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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU VWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter V (4901-4950 of 6163):
- VodúnAuthor: LandryPublisher: Landry ©2020ISBN: 9783110013795
- Vogel and Motulsky's Human GeneticsAuthor: ISACAPublisher: ISACA ©2016ISBN: 97835403765381 Concurrent User
- Vogelschutzgesetz für das Deutsche Reich vom 30. Mai 1908Author: Marzano, Robert J.;Simms, Julia A.Publisher: Marzano, Robert J.;Simms, Julia A. ©2021ISBN: 9783112399613
- Vogue for Russia, TheAuthor: MacleanPublisher: Maclean ©2022ISBN: 9783642285653
- Vogue of Managing People in Workplace, TheAuthor: Soumi Majumder,Nilanjan DeyPublisher: Soumi Majumder,Nilanjan Dey ©2024ISBN: 9789819960699
- Voguing on Stage - Kulturelle Übersetzungen, vestimentäre Performances und Gender-Inszenierungen in Theater und TanzAuthor: KraußPublisher: Krauß ©2020ISBN: 97838376526663 Consecutive User Seats
- VOICEAuthor: Forbes Guthrie,Scott LowePublisher: Forbes Guthrie,Scott Lowe ©2021ISBN: 97802620139011 Concurrent User
- Voice Actor's Guide to Recording at Home and on the RoadAuthor: Fisher, Jeffrey P.;Hogan, HarlanPublisher: Fisher, Jeffrey P.;Hogan, Harlan ©2018ISBN: 97815986343345 Concurrent Users
- Voice and Audio Compression for Wireless CommunicationsAuthor: Hanzo, Lajos;Somerville, F. Clare A.;Woodard, JasonPublisher: Hanzo, Lajos;Somerville, F. Clare A.;Woodard, Jason ©2018ISBN: 9780470515815
- Voice and Data Communications Handbook, Third EditionAuthor: Regis J. Bud Bates,Donald W. GregoryPublisher: Regis J. Bud Bates,Donald W. Gregory ©2019ISBN: 9780072122763Unlimited Users
- Voice and Data Internetworking, Second EditionAuthor: Gil HeldPublisher: Gil Held ©2019ISBN: 9780072122169Unlimited Users
- Voice and Its Doubles, TheAuthor: FisherPublisher: Fisher ©2021ISBN: 9780387736600
- Voice and Speech Quality PerceptionAuthor: JekoschPublisher: Jekosch ©2016ISBN: 9783540240952
- Voice and vAuthor: LegatePublisher: Legate ©2019ISBN: 9780262028141
- Voice and VisionAuthor: PynePublisher: Pyne ©2022ISBN: 97831100690511 Concurrent User
- Voice and VisionAuthor: PynePublisher: Pyne ©2022ISBN: 97831100923491 Concurrent User
- Voice and VoteAuthor: McNultyPublisher: McNulty ©2021ISBN: 9783111252704
- Voice Applications for Alexa and Google AssistantAuthor: Dustin CoatesPublisher: Dustin Coates ©2020ISBN: 97816172953175 Concurrent Users
- Voice as Something More, TheAuthor: KahngPublisher: Kahng ©2020ISBN: 9780226656397
- Voice Catchers, TheAuthor: TurowPublisher: Turow ©2021ISBN: 9789027919656
- Voice Catchers: How Marketers Listen In to Exploit Your Feelings, Your Privacy, and Your Wallet, TheAuthor: Joseph TurowPublisher: Joseph Turow ©2021ISBN: 9781705286715
- Voice communication between humans and machinesAuthor: Sechen, CarlPublisher: Sechen, Carl ©2016ISBN: 9783110112634This book is available for download with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Multi-touch books can be read with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Books with interactive features may work best on an iOS device. iBooks on your Mac requires OS X 10.9 or later.
