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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST UVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter U (1101-1150 of 6863):
- Ultradian Rhythms from Molecules to MindAuthor: BrackePublisher: Bracke ©2016ISBN: 97814020835181 Concurrent User
- Ultradian Rhythms in Life ProcessesAuthor: ReyndersPublisher: Reynders ©2016ISBN: 97814471197155 Concurrent Users
- Ultradian Rhythms in Life Processes : An Inquiry into Fundamental Principles of Chronobiology and PsychobiologyAuthor: Lloyd, David;Rossi, Ernest L.Publisher: Lloyd, David;Rossi, Ernest L. ©2018ISBN: 97814471197151 Concurrent User
- Ultrafast All-Optical Signal Processing DevicesAuthor: Ishikawa, HiroshiPublisher: Ishikawa, Hiroshi ©2018ISBN: 9780470518205Unlimited Users
- Ultrafast chemical separationsAuthor: Rengan, Krishnaswamy.Publisher: Rengan, Krishnaswamy. ©2016ISBN: 9783038352495Unlimited Users
- Ultrafast Chemical SeparationsAuthor: Committee on Nuclear and Radiochemistry;Board on Chemical Science and Technology;National Research CouncilPublisher: Committee on Nuclear and Radiochemistry;Board on Chemical Science and Technology;National Research Council ©2018ISBN: 9780750339810
- Ultrafast Dynamical Processes in Semiconductors, vol. 92Author: Alexandru PopaPublisher: Alexandru Popa ©2016ISBN: 9783540402398
- Ultrafast Dynamics In Molecules, Nanostructures And Interfaces - Selected Lectures Presented At Symposium On Ultrafast Dynamics Of The 7th International Conference On Materials For Advanced TechnologiesAuthor: Guglielmo Lanzani;Gagik G Gurzadyan;Cesare Soci;T C SumPublisher: Guglielmo Lanzani;Gagik G Gurzadyan;Cesare Soci;T C Sum ©2018ISBN: 97898145569101 Concurrent User
- Ultrafast Dynamics of Chemical Systems, vol. 7Author: StalmashonakPublisher: Stalmashonak ©2016ISBN: 9789401043953
- Ultrafast Dynamics of Quantum Systems, vol. 372Author: HollemanPublisher: Holleman ©2016ISBN: 97803064592903 Consecutive User Seats
- Ultrafast Lasers and Optics for ExperimentalistsAuthor: James David PickeringPublisher: James David Pickering ©2021ISBN: 97807503365745 Concurrent Users
- Ultrafast Magnetism I, vol. 159Author: Galvan-Tejada, Giselle M.;Peyrot-Solis, Marco Antonio;Jardón Aguilar, Hildeberto;Jardón Aguilar, HildebertoPublisher: Galvan-Tejada, Giselle M.;Peyrot-Solis, Marco Antonio;Jardón Aguilar, Hildeberto;Jardón Aguilar, Hildeberto ©2016ISBN: 9783319077420
- Ultrafast MRIAuthor: DebatinPublisher: Debatin ©2016ISBN: 9783642803864
- Ultrafast Nonlinear OpticsAuthor: Thomson, Robert;Leburn, Christopher;Reid, DerryckPublisher: Thomson, Robert;Leburn, Christopher;Reid, Derryck ©2018ISBN: 9783319033846
- Ultrafast Optics IV, vol. 95Author: Kaiser, Thomas;Zheng, FengPublisher: Kaiser, Thomas;Zheng, Feng ©2016ISBN: 97814684958431 Concurrent User
- Ultrafast Optics V, vol. 132Author: VereeckenPublisher: Vereecken ©2016ISBN: 9780387491172
- Ultrafast Phenomena in Molecular Sciences, vol. 107Author: NekoogarPublisher: Nekoogar ©2016ISBN: 9783319020501This book is available for download with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Multi-touch books can be read with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Books with interactive features may work best on an iOS device. iBooks on your Mac requires OS X 10.9 or later.
