy and Practice : Discripancy between Policy and PracticeAuthor: Luwangula, IsmailPublisher: Luwangula, Ismail ©2018ISBN: 9783954890620
- Teachers' Identities and Life Choices, vol. 19Author: Luk-FongPublisher: Luk-Fong ©2016ISBN: 97898140218071 Concurrent User
- Teachers' Interest in Students' Personal Development: The Creation of a New Survey ScaleAuthor: ViolaPublisher: Viola ©2019ISBN: 9780309047920
- Teachers' Learning : Stories of Science EducationAuthor: Wallace, J.;Louden, W.Publisher: Wallace, J.;Louden, W. ©2018ISBN: 97807923625935 Concurrent Users
- Teachers' Perspectives on Finnish School EducationAuthor: Andere MPublisher: Andere M ©2016ISBN: 9783319028231
- Teachers' Professional Development and the Elementary Mathematics Classroom : Bringing Understandings to LightAuthor: Cohen, SophiaPublisher: Cohen, Sophia ©2018ISBN: 9780805842876
- Teachers' Reading/Teachers' LivesAuthor: Rummel, Mary Kay;Quintero, Elizabeth P.;Barry, Anne M.Publisher: Rummel, Mary Kay;Quintero, Elizabeth P.;Barry, Anne M. ©2018ISBN: 9780791434864
- Teachers' Schools and the Making of the Modern Chinese Nation-State, 1897-1937Author: Cong, XiaopingPublisher: Cong, Xiaoping ©2018ISBN: 97807748134711 Concurrent User
- Teachers, Leaders, and Schools : Essays by John DeweyAuthor: Simpson, Douglas J.;Stack, Sam F.Publisher: Simpson, Douglas J.;Stack, Sam F. ©2018ISBN: 97808093299915 Concurrent Users
- Teachers, Mindset, Motivation, and Mastery : Research Translated to K-12 PracticeAuthor: Conley, Amy K.Publisher: Conley, Amy K. ©2018ISBN: 9781475822151
- Teachers, Parents and Classroom BehaviourAuthor: Miller, AndyPublisher: Miller, Andy ©2018ISBN: 9780335211562
- Teachers, Reformed Policy, and Assessment: A Methodological ApproachAuthor: AndersonPublisher: Anderson ©2019ISBN: 9781118661642
- Teacher’s Manual for Building Construction and DesignAuthor: AmbrosePublisher: Ambrose ©2016ISBN: 9781461365655
- Teacher′s Guide to Restorative Classroom Discipline, TheAuthor: Meyer, Luanna H. H.;Evans, William John M. John M.Publisher: Meyer, Luanna H. H.;Evans, William John M. John M. ©2018ISBN: 97814129986111 Concurrent User
- Teaching a psychology of people: Resources for gender and sociocultural awarenessAuthor: Bronstein, Phyllis A.Publisher: Bronstein, Phyllis A. ©2017ISBN: 9781557980397This book is available for download with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Multi-touch books can be read with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Books with interactive features may work best on an iOS device. iBooks on your Mac requires OS X 10.9 or later.
- Teaching Able, Gifted and Talented Children : Strategies, Activities and ResourcesAuthor: Tunnicliffe, ClivePublisher: Tunnicliffe, Clive ©2018ISBN: 9781412947671
- Teaching about Evolution and the Nature of ScienceAuthor: Madaus, George F.;Stufflebeam, Daniel L.;Shinkfield, Anthony J.Publisher: Madaus, George F.;Stufflebeam, Daniel L.;Shinkfield, Anthony J. ©2017ISBN: 9780309063647
- Teaching about evolution and the nature of scienceAuthor: Diaz-Maggioli, GabrielPublisher: Diaz-Maggioli, Gabriel ©2016ISBN: 9780871208590
- Teaching About Hegemony, vol. 17Author: OrlowskiPublisher: Orlowski ©2016ISBN: 97894007141751 Concurrent User
- Teaching about Sex and Sexualities in Higher EducationAuthor: KohlerPublisher: Kohler ©2022ISBN: 97811185515921 Concurrent User
- Teaching about Teaching : Purpose, Passion and Pedagogy in Teacher EducationAuthor: Russell, Tom;Loughran, JohnPublisher: Russell, Tom;Loughran, John ©2018ISBN: 97807507070841 Concurrent User
