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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST UVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter U (5101-5150 of 6863):
- Urban Aboriginal Policy Making in Canadian MunicipalitiesAuthor: PetersPublisher: Peters ©2023ISBN: 9783662438985
- Urban AcupunctureAuthor: LernerPublisher: Lerner ©2016ISBN: 9781597266406
- Urban Agglomeration and Economic GrowthAuthor: OpiePublisher: Opie ©2016ISBN: 97836427939981 Concurrent User
- Urban Agricultural HeritageAuthor: AlexandrovPublisher: Alexandrov ©2022ISBN: 9783035622515
- Urban Air Pollution : Monitoring and Control StrategiesAuthor: Allegrini, Ivo;De Santis, FrancoPublisher: Allegrini, Ivo;De Santis, Franco ©2018ISBN: 97836426470315 Concurrent Users
- Urban Air Pollution and Forests, vol. 156Author: Dan ArielyPublisher: Dan Ariely ©2016ISBN: 9781468495737
- Urban Air Pollution ModelingAuthor: BenariePublisher: Benarie ©2021ISBN: 9780262021401
- Urban Air Quality in Europe, vol. 26Author: Harries-JonesPublisher: Harries-Jones ©2016ISBN: 9783642384509
- Urban Air Quality: Measurement, Modelling and ManagementAuthor: Preethi AnandPublisher: Preethi Anand ©2016ISBN: 9789401037969
- Urban Air Quality: Monitoring and ModellingAuthor: Osborne, ShelleyPublisher: Osborne, Shelley ©2016ISBN: 9789401061551
- Urban Airborne Particulate MatterAuthor: Fielding, Alan F.;Haworth, Paul F.Publisher: Fielding, Alan F.;Haworth, Paul F. ©2016ISBN: 97836421227741 Concurrent User
- Urban AlternativesAuthor: Marder, Orison SwettPublisher: Marder, Orison Swett ©2016ISBN: 97803090532591 Concurrent User
- Urban America ReconsideredAuthor: ImbroscioPublisher: Imbroscio ©2020ISBN: 9781118131237
- Urban and Community Forestry in the NortheastAuthor: Dawkins, RichardPublisher: Dawkins, Richard ©2016ISBN: 9781402042881
- Urban and Regional AgricultureAuthor: Jack H. Kahn, Jean P. Nursten and Howard C. M. CarrollPublisher: Jack H. Kahn, Jean P. Nursten and Howard C. M. Carroll ©2023ISBN: 9780231123501
- Urban and Regional Development PlanningAuthor: RondinelliPublisher: Rondinelli ©2021ISBN: 9781626251205
- Urban Animals : Crowding in ZoocitiesAuthor: Holmberg, ToraPublisher: Holmberg, Tora ©2018ISBN: 9781138832886
- Urban AppetitesAuthor: LobelPublisher: Lobel ©2021ISBN: 9783319138688
- Urban Appropriation StrategiesAuthor: Balde SJPublisher: Balde SJ ©2020ISBN: 97834843658583 Consecutive User Seats
- Urban Archetypes of Jane Jacobs and Ebenezer Howard, TheAuthor: AkkermanPublisher: Akkerman ©2020ISBN: 9781487501266
- Urban Areas and Global Climate ChangeAuthor: Holt, William;Hutchison, RayPublisher: Holt, William;Hutchison, Ray ©2018ISBN: 9781781900369
- Urban Astronomer's Guide, TheAuthor: MollisePublisher: Mollise ©2016ISBN: 97818462821642 Concurrent Users
- Urban Bikeway Design GuideAuthor: Natl Assoc of City Transportation OPublisher: Natl Assoc of City Transportation O ©2016ISBN: 9780226048772
- Urban Biodiversity and Ecological Design for Sustainable CitiesAuthor: Adler, Douglas G.Publisher: Adler, Douglas G. ©2021ISBN: 9784431568544
- Urban Biodiversity and Nature-Based Solutions in Southeast AsiaAuthor: LechnerPublisher: Lechner ©2022ISBN: 9783540785576