- Ultrafast Phenomena in SemiconductorsAuthor: NekoogarPublisher: Nekoogar ©2016ISBN: 97814612656271 Concurrent User
- Ultrafast Phenomena IV, vol. 38Author: NekoogarPublisher: Nekoogar ©2016ISBN: 9783642823800
- Ultrafast Phenomena V2 : Proceedings of the 7th International Conference, Monterey, CA, May 14-17, 1990Author: Goldanskii, Vitalii I.;Schäfer, Fritz P.;Toennies, J. Peter;Zeweil, Ahmed H.Publisher: Goldanskii, Vitalii I.;Schäfer, Fritz P.;Toennies, J. Peter;Zeweil, Ahmed H. ©2018ISBN: 9783642842719
- Ultrafast Phenomena VII, vol. 53Author: Shiloh, Joseph;Mandelbaum, Benjamin;Heyman, EhudPublisher: Shiloh, Joseph;Mandelbaum, Benjamin;Heyman, Ehud ©2016ISBN: 9783642842719
- Ultrafast Phenomena X, vol. 62Author: Auston, David H.;Engl, Walter;Sugano, TakuoPublisher: Auston, David H.;Engl, Walter;Sugano, Takuo ©2016ISBN: 9783642803161
- Ultrafast Phenomena XI, vol. 63Author: ElsaesserPublisher: Elsaesser ©2016ISBN: 97836427229121 Concurrent User
- Ultrafast Phenomena XII, vol. 66Author: ElsaesserPublisher: Elsaesser ©2016ISBN: 97836426251211 Concurrent User
- Ultrafast Phenomena XIV, vol. 79Author: Hubert H. Fernandez, MD|Stephan Eisenchenk, MD|Michael S. Okun, MDPublisher: Hubert H. Fernandez, MD|Stephan Eisenchenk, MD|Michael S. Okun, MD ©2016ISBN: 9783540241102
- Ultrafast Phenomena XIX, vol. 162Author: Sabath, Frank;Mokole, Eric L.Publisher: Sabath, Frank;Mokole, Eric L. ©2016ISBN: 9783319132419
- Ultrafast Phenomena XV, vol. 88Author: SmithPublisher: Smith ©2016ISBN: 9783540687795
- Ultrafast Phenomena XVI, vol. 92Author: Shabalin, Igor L.Publisher: Shabalin, Igor L. ©2016ISBN: 97835409594582 Concurrent Users
- Ultrafast Physical Processes in Semiconductors, vol. 67Author: SurkovPublisher: Surkov ©2016ISBN: 9780387377285
- Ultrafast SpectroscopyAuthor: Joel Yuen-ZhouPublisher: Joel Yuen-Zhou ©2019ISBN: 9780750310635
- Ultrafilters and Topologies on GroupsAuthor: Zelenyuk, YevhenPublisher: Zelenyuk, Yevhen ©2018ISBN: 9783110204223
- Ultrafilters and Topologies on GroupsAuthor: ZelenyukPublisher: Zelenyuk ©2021ISBN: 9783110204223
- Ultrafiltration for BioprocessingAuthor: H. LutzPublisher: H. Lutz ©2016ISBN: 9789048195275
- Ultrafiltration Membrane Cleaning ProcessesAuthor: Gilabert-OriolPublisher: Gilabert-Oriol ©2021ISBN: 97831107150711 Concurrent User
- Ultrafine Cement in Pressure GroutingAuthor: Henn, Raymond W.;Soule, Nathan C.Publisher: Henn, Raymond W.;Soule, Nathan C. ©2018ISBN: 9780784410271
- Ultrafine Particles In The AtmosphereAuthor: L Mick Brown;Nick Collings;Roy Michael Harrison;Robert L Maynard;Andrew D MaynardPublisher: L Mick Brown;Nick Collings;Roy Michael Harrison;Robert L Maynard;Andrew D Maynard ©2018ISBN: 9781860943584
- Ultrafine-Grain Ceramics, vol. 15Author: OtisPublisher: Otis ©2016ISBN: 9781468426458
- Ultrahigh Pressure MineralogyAuthor: Fanet, HervéPublisher: Fanet, Hervé ©2020ISBN: 9780939950485
- Ultrahigh Vacuum PracticeAuthor: G. F. WestonPublisher: G. F. Weston ©2016ISBN: 9789400789487
- Ultrahigh-Pressure MetamorphismAuthor: StoofPublisher: Stoof ©2016ISBN: 9781402087622
- Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphism : 25 Years after the Discovery of Coesite and DiamondAuthor: Dobrzhinetskaya, Larissa;Faryad, Shah Wali;Wallis, Simon;Cuthbert, SimonPublisher: Dobrzhinetskaya, Larissa;Faryad, Shah Wali;Wallis, Simon;Cuthbert, Simon ©2018ISBN: 97801238514441 Concurrent User
- Ultrahigh-Speed Optical Transmission Technology, vol. 3Author: BrackePublisher: Bracke ©2016ISBN: 97835402387821 Concurrent User
- Ultrametric Banach AlgebrasAuthor: Alain EscassutPublisher: Alain Escassut ©2018ISBN: 97898123819415 Concurrent Users
- Ultrametric CalculusAuthor: Schikhof, W.H.Publisher: Schikhof, W.H. ©2018ISBN: 97805212423491 Concurrent User
- UltramicroscopyAuthor: Ishikawa, HiroshiPublisher: Ishikawa, Hiroshi ©2021ISBN: 9780470518205Unlimited Users
- Ultrananocrystalline DiamondAuthor: Rengan, Krishnaswamy.Publisher: Rengan, Krishnaswamy. ©2016ISBN: 9783038352495Unlimited Users
- Ultrananocrystalline DiamondAuthor: Committee on Nuclear and Radiochemistry;Board on Chemical Science and Technology;National Research CouncilPublisher: Committee on Nuclear and Radiochemistry;Board on Chemical Science and Technology;National Research Council ©2016ISBN: 9783038352495Unlimited Users
- Ultrananocrystalline Diamond : Synthesis, Properties and ApplicationsAuthor: Shenderova, Olga A.;Gruen, Dieter M.Publisher: Shenderova, Olga A.;Gruen, Dieter M. ©2018ISBN: 9781437734652
- Ultrapower Axiom, TheAuthor: GoldbergPublisher: Goldberg ©2022ISBN: 97831107196971 Concurrent User
- Ultrarapid Quenching of Liquid Alloys, vol. 20Author: Alexandru PopaPublisher: Alexandru Popa ©2016ISBN: 9783540402398