- Teaching about TechnologyAuthor: de VriesPublisher: de Vries ©2016ISBN: 9783319329444
- Teaching about Technology, vol. 27Author: VriesPublisher: Vries ©2016ISBN: 9781402034091
- Teaching Academic Writing in European Higher Education, vol. 12Author: Berry, Barnett;Byrd, Ann;Wieder, AlanPublisher: Berry, Barnett;Byrd, Ann;Wieder, Alan ©2016ISBN: 9781402012082
- Teaching Across Cultural Strengths : A Guide to Balancing Integrated and Individuated Cultural Frameworks in College TeachingAuthor: Chávez, Alicia Fedelina;Longerbeam, Susan DianaPublisher: Chávez, Alicia Fedelina;Longerbeam, Susan Diana ©2018ISBN: 9781620363232
- Teaching Across Cultures : Building Pedagogical Relationships in Diverse ContextsAuthor: Ikpeze, Chinwe H.Publisher: Ikpeze, Chinwe H. ©2016ISBN: 9789462099814
- Teaching AdolescentsAuthor: SmithPublisher: Smith ©2021ISBN: 97808213805362 Concurrent Users
- Teaching Adult Immigrants with Limited Formal EducationAuthor: Mulkeen, AidanPublisher: Mulkeen, Aidan ©2021ISBN: 9780821380536
- Teaching Adult Literacy: a Teacher Education HandbookAuthor: Hughes, Nora;Schwab, IrenePublisher: Hughes, Nora;Schwab, Irene ©2018ISBN: 9780335237364
- Teaching AdultsAuthor: Rogers, Alan;Horrocks, NaomiPublisher: Rogers, Alan;Horrocks, Naomi ©2018ISBN: 9780335235391
- Teaching Africa, vol. 9Author: Sefa DeiPublisher: Sefa Dei ©2016ISBN: 97814020577002 Concurrent Users
- Teaching against ViolenceAuthor: Durrant, Judith;Holden, GaryPublisher: Durrant, Judith;Holden, Gary ©2022ISBN: 9781412900676
- Teaching Anatomy : A Practical GuideAuthor: Chan, Lap Ki;Pawlina, WojciechPublisher: Chan, Lap Ki;Pawlina, Wojciech ©2016ISBN: 9783319089294
- Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Communicative CompetenceAuthor: World Bank;Chen, DandanPublisher: World Bank;Chen, Dandan ©2021ISBN: 9780821374795
- Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Communicative CompetenceAuthor: ByramPublisher: Byram ©2021ISBN: 9781800410275
- Teaching and Behavior Support for Children and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder : A Practitioner's GuideAuthor: Luiselli, James K.Publisher: Luiselli, James K. ©2018ISBN: 9780199736409
- Teaching and Its PredicamentsAuthor: Cohen, David K.Publisher: Cohen, David K. ©2018ISBN: 9780674051102
- Teaching and Its PredicamentsAuthor: CohenPublisher: Cohen ©2021ISBN: 97806740511021 Concurrent User
- Teaching and LearningAuthor: Sally French, Susan Neville, Jo Laing, Sally French and Jo LaingPublisher: Sally French, Susan Neville, Jo Laing, Sally French and Jo Laing ©2016ISBN: 9780821374795
- Teaching and Learning (Im)PolitenessAuthor: Heller, Daniel A.Publisher: Heller, Daniel A. ©2021ISBN: 9781501508424
- Teaching and Learning CultureAuthor: Morgan, Jill;Ashbaker, BettyPublisher: Morgan, Jill;Ashbaker, Betty ©2016ISBN: 9781118551592
- Teaching and Learning Early NumberAuthor: Thompson, IanPublisher: Thompson, Ian ©2018ISBN: 97803352341101 Concurrent User
- Teaching and Learning English in East Asian Universities : Global Visions and Local PracticesAuthor: Qian, David D.;Li, Lan;Qian, David D;Li, LanPublisher: Qian, David D.;Li, Lan;Qian, David D;Li, Lan ©2018ISBN: 9781443861410
- Teaching and Learning from the Inside Out: Revitalizing Ourselves and Our Institutions : New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 130Author: Golden, Margaret;Golden, MargaretPublisher: Golden, Margaret;Golden, Margaret ©2018ISBN: 97811183652671 Concurrent User
- Teaching and Learning HistoryAuthor: Timmins, Geoff;Vernon, Keith;Kinealy, ChristinePublisher: Timmins, Geoff;Vernon, Keith;Kinealy, Christine ©2018ISBN: 97807619477215 Concurrent Users