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Showing books starting with the letter U (5801-5850 of 6863):
- Use of Laboratory Animals in Biomedical and Behavioral Research
- Use of Landscape Sciences for the Assessment of Environmental Security
- Use of Language Across the Primary Curriculum
- Use of Language Across the Secondary Curriculum
- Use of Lasers in Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, The
- use of life, The
- Use of lightweight materials in 21st century army trucks
- Use of Lightweight Materials in 21st Century Army Trucks
- Use of Locks in Physical Crime Prevention, The
- Use of Market Data in the Recruitment of High Potentials
- Use of Mass Spectrometry Technology in Clinical Microbiology, The
- Use of Mathematical Literature
- Use of Mathematical Literature : Information Sources for Research and Development
- Use of Mechanistic Information in Risk Assessment, vol. 16
- Use of Microbes for Control and Eradication of Invasive Arthropods, vol. 6
- Use of Microbes for the Alleviation of Soil Stresses : Volume 2: Alleviation of Soil Stress by PGPR and Mycorrhizal Fungi
- Use of Microbes for the Alleviation of Soil Stresses, Volume 1
- Use of Mixed Methods to Identify Teacher and Student Needs: Reflections on a Partnership With a Residential and Day School for Students With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
- Use of Mobile Health Clinics in Community-Based Public Health Interventions
- Use of Multi-State Life Tables in Estimating Places for Biomedical and Behavioral Scientists : A Technical Paper, The
- Use of Narrative Inquiry as an Approach for Exploring Student Accounts About Their Own Learning, The
- Use of Neutron Beams for Materials Research Relevant to the Nuclear Energy Sector
- Use of Organosilanes in BiosensorsRUSH
- use of personal documents in psychological science: Prepared for the Committee on Appraisal of Research, The
- Use of Phenomenological Approach in Evaluating Mentorship Preparation Program in South East Scotland, The
- Use of Poison Gas
- Use of Propensity Score Matching in Administrative Database Research to Study Rare Conditions
- Use of Proxies in Paleoceanography
- Use of Psychoanalytic Concepts in Therapy with Families : For All Professionals Working with Families, The
- Use of Psychological Testing for Treatment Planning and Outcomes Assessment : Volume 2: Instruments for Children and Adolescents, The
- Use of Psychological Testing for Treatment Planning and Outcomes Assessment : Volume 3: Instruments for Adults
- Use of Quinolones in Travel Medicine
- Use of Radioautography in Investigating Protein Synthesis, The
- Use of Radioautography in Investigating Protein Synthesis, The
- Use of Radiotracers to Study Surface Water Processes
- Use of Rapid Syphilis Tests
- Use of reclaimed water and sludge in food crop production
- Use of Recycled Plastics in Eco-efficient Concrete
- Use of Regression Models
- Use of Risk Budgets in Portfolio Optimization, The
- Use of Routine Data in Health Research: An Example From Palliative Care, The
- Use of Satellite and In-Situ Data to Improve Sustainability
- Use of Scripture in the Damascus Document 1-8, 19-20, The
- Use of Self: Gaining Access, Building Trust, and Analyzing Qualitative Data as an “Outsider” Researcher in an Undocumented Mexican Community
- Use of Signing Space in a Shared Sign Language of Australia, The
- Use of Smart Mobile Equipment for the Innovation in Organizational Coordination, The
- Use of Snowball Sampling to Examine the Differences Between First- and Second-Generation Ex-Cult Members’ Disaffiliation Processes, The
- Use of Statistical Modelling to Identify the Factors That Determine Childhood Immunisation, The
- Use of the Delphi Method to Define Criteria for Evaluating Online Climate Change Games, The
- Use of the Diary-Interview Method to Explore Women’s Relationships With Midwives During Childbirth