- Urban Bird Ecology and ConservationAuthor: Lepczyk, Christopher A.;Warren, Paige S.Publisher: Lepczyk, Christopher A.;Warren, Paige S. ©2018ISBN: 97805202730921 Concurrent User
- Urban Bird Ecology and ConservationAuthor: LepczykPublisher: Lepczyk ©2017ISBN: 9780520273092
- Urban Brain, TheAuthor: RosePublisher: Rose ©2022ISBN: 9781909030244
- Urban Brain: Mental Health in the Vital City, TheAuthor: Nikolas Rose,Des FitzgeraldPublisher: Nikolas Rose,Des Fitzgerald ©2022ISBN: 9780691231648
- Urban change and povertyAuthor: Barnes, Michael P.;Johnson, Garth R.Publisher: Barnes, Michael P.;Johnson, Garth R. ©2016ISBN: 9783540785552
- Urban China in the New EraAuthor: Hore-Lacy, IanPublisher: Hore-Lacy, Ian ©2016ISBN: 97836425422681 Concurrent User
- Urban Chroniclers in Modern Latin AmericaAuthor: MahieuxPublisher: Mahieux ©2021ISBN: 9781402035135
- Urban Church Imagined, TheAuthor: BarronPublisher: Barron ©2020ISBN: 9789400960626
- Urban ClimateAuthor: Abdelaty Salman,Fares Howari andPhilip GoodellPublisher: Abdelaty Salman,Fares Howari andPhilip Goodell ©2020ISBN: 97835405532741 Concurrent User
- Urban Climate Adaptation and MitigationAuthor: Amir Khavarian andAyyoob SharifiPublisher: Amir Khavarian andAyyoob Sharifi ©2023ISBN: 9780387253572Unlimited Users
- Urban Climate Adaptation and MitigationAuthor: Amir Khavarian and Ayyoob SharifiPublisher: Amir Khavarian and Ayyoob Sharifi ©2023ISBN: 97803238555325 Concurrent Users
- Urban Climate Change and Heat IslandsAuthor: Merkel, Broder J.;Planer-Friedrich Dipl-Geol., Britta;Wolkersdorfer, ChristianPublisher: Merkel, Broder J.;Planer-Friedrich Dipl-Geol., Britta;Wolkersdorfer, Christian ©2022ISBN: 97835404392711 Concurrent User
- Urban Climate Mitigation TechniquesAuthor: Santamouris, Mat;Kolokotsa, DeniaPublisher: Santamouris, Mat;Kolokotsa, Denia ©2018ISBN: 9780415712132Unlimited Users
- Urban Climate, The, vol. 28Author: Elliot GindisPublisher: Elliot Gindis ©2016ISBN: 9783540283638Unlimited Users
- Urban Code of China, TheAuthor: HassenpflugPublisher: Hassenpflug ©2021ISBN: 9783034605724Unlimited Users
- Urban CommonsAuthor: BrownPublisher: Brown ©2021ISBN: 9783038216612
- Urban Commons, TheAuthor: O'BrienPublisher: O'Brien ©2020ISBN: 97835408774551 Concurrent User
- Urban competitivenessAuthor: Dahlkamp, Franz J.Publisher: Dahlkamp, Franz J. ©2023ISBN: 9783642080951
- Urban competitivenessAuthor: BrownPublisher: Brown ©2023ISBN: 97818557525591 Concurrent User
- Urban construction project managementAuthor: Lambeck, Richard.Publisher: Lambeck, Richard. ©2012ISBN: 97800715446891 Concurrent User
- Urban Crime, Criminals, and VictimsAuthor: WikströmPublisher: Wikström ©2016ISBN: 9781461390794
- Urban Crime, Criminals, and Victims : The Swedish Experience in an Anglo-American Comparative PerspectiveAuthor: Blumstein, Alfred;Farrington, David P.;Wikström, Per-Olof H.Publisher: Blumstein, Alfred;Farrington, David P.;Wikström, Per-Olof H. ©2018ISBN: 97814613907943 Consecutive User Seats
- Urban Crucible, TheAuthor: NashPublisher: Nash ©2021ISBN: 97806741828821 Concurrent User
- Urban DC MicrogridAuthor: Manuela Sechilariu and Fabrice LocmentPublisher: Manuela Sechilariu and Fabrice Locment ©2016ISBN: 97803877660105 Concurrent Users
- Urban Democracy, vol. 1Author: Schmude, Richard, Jr.Publisher: Schmude, Richard, Jr. ©2016ISBN: 9783810019547