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Showing books starting with the letter V (1001-1050 of 6163):
- VDI and The Fast Access to Patient Data Challenge
- VDI Heat Atlas
- VDI in BYOD: Boon or Bane?
- VDI-Wasserdampftafeln
- Veblen
- Vector Analysis
- Vector Analysis and Cartesian Tensors
- Vector Analysis for Computer Graphics
- Vector Analysis for Mathematicians, Scientists and Engineers
- Vector Analysis for Mathematicians, Scientists and Engineers : The Commonwealth and International Library: Physics Division
- Vector Analysis Versus Vector Calculus
- Vector and Operator Valued Measures and Applications
- Vector Biology, Ecology and Control
- Vector Bundles and Differential Equations, vol. 7
- Vector Bundles on Complex Projective Spaces
- Vector Bundles on Complex Projective Spaces, vol. 3
- Vector Bundles, vol. 101
- Vector Calculus
- Vector Calculus in Regional Development Analysis
- Vector Control : Methods for Use by Individuals and Communities
- Vector Control of Induction Machines
- Vector Control of Three-Phase AC Machines
- Vector Control of Three-Phase AC Machines
- Vector Fields on Manifolds
- Vector fields on Singular Varieties, vol. 1987
- Vector Measures
- Vector Measures, Integration and Related Topics, vol. 201
- Vector Optimization
- Vector Optimization
- Vector Optimization and Monotone Operators via Convex Duality
- Vector Optimization with Infimum and Supremum
- Vector Optimization, vol. 541
- Vector Quantization and Signal Compression, vol. 159
- Vector Space Measures and Applications II, vol. 645
- Vector Targeting for Therapeutic Gene Delivery
- Vector-Borne Diseases : Understanding the Environmental, Human Health, and Ecological Connections: Workshop Summary
- Vector-borne diseases: understanding the environmental, human health, and ecological connections : workshop summary
- Vector-Valued Functions and their Applications
- Vector-valued Laplace Transforms and Cauchy Problems, vol. 96
- Vector-valued Laplace Transforms and Cauchy Problems, vol. 96
- Vector-Valued Maximin, The
- Vector-Valued Maximin, The, vol. 193
- Vector-Valued Optimization Problems In Control Theory, vol. 148
- Vectorial Optical Fields: Fundamentals And Applications
- Vectorial Pansport of Proteins into and across Membranes, vol. 34
- Vectorization of Computer Programs with Applications to Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Vectors
- Vectors and Matrices
- vectors of mind: Multiple-factor analysis for the isolation of primary traits, The
- Vectors of Plant Pathogens