- Voice Compression and Communications: Principles and Applications for Fixed and Wireless ChannelsAuthor: Lajos Hanzo,F. Clare A. Somerville,Jason P. WoodardPublisher: Lajos Hanzo,F. Clare A. Somerville,Jason P. Woodard ©2020ISBN: 9780471150398
- Voice Content and UsabilityAuthor: Preston SoPublisher: Preston So ©2022ISBN: 9781952616020
- Voice Disorders in Athletes, Coaches and other Sports ProfessionalsAuthor: HamdanPublisher: Hamdan ©2021ISBN: 9783030698300
- Voice for Earth : American Writers Respond to the Earth CharterAuthor: Corcoran, Peter Blaze;Wohlpart, A. James;Hollingshead, Brandon P.;Aridjis, Homero;Williams, Terry Tempest;Chowdhry, KamlaPublisher: Corcoran, Peter Blaze;Wohlpart, A. James;Hollingshead, Brandon P.;Aridjis, Homero;Williams, Terry Tempest;Chowdhry, Kamla ©2018ISBN: 9780820331720
- Voice from China, TheAuthor: CHENPublisher: CHEN ©2016ISBN: 9783642408168
- Voice from the NorthAuthor: KimPublisher: Kim ©2021ISBN: 97811181805875 Concurrent Users
- Voice in MotionAuthor: BloomPublisher: Bloom ©2020ISBN: 9781604201796
- Voice in the Headphones, TheAuthor: GrubbsPublisher: Grubbs ©2021ISBN: 9780816602551This book is available for download with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Multi-touch books can be read with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device. Books with interactive features may work best on an iOS device. iBooks on your Mac requires OS X 10.9 or later.
- Voice in the Machine, TheAuthor: PieracciniPublisher: Pieraccini ©2021ISBN: 97802620168581 Concurrent User
- Voice in the Margin, TheAuthor: KrupatPublisher: Krupat ©2021ISBN: 97814612919781 Concurrent User
- Voice Interaction DesignAuthor: Randy Allen HarrisPublisher: Randy Allen Harris ©2016ISBN: 9783540237655
- Voice of Authority: 10 Communication Strategies Every Leader Needs to Know, TheAuthor: Dianna BooherPublisher: Dianna Booher ©2019ISBN: 97800714866992 Concurrent Users
- Voice of Breast Cancer in Medicine and Bioethics, The, vol. 88Author: Sataloff, Robert T.Publisher: Sataloff, Robert T. ©2016ISBN: 9781402045080
- voice of experience, TheAuthor: AnonymousPublisher: Anonymous ©2012ISBN: 9780071838429
- Voice of My Beloved, TheAuthor: MatterPublisher: Matter ©2020ISBN: 9780415109154
- Voice of Newfoundland, TheAuthor: WebbPublisher: Webb ©2021ISBN: 9782287226090
- Voice of Norway, TheAuthor: SkardPublisher: Skard ©2019ISBN: 9780231943260
- Voice of Prophecy, TheAuthor: Brewer, John M.Publisher: Brewer, John M. ©2022ISBN: 9789401064217
- Voice of Silence, TheAuthor: KholmyanskyPublisher: Kholmyansky ©2022ISBN: 9781644695913
- Voice of the Analyst : Narratives on Developing a Psychoanalytic Identity, TheAuthor: Hillman, Linda;Rosenblatt, TheresePublisher: Hillman, Linda;Rosenblatt, Therese ©2018ISBN: 9781138929135
- Voice of the Child : How to Listen Effectively to Young Children, TheAuthor: Gouldsboro, Julia MariaPublisher: Gouldsboro, Julia Maria ©2018ISBN: 9781138636170
- Voice of the Living LightAuthor: BillettPublisher: Billett ©2020ISBN: 9789400719538
- Voice of the LordAuthor: WildesPublisher: Wildes ©2021ISBN: 9781512820744
- Voice of the Old Frontier, TheAuthor: VailPublisher: Vail ©2021ISBN: 97815128201192 Concurrent Users
- Voice of the People, TheAuthor: GibsonPublisher: Gibson ©2022ISBN: 9783110089165
- Voice of the People, TheAuthor: ForbesPublisher: Forbes ©2020ISBN: 9783110596649
- Voice of the People, TheAuthor: BencomoPublisher: Bencomo ©2020ISBN: 9783110013801Unlimited Users
- Voice of the Poor in the Middle Ages, TheAuthor: CohenPublisher: Cohen ©2020ISBN: 9783110092356Unlimited Users