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Showing books starting with the letter U (6101-6150 of 6863):
- Using Co-Creation Methods to Develop Research Integrity Guidelines
- Using Coarsened Exact Matching Method: Caste- or Religion-Based Social Proximity Influences in CEO Appointments in India
- Using Collaborative Inquiry to Improve Student Engagement and Agency Through Innovative Pedagogy
- Using Collaborative Self-Study Methods to Explore Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Higher Education
- Using Color
- Using Commercial Amateur Astronomical Spectrographs
- Using Communication Technology: Creating Knowledge Organizations
- Using Community-Based Participatory Research to Explore Disaster Preparedness, Response and Recovery in a Hurricane-Induced Hospital Evacuation
- Using Comparative and Cross-National Qualitative Research to Explore the Schooling Experiences and Life Projects of Migrant and Minority Ethnic Youth
- Using Complex Billing Data From a Universal Health Care Payer to Study Cancer Patients
- Using Computational Linguistics to Study Poetic Meter
- Using Computational Text Analysis With Social Media Text
- Using Computer Screen Recordings and Think Aloud Protocols to Study Students' Cognitive Strategies While Working Online
- Using Computer Vision for Crop Analysis and Management: Hummingbird Technologies
- Using Computer Vision Techniques to Study Images from the Web
- Using Computers
- Using Concept Mapping to Capture Faith-Based School Leaders’ Perspectives of Leadership
- Using Conjoint Experiments to Study Preferences in Multidimensional Choice Contexts
- Using Constructivist Grounded Theory in Recruitment of Community-Based and Shelter Dwelling Women Experiencing Brain Injuries From Intimate Partner Violence
- Using Content Analysis and Survey Data to Study Media Framing of Infectious Diseases
- Using Content Analysis of Internet News Article Comments to Understand Climate Change Denial
- Using Content Analysis to Examine News Media Portrayal of Femicide: Sampling and Coding Considerations
- Using Content Analysis to Explore Negative User Expressions on Political Parties’ Facebook Pages
- Using Content Analysis to Measure Media Reputation
- Using Content Analysis to Research How Norms Are Strategically Used in Pro-Refugee Advocacy
- Using Content Analysis to Study the Sociology Curriculum in the United States
- Using Contextual Variables in the Comparative Historical Analysis of the Politics of Migration in Spain and Portugal
- Using Controlled and Field Experiments to Create and Test Digital News Quizzes
- Using Conversation Analysis for Business and Management Students
- Using Conversational Methodology for Market Research: Streetbees
- Using Cost-Effectiveness Analysis to Improve Health Care
- Using Creative Methods in Evaluating Gendered Health Promotion Interventions
- Using Creative Methods in Qualitative Interviews
- Using Creative Qualitative Methods in Evaluating Gendered Health Promotion Interventions
- Using Critial Theories To Develop Understanding Of Health Management
- Using Critical Discourse Analysis in Intellectual Disability Research
- Using Critical Discourse Analysis to Examine Cultures of Denial in the Roman Catholic Church
- Using Critical Discursive Psychology to Examine Carer Discourses About Facilitating Independence for People With Learning Disabilities in UK Services
- Using Cross-Correlations to Analyze Inter-Media Political Agenda Setting
- Using Cross-Sectional Surveys to Evaluate the Effectiveness of an Interpersonal Violence Prevention Program Among Undergraduate Students
- Using Crystallization to Portray the Second-Year Experience: Unveiling the Second-Year Student's Voice
- Using D3 Axes
- Using D3 Scales
- Using Data Analysis and Instrumental Variables to Study the Drivers of Corruption
- Using Data for Monitoring and Target Setting : A Practical Guide for Teachers
- Using Data Management Techniques to Modernize Healthcare
- Using Data Management Techniques to Modernize Healthcare
- Using Data Science for Tick Genome Assembly: Chan Zuckerberg Biohub
- Using Data Science to Create an Annotated Cell Atlas: Chan Zuckerberg Biohub
- Using Data Science to Develop an App for Better Beekeeping: HiveTracks